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SimplyScripts Screenwriting Discussion Board  /  Getting to know you, getting to know all about you...  /  Greetings!
Posted by: kidd8th, July 15th, 2008, 12:57am
Hi, I guess since I've been reading and posting on certain things on the board I could at least introduce myself.

My name is Kevin (Although I use the name E.Nigma), and I'm originally from New Orleans. Since the hurricane, I've relocated to Texas, which I've now made my permanent home.

Let's see, I've been writing for 3 years now, and it actually started off as a hobby. I used to review movies and music on an old website I ran, when somebody challenged me to write a script. They said they wanted to see if I could do better since all I did was rip movies apart (the bad movies). Anyways, i studied a few sites, and read a few scripts, and that's when I came up with "The Afflicted". I broke it up in sections and released a few scenes every week on my site, and it clearly became the most popular piece on the site. When I wrote it, it was just for fun, but my friend, who saw nothing but dollar signs, convinced me to try and sell the script.

Anyways, "The Afflicted" made its way into the hands of a HDNET producer. He loved the script, and passed it along to the higher ups, but just as I thought, it wasn't HDNet material. He tried to pass it on to a few of his other producer friends, but it didn't draw much interest from them, although they said it was decent work. That is the closest I have been to selling something. I did write a series called "Diva" for HDNet at their request, but it wasn't the demographic they were looking for, and they turned it down. (However, if they would have told me they were looking for something in the 30-54 male range, I probably wouldn’t have submitted a series about a 20 something old pop singer).

Anyways, that's pretty much my story. I now release my work on my site which I have a small following of people who enjoy reading what's on my mind. I came to this site cause most the people who visit my site are people who enjoy stories, but are not experienced enough to give me feedback on formatting, and other things necessary to make a script really good. I'm not as skilled as some of the work which I've seen here, but I hope everyone will give me a chance and help me to develop my skills. I normally only write what I know about, so I probably won’t win points for originality here, but I have a few decent ideas that I want to put on paper after my skills are developed to the point where I’m ready.

BTW before anyone asks, yes I use the name E.Nigma, but it actually works. When I was sending out letters to agents, I couldn’t get a response with my given name. It wasn’t till I started using the name E.Nigma, that agents started replying back to me.  I actually stole that idea from Jamie Foxx, who did the same thing at a comedy club one night. His real name was too plain, so he decided to go by the name Jaime Foxx, and that’s where it all started for him. I figure agents get thousands of letters a day, when they see a unique name like “E.Nigma”, just the curiosity of it should get the letter read.

Anyways, I just wanted to introduce myself, and say hi, and I hope to read more of everyone’s work here. Thanks…
Posted by: Takeshi (Guest), July 18th, 2008, 5:53pm; Reply: 1
Welcome aboard, Kevin. It sounds like you've come to the right place.
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