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SimplyScripts Screenwriting Discussion Board  /  Horror Scripts  /  Blood Runs Red
Posted by: Don, May 21st, 2009, 7:44pm
Blood Runs Red by Michael Robillard (poeticloss) - Horror - A group of friends explore a house with a history of being haunted, and are one by one tortured and killed until there is nobody left. - fdr, format 8)
Posted by: GoreGore84, June 5th, 2009, 7:31am; Reply: 1

First off, submitting your script as a fdr(final draft), and no other file is not liked around here very much. The formatting was off from incorrect sluglines  to not placing the character's names before the dialog.

I would suggest you get a hold of some scripts and read over them.  So you can get the feel of just how a script is written. Furthermore, you can look up glossary terms of a script to further understand each part of a script.
Posted by: Muse32, June 9th, 2009, 12:35pm; Reply: 2
I agree with Gore84,

There's alot of 'we see' E.g. 'We see Kelly running out of a trailor-style haunted house down the 4 foot tall ramp flailing wildly'. You can just replace past tense with present tense and shorten it a bit - 'Kelly runs out' ...Try to write how it's seen on the screen.

Here's a site I sometimes refer to if I get a bit stuck... Tells you how to format everything from introducing characters to flashbacks.

If you give this a re-write I'll definitly give it a read, if you go to FILE, you can save it as a PDF. There is also a title page hidden in final draft, just go to DOCUMENT, which is inbetween format and tools.
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