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Posted by: The boy who could fly, September 7th, 2008, 8:20pm
I saw a trailer for this, and while I watched it I knew this will be the most trashed movie of the year, and it won't be because if it's bad or not, it's because it's a movie made by republicans and stars the few republican actors in Hollywood.

It looks like a spoof on Michael Moore and boy do they have him down, this shows who and what Michael Moore really is.

The movie stars republican actors, James Woods, Dennis Hopper, Kelsey Grammar, Robert Davi, and Jon Voight.

I already know what every single negative response to this film will be, I seen them already on IMDB and the movie hasn't even come out yet.

I know this will bomb, and David Zucker has said this movie will probably get him blacklisted, which is a shame, he brought us airplane, Top secret,  ruthless people and the naked gun films.  This one looks like it's on that level and I can't wait to see it.
Posted by: James McClung, September 7th, 2008, 10:35pm; Reply: 1
Bout time someone made an entire movie dedicated to bashing Michael Moore, not to mention putting a new spin on an American classic. It's also got some of the best Republican actors in the biz making appearances and Chris Farley's brother actually looks like Michael Moore. Still, the trailer looks like it's got some of the things that make the Republicans look bad as well (Bill O'Reily, bad country music, etc.) and Zucker is a pretty hit-and-miss director, not to mention terrorist jokes are really getting old..

Could go either way. I doubt it will be controversial though. Zucker's not really one to take that seriously.
Posted by: Death Monkey, September 8th, 2008, 1:10am; Reply: 2
While I salute this for adding a bit of diversity to the spectrum of political films (not that the film itself is gonna be nuanced or diverse, but simply by virtue of it taking the polar opposite stance of most political films) I don't think it looks very funny.

I thought the same when I watched Fahrenhype 9/11 (the conservative counter-part). I thought, oh cool a different point of view, this might be interesting. Suffice to say, it wasn't, because what seems to be the axiom of anti-Moore films (with the exception of Manufactured Dissent, which people really need to see!) is that you can't attack Moore or his methods without simultaneously wrapping yourself in an American flag and jerking off to Star-Spangled Banner as performed by Lynard Skynard...

But then again, I just don't like spoof movies. Unless you consider Hot Fuzz spoof.

Also not to nitpick, but the trailer touts David Zucker as a master of satire. Satire and spoof ain't the same thing, buck. Strangelove is satire, Jonathan Swift is satire, The Colbert Report is satire. Airplane is not. It's parody.
Posted by: dogglebe (Guest), September 8th, 2008, 8:50am; Reply: 3

Quoted from James McClung
Zucker's not really one to take that seriously.

Neither was Mel Brooks, but Blazing Saddles ruined the western genre for over twenty years.


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