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Posted by: dogglebe (Guest), September 20th, 2007, 7:26pm
Posted by: Blakkwolfe, September 20th, 2007, 8:17pm; Reply: 1

No, that's not a Coors Light sitting on my desk. Sigh. Yes. Yes it is.

I'd be happy to trade it for a colonial spruce-tipped blackberry porter, though.

Congrats on the CNN call out!

Posted by: bert, September 20th, 2007, 8:24pm; Reply: 2
60 GALLONS!?!  That's just nutty, man.

Now that I live up north, I am drinking these little 7 oz. bottles of Rolling Rock.

And damn but they disappear fast...
Posted by: Kotton, September 20th, 2007, 10:24pm; Reply: 3
One of those brewers is Phil Clarke, who lives in New York City and works at Maltose Express, a home brew supply store in Monroe, Connecticut. He devotes a whole room in his apartment to the craft, making British ales and German lagers, a little mead and even some wine. Clarke says he brews about 60 gallons of beer a year. But he doesn't keep it all for himself.

"A lot of it goes to competition," Clarke says. "I probably drink about a third of it."

He leans toward Scotch ales, fruit beers and smoked beers. Once he made a prize-winning blackberry porter and he's also won for a beer using spruce tips, an idea he got, he says, from a technique used during the colonial era.

"I like my strong scotch ale, that's my signature beer," Clarke said. "Scotch ales are all malt, they're very chewy, very sweet, lot of character and depth."

--Quote from the CNN story

Damn, I want to party at your place!

So when is it? I'll bring the fruit salad, (spiked with V and JD of course)

Congrats on the story though either way.

Posted by: sniper, September 21st, 2007, 1:40am; Reply: 4

Quoted from CNN
Clarke says he brews about 60 gallons of beer a year. But he doesn't keep it all for himself. "I probably drink about a third of it."

While it sounds like a lot it at first glance (and I was getting kinda worried there, Phil), 20 gallons adds up to about 230 bottles of beer where I come from - that's not even 1 beer a day per year.
Posted by: Kotton, September 21st, 2007, 3:32am; Reply: 5
Yeah but he drinks it all in one day!

So he's my hero

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