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Posted by: Sandra Elstree., August 2nd, 2008, 11:18pm

Today, we traveled to the Rocky Mountain Army Cadet Camp to pick up my daughter for a day so she could have a little bit of a change of pace.

It was one of those days where all this good story material was hitting me. Figures!!! Leave the computer and bam!!!!

Did I have my notebook? No. Well, some of it I remember, but some of it feels lost-- like when you just can't quite grasp hold of that dream you had. It's kind of there, but kind of not.

So anyways, I thought I'd remind everyone to carry a notebook with them. Snatch some time, wherever you may be, and it might really help you to move your story along.

Posted by: MacDuff, August 3rd, 2008, 12:51am; Reply: 1
Totally agree.

It's amazing when an idea or a solution to a problem you've been having on one of your scripts suddenly pops into your head.

It took me a long time before I started to bring a notepad around with me.

My biggest issue is right before I drift off to sleep. That's when my creative side explodes into life and ideas/solutions flow through my consciousness. I'd say only 4/10 times do I remember in the morning.

My next leason is to pop the light on and scribble down my thoughts before I drift off to sleep.
Posted by: Sandra Elstree., August 3rd, 2008, 1:22am; Reply: 2

Absolutely! I've had times where I said to myself: Remember! Remember!

But if you are in a twilight state-- sometimes it doesn't happen; so a person
has to haul themselves out of bed to write.

Thanks for adding this. I'm grabbing my notebook now.


Posted by: Zombie Sean, August 3rd, 2008, 10:32am; Reply: 3
I actually had my first case of having an idea and writing it down on a piece of paper while I was an extra on the set of this movie. My friends and I were joking around, and I was like, "That'd be a funny idea," so I wrote it down, and now I have all this stuff that I can add to it.

I should start bringing a notebook with me more often.

Posted by: Old Time Wesley, August 3rd, 2008, 9:49pm; Reply: 4
A good idea is to convince yourself that what you thought of wasn't that good to begin with and you're not that disappointed.

I could never convince myself to forget the idea.

Entire dialogue parts and such are usually the only things I can remember of my ideas if I don't write it down.
Posted by: Pard, August 4th, 2008, 2:38am; Reply: 5
I too have started to keep a notepad on me, or, if I don't have it on me, I use the 'note' or 'reminder' function on my cell phone to write a quick note, very useful alternative to a notepad.
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