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Posted by: Sandra Elstree., July 29th, 2008, 1:04am

It's good that we argue. It's good that we fight. It's good that we see things differently.

If we didn't, we wouldn't have a world. We'd all just be big piles of glowing, loving, "ooh it all feels good" piles of mush.

Tonight, I went in search of "The X Files" review thread. I couldn't find it. It's getting late; so I'll just put my opinions here.

I haven't watched any of the X Files yet. "What!!!!?" you say.

Yes, it's true. I was always working and I just wasn't much for television. Crazy eh?

So I went to the movies and saw my first X Files on Sunday, July 27, 2008.

I really enjoyed it and I'll tell you why:

It's not just a story. Yes, we have the plot which includes trying to find a missing girl, but what's the real big deal about this show?

It has a following... (Though I wasn't following it.)

Alien stuff is pretty cool for those interested in conspiracy theories. (But I don't weigh my critiques on whether something is above or below the line of reason) ...

So why did I like it?

Because of two things:


It dug into the psychic's,( the pedophile's) character and his nature.

It really showed how this guy-- this hated guy who preyed on young boys and abused them actually HATED HIMSELF.  He didn't make himself the way he was, but that was him.

I felt like: Thank goodness someone is tackling this moral dilemma. And here-- they were being frank.

When Father Joe said, "I even castrated myself..." I felt like this show was being true to "the way things are".

Father Joe, the pedophile, hated himself. He prayed for his redemption and it's obvious: He didn't ask to be made the way he was.

Of course many of us can't fathom the "Father Joe Sins". We might be regular citizens. We might go to church on Sunday... etc... and BIG ETC... But we have our faults and sins. And we might ask:

Who created them?

Did we create the DNA we were born with?

What causes a little baby to become the perfect teacher... OR:

The perfect pedophile?

The reason I liked this movie is because we were shown that even pedophiles aren't all bad.

In this movie, we were shown how stem cell research, which obviously has its good sides, has its bad side-- the "Frankenstein modality."

For me, this was a very good movie.

Posted by: mcornetto (Guest), July 29th, 2008, 1:22am; Reply: 1
If you do decide to give the show a try, I recommend the 3rd season.  It had some of the best writing I have ever seen on television.
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