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Posted by: James McClung, January 20th, 2006, 8:24pm
Someone mentioned WriteSafe on the horror thread on this board and I'm interested to know more. For those who may not know, WriteSafe is a website that "registers" and dates your work for a certain period of time. Has anyone used this to "copyright" their work. I'm still unsure as to how legitimate it is. If you do register your work, does it entitle you to copyright protection like the Library of Congress does? Would it hold up in court were some to steal your work?

This is the kind of stuff I'd like to know. Registering works for the Library of Congress is a complicated process that takes months to go into effect. But then it's worth it. But WriteSafe seems much easier, cheaper, and faster, which is usually better. Is it worth a try? Anyone have any thoughts or comments regarding it?
Posted by: George Willson, January 20th, 2006, 8:53pm; Reply: 1
Your work is considered copyrighted through the Library of Congress as soon as it arrives. It is recommended that you send your stuff certified mail (I think), so you get that little card back showing when it was received. While you don't get the paperwork for a few months, that card shows when they got and your copyright is valid from that date.

I don't know anything about WriteSafe, but unless the site is rock bottom cheap, copyright is $30 for life, and the WGA registers for $20 for five years. WGA is recommended more in this industry.

You can do the WGA at or depending on which side of the Mississippi you're located.

You can get copyright info at
Posted by: James McClung, January 20th, 2006, 9:10pm; Reply: 2
I do understand that the LoC is the real deal and I have registered my works there but I do have a problem with the fact that, at a minimum, it takes almost half a year before you're 100% safe showing your work to others and I'm always enthusiastic to see people read my work as soon as I have the script in a state I'm pleased with.

The Writer's Guild of America sounds like a better deal. Can you register online? I assume if you register your work with them, you're safe for five years as far as people stealing your work is concerned, am I right?
Posted by: George Willson, January 20th, 2006, 9:14pm; Reply: 3
Through the WGA, you do get a registration number immediately online after registering.
Posted by: James McClung, January 20th, 2006, 11:30pm; Reply: 4
Thanks, George. Looks like WGA is great for registering things fast. You can always register with the Library of Congress later.
Posted by: Shelton, January 21st, 2006, 1:21am; Reply: 5

I register my stuff with the wga.  It takes about six weeks before you get the certificate, but you get your number immediately.  

That is if you register it online with a credit card.
Posted by: Heretic, January 21st, 2006, 1:23am; Reply: 6
I register with the WGA as well.  Never given me any problems...and the certificates are kinda cool, I guess.
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