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Posted by: Alfred Hitchcock, May 13th, 2006, 9:05am
I figured I might aswell post this here to.

As some of you may know, I'm a 15 year old guy. I have a quite active life with friends and soccer and all the usuall stuff. But I have great passion for films and books. And i started reading when I was about 11 to 12. In many cases it's that a kid my age who reads does nothing else. No sports, not many friends and stuff like that. And there's not many people who are able to even those two elements out. I have succeeded in that. And early on I decided to write down all the books I read in choronilogical order on a small four page piece of paper from a schoolbook. Today I finished a book and there was no more room on the piece of paper. I then decided to post the list here along with a few lines of my thoughts about the book. I leave it up to you to think about what you wanna say in your reply to this post.

Quoted Text
Books I've read in chronilogical order.

J.K Rowling _ __________ Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone
___________ __________ Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
___________ __________ Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

___________ ____________ Thoughts: I'm a bit ashamed on having started my
___________ ____________________ love for reading with Harry Potter like
___________ ____________________ so many other kids. But it's just how it
___________ ____________________ worked out. I got the book for christmas
___________ ____________________ by my aunt and i read it in a couple of
___________ ____________________ days. I liked it and I discovered a certain
___________ ____________________ plesuare in reading a story. I started on
___________ ____________________ the fourth one but after a while of reading
___________ ____________________ it I decided that for now I'm above the Harry
___________ ____________________ Potter reading level. now I'm not saying that
___________ ____________________ I'll never read the rest. Because I might
___________ ____________________ some day. But for now I'm not going to.

J.R.R. Tolkien __________ The Hobbit
___________ __________ The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring
___________ __________ The Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers
___________ __________ The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King

___________ ____________ Thoughts: I started with The Hobbit because going from
___________ ____________________ easy read Harry Potter books to the second
___________ ____________________ most read book in the world after the bible
___________ ____________________ was a bit much. I found the writing to be
___________ ____________________ very easy read and exiting. And the way it
___________ ____________________ was written with the maps in the front and
___________ ____________________ the back of the book where you could follow
___________ ____________________ the journey was quite brilliant! Some very
___________ ____________________ unforgettable characters in these books and
___________ ____________________ I've read The Hobbit twice already. I might
___________ ____________________ read Lord of The Rings again. I've already
___________ ____________________ tried twice. But I never get through the
___________ ____________________ first book before I stop for some reason.

Robert Lewis Stevenson _ _ Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde

___________ ____________ Thoughts: I suppose this was the first book I read
___________ ____________________ which I hadn't seen a movie version of. Quite
___________ ____________________ a big step I thought. Quite difficult to but
___________ ____________________ the story was facinating in its own way and
___________ ____________________ scary at times to actually. I will most
___________ ____________________ definately read it again some day to fully get
___________ ____________________ the story.

Jules Verne ____________ The Mysterious Island
___________ __________ Journey to The Center of The Earth

___________ ____________ Thoughts: OK! So I do admit that it kinda sucked to
___________ ____________________ read about the death of Nemo in my FIRST book
___________ ____________________ written by Jules Verne. But I had seen the
___________ ____________________ film The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen so
___________ ____________________ I knew who the character was sort of speak.
___________ ____________________ The Mysterious Island is without a doubt one
___________ ____________________ of the best books I have ever read. The way
___________ ____________________ it was written and the constant mystery of
___________ ____________________ what was going on on that island was very
___________ ____________________ exiting to read. And the amount of science
___________ ____________________ and the things I learned from the book...WOW!
___________ ____________________ I was completely amazed. And I don't regret
___________ ____________________ reading it first. Journey to The Center of
___________ ____________________ The Earth was a facinating little story and
___________ ____________________ quite claustrofobic in parts. I really
___________ ____________________ enjoyed it.

James Woods __________ King Pulp: The Wild World of Quentin Tarantino

___________ ____________ Thoughts: Not much to say about this one. Me being an
___________ ____________________ extremely big Tarantino fan (but I like other
___________ ____________________ movies to of course) enjoyed this one to the
___________ ____________________ limit.

Peter O'Donnel _________ Sabre-Tooth

___________ ____________ Thoughts: Ah Modesty Blaise. I was already a fan of the
___________ ____________________ comic a while before I read this. I was made
___________ ____________________ a fan by the Scott Spiegel film. This book
___________ ____________________ was quite the adventure with some very tough
___________ ____________________ bad guys which I enjoyed reading about. And
___________ ____________________ the ending was perfect I think.

A novel by
Max Allan Collins
based on a screenplay
by Robert Rodat ________ Saving Private Ryan (novelization)

___________ ____________ Thoughts: I love reading about wars. Unfortunately I
___________ ____________________ haven't found many books which are novels and
___________ ____________________ about war. But I did find this one. And I
___________ ____________________ liked it very much. Quite different from the
___________ ____________________ movie and the way the battles was described
___________ ____________________ was nothing short but perfect.

H.G. Wells __ __________ The Invisible Man
___________ __________ The Time Machine

___________ ____________ Thoughts: I don't like Wells. I don't like his way of
___________ ____________________ writing. It's hard and WAY to boring! I spent
___________ ____________________ a whole month on every one of his books I
___________ ____________________ read. And after I was done I didn't feel
___________ ____________________ anything special. Like Jules Verne he puts
___________ ____________________ science in his books to but not as well put
___________ ____________________ as Verne. And the main difference between
___________ ____________________ Wells and Verne is that Verne knows how to
___________ ____________________ keep the reader interested. Wells seems like
___________ ____________________ he skipped that chapter when he studied
___________ ____________________ writing. The only reason I fought my way
___________ ____________________ through three of his books was because I
___________ ____________________ felt obligated to. These books are considered
___________ ____________________ classics and I am also able to see why people
___________ ____________________ say that. But this doesn't change the fact
___________ ____________________ that I don't like his writings.
Posted by: Alfred Hitchcock, May 13th, 2006, 9:08am; Reply: 1
Frank Miller____________ Sin City The Hard Goodbye
___________ __________ Sin City A Dame to Kill For
___________ __________ Sin City The Big Fat Kill
___________ __________ Sin City That Yellow Bastard
___________ __________ Sin City Family Values
___________ __________ Sin City Booze, Broads & Bullets
___________ __________ Sin City Hell and Back (a Sin City Love Story)

___________ ____________ Thoughts: Read long enough in the Sin City graphic
___________ ____________________ novels. And you can find...anything. Ok
___________ ____________________ they're graphic novels and not real books but
___________ ____________________ I included them none the same. I consider them
___________ ____________________ as books. The twisted characters and the story
___________ ____________________ and the city is very "cool" to read about and
___________ ____________________ most certanly enjoyable

H.G. Wells_ __________ War of The Worlds

___________ ____________ Thoughts: Bo-ring!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I litteraly fell
___________ ____________________ asleep after every two pages! Litteraly! I was
___________ ____________________ reading in bed and I could only get two pages
___________ ____________________ each night. The only thing which I liked and
___________ ____________________ actually found quite facinating about the book
___________ ____________________ was the beginning and the end. In the epilouge
___________ ____________________ the writer actually got me beliving that this
___________ ____________________ actually happened in real life. It was that
___________ ____________________ realisticly written. But when he wrote that a
___________ ____________________ specimen was stored in a museum then I realized
___________ ____________________ that it couldn't have happened. But kudos to
___________ ____________________ Wells for making me belive it even for a short
___________ ____________________ while.

Peter O'Donnel _______ Bellman

___________ ____________ Thoughts: Just another Modesty Blaise story. But this
___________ ____________________ doesn't change the fact that I liked it of
___________ ____________________ course.

Jules Verne __________ A Voyage in a Balloon

___________ ____________ Thoughts: Verne and his weird short stories. What can
___________ ____________________ I say about this one? It's about some guy who
___________ ____________________ gets his balloon hijacked and wounds up
___________ ____________________ jumping to his death! I do admit reading
___________ ____________________ about it was very claustrofobic. A good
___________ ____________________ little short.

Frank Miller__________ Frank Miller: The Art of Sin City

___________ ____________ Thoughts: Just a fact book about the art in Sin City.
___________ ____________________ Not really interesting for someone who's not
___________ ____________________ into the Sin City comics.

Jules Verne __________ Dr. Ox's Experiment

___________ ____________ Thoughts: I honestly don't remember what this one was
___________ ____________________ about! It was about this town or something
___________ ____________________ and about some sort of gas or something? I
___________ ____________________ mean it was the weirdest thing i have ever
___________ ____________________ read. But after I finished I somehow felt
___________ ____________________ that I had read something special.

Frank Miller____________ 300
___________ __________ Ronin
___________ __________ Frank Miller's Sin City: The Making of The Movie

___________ ____________ Thoughts: 300 was interesting to read but a bit
___________ ____________________ confusing the first time. The obvious
___________ ____________________ connection of "Where to figh" to the Sin
___________ ____________________ City story The Big Fat Kill was something
___________ ____________________ which got me interested. it was better the
___________ ____________________ second time I read it. I guess I'm gonna have
___________ ____________________ to see the movie to make up a real opinion
___________ ____________________ about it. Ronin was very interesting and fun
___________ ____________________ in parts to read. but it could get boring and
___________ ____________________ the ending was to confusing. an aquired taste
___________ ____________________ (aquired taste. heh.) for the average comic
___________ ____________________ book reader. Sin City: The Making of The
___________ ____________________ Movie is something I really enjoyed a lot to
___________ ____________________ read! It told you pretty much everything
___________ ____________________ you'd want to know about the movie and the
___________ ____________________ production. And with a special introduction
___________ ____________________ by Frank Miller plus the script for the
___________ ____________________ movie! A great read for the one who's
___________ ____________________ interested!

Jules Verne __________ 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea

___________ ____________ Thoughts: The long awaited masterpiece by Jules Verne
___________ ____________________ which I had heard so much about! My
___________ ____________________ conclusion: Good!...Very good! It didn't blow
___________ ____________________ me away but It didn't dissapoint me. I was quite
___________ ____________________ facinated by the character of Nemo and the
___________ ____________________ dark ending. And something I really liked was
___________ ____________________ that it ended in my country! Norway! Yay!

Frank Miller__________ Batman Year One

___________ ____________ Thoughts: The graphic novel Batman Begins was based on.
___________ ____________________ Way to short that's what it was! What was in
___________ ____________________ the book was top notch and a very good Batman
___________ ____________________ story but also way to short. A gritty style
___________ ____________________ and good characters we wanna learn more about.

Jeph Loeb _ __________ Batman: The Long Halloween

___________ ____________ Thoughts: I think it's the best Batman story I have
___________ ____________________ ever read. The length and the clear crisp
___________ ____________________ drawings and the mysterious characters and
___________ ____________________ the mystery of who's the killer is enough to
___________ ____________________ drive you insane with anticipation of the
___________ ____________________ final conclusion! A perfect Batman.

Tom Clancy __________ Clear and Present Danger

___________ ____________ Thoughts: ...It was ok. I didn't really enjoy it as
___________ ____________________ much as the others and it was a bit hard to
___________ ____________________ read. But as all Clancy novels it does have
___________ ____________________ its moments. And it told me more about the
___________ ____________________ Rainbow Six character Domingo Chavez!

Anthony Burgess_______ A Clockwork Orange

___________ ____________ Thoughts: Let the stooooormy clouds CHASE! Every
___________ ____________________ ooooooone from the PLACE! Cos Im singin!
___________ ____________________ Just singin in the raaaaain!!!! I'm from
___________ ____________________ Norway. English is not my native language.
___________ ____________________ Yet I speak it perfectly. And I thought
___________ ____________________ reading this book in Norwegian would really
___________ ____________________ ruin it. So I got it in English. With the
___________ ____________________ final chapter. I'm one of those people who
___________ ____________________ thinks it's better with the chapter and not
___________ ____________________ without it. Damn that american publishist for
___________ ____________________ butchering this book! It was one of the most
___________ ____________________ easy read books ever and I finished in three
___________ ____________________ days without much effort. How can such a
___________ ____________________ masterpiece exist? Alex' sick mind and the
___________ ____________________ twisted time he lives in was extremely
___________ ____________________ facinating. What struck me with it was how
___________ ____________________ easy it was to read it despite the fact that
___________ ____________________ it wasn't really in English either. I have
___________ ____________________ come to realize that the easyest books to
___________ ____________________ read are these fake biographies of people.
___________ ____________________ Maybe it's because of the way it's told and
___________ ____________________ that we really get to know the character
___________ ____________________ which makes it so easy and fast and fun to read
___________ ____________________ it.[/quote]
Posted by: Alfred Hitchcock, May 13th, 2006, 9:09am; Reply: 2

Quoted Text
Stephen King__________ The Shining

___________ ____________ Thoughts: I don't wanna talk about this one to much
___________ ____________________ because it will turn into a rant against the
___________ ____________________ book. All I can tell you is that I was deeply
___________ ____________________ dissapointed and that I probably wont be
___________ ____________________ reading a lot of Stephen King in the future...
___________ ____________________ ..I mean come on! It's supposed to be horror
___________ ____________________ but it's not! It's a god damn drama! And boring
___________ ____________________ to! I mean....I'll stop there.

Ingvar Ambjørnsen ____ Fugledansen

___________ ____________ Thoughts: This is a Norwegian book. I don't think it's
___________ ____________________ been translated to english yet. It's about the
___________ ____________________ weird character of Elling (the movie:
___________ ____________________
___________ ____________________ and his experience in Spain and in a "crazy
___________ ____________________ house" in Norway outside of Oslo. Man oh man
___________ ____________________ how I enjoyed this book. Like A Clockwork
___________ ____________________ Orange it's a fake biograpy and is told
___________ ____________________ enteierly in his point of view. And with
___________ ____________________ Elling's slanted view on life this only makes
___________ ____________________ it more interesting to read about. Him being
___________ ____________________ a sick man he makes up thoughts about people
___________ ____________________ and what they might think about him but what
___________ ____________________ we never hear is what other people actually
___________ ____________________ think of him. Which creates a claustrofobic
___________ ____________________ atmosphere and only makes us wanna keep
___________ ____________________ reading. There are four books about Elling so
___________ ____________________ far and I know after reading this one I'm
___________ ____________________ gonna have to read the rest. There has been
___________ ____________________ made three movies about Elling and I have
___________ ____________________ only seen the two first and I've decided not
___________ ____________________ to see the third one untill I've read the
___________ ____________________ book. Because I think that when I like a
___________ ____________________ book and a character as much as this it's
___________ ____________________ better to read the actual story first and
___________ ____________________ get the real story before you see the movie
___________ ____________________ adaption.

I'm currently reading:

The Bourne Identity books,
Batman The Dark Knight Returns
Batman: The Dark Knight Strikes Again.

Books I own and haven't gotten to yet:

Red Storm Rising
The Cardinal of the Kremlin
The Sum of All Fears
Without Remorse
Debt of Honor
The Bear and the Dragon
Red Rabbit

The 13 1/2 Lives of Captain Blue Bear

Robinson Crusoe (i started on this one and was so bored i couldn't finish)

David Copperfield


Quentin Tarantino: The Man And His Movies

Utsikt Til Paradiset
Brødere I Blodet
Elsk Meg I Morgen

From the Earth to the Moon
Around The Moon
Off on a Comet
Topsy Turvy

Treasure Island

Tom Sawyer
Huck Fnn

Hard Boiled

Batman: Dark Victory

Catwoman: When in Rome

V for Vendetta

V for Vendetta (novelazation)


Schindlers List

The Odyssey

The Day of the Jackal


Starship Troopers

Animal Farm
Posted by: ghost, May 16th, 2006, 1:31pm; Reply: 3
you read a lot more books than i do.

and it sure seems like you like sin city. maybe you just like frank miller tho.
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