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SimplyScripts Screenwriting Discussion Board  /  Movie, Television and DVD Reviews  /  Perfect Disaster
Posted by: Zombie Sean, March 19th, 2006, 10:55pm
Well it seems that Discovery Channel has another "End of the World" show to tell us how and when the world would end or at least go into a chaotic state. It has facts in the show while showing us an hour long movie on how a certain disaster will destroy a city, country, the world, etc.

The first episode is about a super tornado (F6 I'm sure) ripping through the city of Dallas. It talks about how it will touch down without anyone knowing it and would completely destroy Dallas, reaching over 350 mph winds and going into the category of a F6. Though the computer graphics are poor (then again, what computer graphics on Discovery Channel are good?) it is still pretty interesting to watch.

The episode after the mega tornado is about how a solar storm and how a huge blast of solar energy will blow away from the sun towards earth, knocking out all the electrical power in all the major cities around the world. Again, it's a 1-hour long movie with its facts on what would happen if a solar storm did hit Earth. It talks about how anything that runs on electricity will be effected and will stop working or screw up (planes' engines stop working, subways crash into each other, stop lights quit working, etc.) It seems like pretty scary stuff.

Some of this stuff is too scientific to explain, but it is an interesting show and I am enjoying it. Next week is supposed to be a hurricane or monsoon or something.

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