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SimplyScripts Screenwriting Discussion Board  /  Getting to know you, getting to know all about you...  /  Max Payne Casting Today!
Posted by: AmericanSyCo (Guest), June 26th, 2006, 6:31pm
Recently a company in Canada called World Broadcast TV e-mailed me to ask if they could use my "Max Payne" script to film.  At first I was a bit skeptical.  Now, though, it seems like this thing is really going to happen.  But first, we need actors.

To anyone in Alberta, Canada, there will be auditions held at the Coast Terrace Inn tommorrow (June 27th) from 12 noon to 8 p.m. (Pacific Time).  Check it out, as all parts need to be cast.  Excerpts from the script (the 2nd draft of which can be read on this site) will be supplied for any participants.

Actual filming will begin July 5th.

Once the casting is done, I'll change the title of this thread and just use it to keep constant updates for anyone interested.

This script has gone through quite the epic journey.  I wrote it on a whim as a short that than turned into a project for my short script class.  From there, it turned into a feature length film for a completely different class.  My original idea was to use this script to film as my final for college in three years.  Now, though, an Indie production company is willing to make it now with actual sets, and props, and actors.  Only drawback: I can't direct, but no biggie.  I'm very much looking forward to the finished product.


-Graham P.
Posted by: Balt (Guest), June 26th, 2006, 10:39pm; Reply: 1
Take Two could sue, couldn't they? What kind of production values do these people have if they are gonna start casting tomorrow and then a week later start filming?  I think these are all things mapped out prior to deadlines made before hand.

Well, best of luck and congrats and all that.
Posted by: AmericanSyCo (Guest), June 27th, 2006, 8:18am; Reply: 2
Yes, it is a tad bit rushed, though the company is coming off of a production which fell through, so they all ready have many props and sets prepared.  Also, I should note that initial filming will be mostly scenes featuring only Payne with the larger action set pieces being filmed later.

As for a possible lawsuit, this movie will make no profit and will instead be a fan-made movie along the lines of "Batman: Dead End" (in which Batman fought both a Xenomorph and a Predator) or "Freddy Vs. Ghostbusters."  It is simply a project to showcase talent, whether it be for the director, actors, or the writer.
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