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SimplyScripts Screenwriting Discussion Board  /  Getting to know you, getting to know all about you...  /  Who are you?
Posted by: aztec66k (Guest), February 8th, 2006, 1:04am
Although I'm relatively new to this site, I can see that quite a few of you lead interesting lives.  I don't wanna be left out of this little "family" you've got goin, so I just wanna know stuff about you guys.  Anything.  Age, on-off-behind the screen experiences, etc.  It's only polite that i should go first.  id appreciate it because you all seem like a tightly knit bunch.

Raised in a city just outside of Los Angeles.  I grew up playing sports just like any other American kid.  Loved the same girl for five years now; I'm currently a senior in high school.  Played varsity football since sophomore year and likewise with baseball.  I've been boxing amateurly for 3 years.  (26-0-4 thus far).  I've directed one short film which won honors at a crappy film festival.  And... not much of a life- but something nonetheless.  

I'd like to hear from anyone and everyone.
Posted by: R.E._Freak (Guest), February 8th, 2006, 1:19am; Reply: 1
I am Bob. I have issues. I also bite.
Posted by: aztec66k (Guest), February 8th, 2006, 1:27am; Reply: 2
Interesting Bob.  You might wanna get that biting problem check out by a psychologist though. :)
Posted by: sfpunk, February 8th, 2006, 1:30am; Reply: 3
well heres me
i am 18 and go to an engineering school in MA (not MIT, that other one ;)), i want to be an engineer as i like math and science and yeah.. in my spare time i write scripts or i try to :)
i also play counter strike obsessively
and yeah, thats me
i havnt been here that long but yeah its a cool place to chat and get feedback on your work... if you do your share of reading scripts everyone is very welcoming
Posted by: -Ben-, February 8th, 2006, 2:01am; Reply: 4
I like llamas.
Posted by: Alan_Holman (Guest), February 8th, 2006, 2:40am; Reply: 5
9 FOOT UNICORN SED:  "I grew up playing sports just like any other American kid."

MY COMMENT:  I know a lot of Americans who didn't grow up playing sports.  Football confuses the hell out of me.

9 FOOT UNICORN SED:  "I've directed one short film which won honors at a crappy film festival."

MY COMMENT:  If your film won honors at that festival, DO NOT call that festival crappy.  You want to do whatever you can for any group of people who honor anything that you do; that is IMPORTANT.
Posted by: AmericanSyCo (Guest), February 8th, 2006, 3:03am; Reply: 6
I suppose I'll go into mine:

I am 19 and I've lived in Pennsylvania all my life and am now attending Point Park University in Pittsburgh (though I have lived all my life on the opposite side of the state, in Philadelphia).  I see myself as a more superior writer then director, and I hope to someday get paid to do both.  I've made a few short films, co-created a three part web series (though the third has yet to be made), and am currently writing three screenplays right now: two of them I will direct, the other I will not.  They are a sequel to a short I all ready made called "The Island of the Asteroid Monster," a "Max Payne" script that I will direct in a year or two using the resources I have at the school, and a script currently entitled "Ninjas Vs. Pirates" that I found someone else to direct (I know I'd only fuck it up, and I want it to be very good).  The "Asteroid Monster" sequel will be made this summer (as will the finale of the web series, "The Willie & The Grace") and "Ninjas Vs. Pirates" will hopefully be made right after my spring break, which is the first full week in March.  It will be fun as hell to put together, and I hope everyone enjoys it when it appears online, probably in April.

There is also something else I am writing, but I cannot talk very much about it which annoys me to no end as I'm a big fan of tooting my own horn (feel free to insert any obvious jokes there).  On a more personal note, I guess I don't know where to begin...

I'm from a well off family, I have tons of great stories, tons of sad stories, tons of happy stories, and my love life... is interesting to say the least (to some envious, to others, sad).  My favorite shows are currently the American version of "The Office," "Family Guy," and the now-probably-defunct "Stella."  My favorite movies are "Aliens," "Jaws," "The Warriors," and the original "Dawn of the Dead."  My favorite filmmakers, and the ones I try to emulate in my writings, are James Cameron, Walter Hill, and James Gunn (the latter of which I got to meet via the above mentioned awesome secret).  My favorite books are "American Psycho" (obviously), "The Toy Collector," "Batman: Long Halloween," and, my newest love, "Marvel Zombies," a comic mini-series from writer Robert Kirkman of "The Walking Dead" fame.

Also, I am a monster.  I say wildly offensive things, but I never try to offend.  I just think we should all be able to laugh at ourselves.  Finally, on a political note, I am a moderate.  I think both the democrats and the republicans have it all wrong.  Why is it that they always seem to be pointing the finger at one another, when, in fact, everyone shold be trying to gain progress?  Democrats always say republicans have it wrong and republicans always say democrats have it wrong.  There's no more middle ground, and that's a shame.  I mean... can't we all just get along?
Posted by: aztec66k (Guest), February 8th, 2006, 9:11am; Reply: 7
nice guys. and FORGIVE ME alan holdman.  nonetheless, it was a crappy film festival. i could care less if anyone HERE knows, simply because the fact that no one knows my true identity.  I wouldn't do it anywhere else.  secondly, the average American DOES play sports. either way, easy on the techicalities :)
Posted by: Lon, February 11th, 2006, 4:14pm; Reply: 8
Let's see...

I'm 34, a homeless shelter crisis counselor...hooked on anything from the 80s (music, movies, video games, you name it) engaged to my high-school sweetheart.  I have a daughter soon to be five years old...I watch movies obsessively, have been a staff reviewer at a few horror film websites.  I play drums, bass and guitar...I've done illustration work and have written and drawn my own can juggle...jeez, starting to run out of eyeball squeaks when I rub

As far as screenwriting goes, I have a script (linked to in my sig) that was on the verge of being made but had a falling out with my indie-filmmaker pal who was set to direct it.  We'd already received confirmation from indie actresses Brinke Stevens and Debbie Rochon that they would play roles in it...this script was also a finalist at last year's Shriekfest Screenplay Competition.  I've written a total of about fourteen scripts, most of which were pure rubbish but I like to think I've gotten better, even if there are only two of them I have any confidence showing around to anyone.  Right now I'm working on five screenplays (and I wonder why I can never finish anything!) while simultaneously seeing to my old lady, my kid and her two kids.  So, I guess you can say I've got my fingers in a lot of pies.

And I think that's pretty much everything that's fit to print. :)
Posted by: Zombie Sean, February 11th, 2006, 4:32pm; Reply: 9

Well, as you can see, I love zombies. Zombies zombies zombies zombies zombies.

I think I've made my point.

Posted by: James McClung, February 11th, 2006, 5:15pm; Reply: 10
I'm an English major in the middle of nowhere. I hate college with a passion and hope to transfer next year so I can study film. I'm a city boy too so I'd prefer to transfer some place where there's actually stuff to do. I was the sound mixer on a short film about a guy who overdoses on sleeping pills.

As for me and screenwriting, I'm the stereotype. A movie dork with dillusions of changing the face of Hollywood. Scratch that. A movie dork who WILL change the face of Hollywood. As you can see, I can be a little full of myself sometimes but that's the way us writers have to think if we hope to break into the business.
Posted by: Impulse, February 11th, 2006, 6:03pm; Reply: 11
I'm 16 and a wannabe filmmaker screenwriter. I've made two short films but they won't see the light of day again. I want to go to film school when I graduate highschool. I haven't written anything worth mentioning because I'm really harsh on my work and I've submitted one script here (even that isn't really good). I'm really obsessed with movies, some genres more than others. I don't like gory horror movies though I'm sure some of them are good if only I could get passed the bloody entrails. Yeah.. that's me.
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