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Posted by: Zombie Sean, February 17th, 2009, 8:25pm
It's been possibly a year since I've been waiting for this movie to come out, and finally, today was the day that it was released in the local Best Buy stores.

It's been five whole years since Georgia Lass was killed by a falling toilet seat that broke off a descending Russian Space Station. She has since lived her afterlife as a grim reaper where she takes souls for a living. Now, the gang is back, still grim reapers, still taking souls. Except Rube has disappeared, and now Cameron Kane, a self-absorbed dick, has taken his place as the new reaper "boss." The thing is, Kane doesn't care one bit about his victims, and soon, neither do the other reapers...Except for George.

Now, the other reapers begin to care about their own lives. Daisy attempts to get back in show business; Mason continues being an idiot; Roxy becomes more self-centered. And as if anything couldn't get any worse, George breaks the number one reaper rule: she admits that she's a reaper. To her sister. But as soon as all their undead lives begin to fall apart, they all soon admit that Kane has ruined what used to be a great group friendship and must figure out a way to stop him while trying to fix the problems that, they themselves, have caused.

This movie was fantastic. That is, if you love the Dead Like Me series, such as myself. The great thing about it, though, is that you don't really even have to watch the series to understand what's happening in this movie. They go over everything we've learned in the series in the beginning, middle, and end of this movie.

But this movie is also hilarious, as always, and yet, they seem to break our hearts at the same time, by adding in scenes where you feel really bad for one character, even though you just laughed at them two minutes ago. They really know how to make you feel guilty for making fun of a character, only to have them die or have something horrible happen to them just minutes afterwards.

Though, some things disappointed me. It's been five years since we've first seen these characters, and I think three years since the last we've seen of them. I feel as though they didn't really dig deep into the characters in this movie...Like, I felt as though they weren't actually the complete George, Mason, etc. Something was missing. A little more character development could have helped.

The movie was also too short, it seemed. I mean, it was 87 minutes, that's a good length for a movie, but there was a lot of stuff they could have added in! More of Daisy and her show business and her getting deeply connected with it; Mason being the idiot he is, trying to get laid, getting drunk, doing stupid things, etc.; Roxy being the biggest badass in the show (though, that is paid off towards the end); But there was a lot of George, though, some stuff felt like it was missing. They had some unexplained stuff that they could have easily finished off, and they also had some of the characters feeling a certain way that you didn't quite understand why they were feeling that way in the first place...

It's a small thing, but it still kind of bothered me because I'm weird like that; they didn't include the same locations as the TV series. I know, I know, it's been three years since they made the show so of course they probably don't have the rights to own the same filming locations as they did with the show, but I really wish they did so there was the same cemetery, same Lass house, same work place...They even took away Der Waffle Hause! (Though it's explained in the movie. Very disappointing). But who cares about that! I loved it any way.

But those disappointments won't stop me from loving the movie (or the show for that matter). Seriously, check them both out. They're fantastic films and I'm sure everyone would love them. It's one of those great chances where you get to laugh at death, and feel a lot of sympathy for the characters, and there are only a few great shows that help you do that. I seriously hope that if this movie does well, they will consider making a third season. if they do, I will shite myself in happiness.

Posted by: tonkatough, February 21st, 2009, 6:40am; Reply: 1
I shit my pants when I read this thread Sean.  Shocking stuff.

This is the only TV show where I actually get sad and misty eyed when I think about it because it has ended. I actually mourn the loss of this fantastic show as much as I miss my pet cat and best friend who I had to get put down last year due to a terrible illness (RIP: Heinz 1999-2008

So to actually discover that I will get to see brand new Dead Like Me is fucking awesome!

dissapointed to see Rube gone and would have rather seen a proper ending and some sort of closure to the series, (I always saw the direction of the story heading toward Georgie and her lilttle sister coming together and bonding like they never did when Georgie was alive.)

Off to Amazon to buy this DVD so I can watch it.   Woot! Woot!  
Posted by: Old Time Wesley, February 21st, 2009, 6:52am; Reply: 2
My main gripe about the series is the pointlessness of her former family. I dislike the mother, sister and father characters as a whole as they do not fit into the series tone in any way other than a quick cut from the real aspects of the story.

That is the only parts of the series I have disliked so far.

Especially if they never come back together.

And the quick exit of the other girl before the blond. Her character was rendered pointless by replacing her with that... that other girl.

Still, the series is decent and I do want to see the film.
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