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SimplyScripts Screenwriting Discussion Board  /  Sci Fi and Fantasy Scripts  /  Underground Dragon
Posted by: Don, August 17th, 2009, 8:05pm
Underground Dragon: Act One by Jose Montalvo - Sci Fi - In the year 2184 mankind lives underground. And Michael a detective must solve a case while the underworld prepares for war.  52 pages - pdf, format 8)
Posted by: Ophelia, August 28th, 2009, 8:16pm; Reply: 1
Read up to about page 12, you have some interesting stuff here.  Needs a little work, maybe some rethinking.
Some notes as I go:
how do we know what year it is?  Is there a super?
First paragraph should be MEN and WOMEN, not man/woman
missing puncuation after 'rebel attack' on the first page.
You say its underground, but how do we know?  Are there like rock cave walls?  or is it all metal?
propelled buy jet propelled legs, buy should be by.
p3  The computer turnS on
What is SCT?
Why are they shutting SCT down, isnt it already busted?
p5 tatoo is spelled tattoo
How does billy look annoyed if hes a robot?
It seems like you want to make a joke about cereal/serial killer, but its dialogue, so how will we hear a difference.
p7 scans the man face, should be man's
p9 close should be clothes and you're should be your
seems like you have a lot happening within a couple seconds during the fight.  You kind of disrupt the rhythm.

I think you need to spend some time figuring out how this looks to other people.  You've got an awful lot of ideas jammed in here, robots/cyborgs, underground city, chi, glowing people with tattoos, a bunch of acronyms for things we don't understand.  None of these is quite explained sufficiently for us to see it the way you do.  You need to take some time introducing these, i would suggest cutting some out as well.
Anyways, let me know your thoughts and I'll keep reading it.
Posted by: jackx, August 28th, 2009, 8:43pm; Reply: 2
Have to agree with Ophelia.  A lot of imagination went into this, but the execution is a bit lacking.
You need better setting and descriptions of whats going on.  Obviously you can see all these machines and such, but as a reader we don't have any idea what these things look like, what this underground cities look like, anything.
You say those characters are scanning faces with their glasses.  Does that mean you're doing a POV for each of these different characters so we see that?
Bag of illegal stones?  what?
Lots of spelling errors, they're for their pretty consistently, things like that.  That makes it hard for the rest of us to get into the story.  Ophelia's definately right about the ideas and such needing to be explained.  People aren't just going to buy into the story, and accept all these ideas, you have to introduce them properly.

Was this meant as an anime story?
Posted by: nemexez, August 30th, 2009, 3:00pm; Reply: 3
Thanks for the comments. You guys are dead on. All I did was come up with a story and i wasn't sure I liked it. So I put it on here for some feedback. So thanks a lot. I have a real short sypnosis to try to explain the script a little better. I love Sci-fi and wanted to try it your comments will help me out next time.

“Underground Dragon” is like “Terminator” meets the “Dragon Ball Z”. In the year 2017 A.D. mankind is forced to live underground because of a deadly disease. Advances in technology allow mankind to survive and strife in the underground.  In the year 2184 A.D. two cities arise in the underground. Spoe a super high tech city with a super computer and artificial sun. Exodus also grows, a religious city trying to find favor with god again. But a city of rebel men and robots named Hades has also spawned. The time has come to finally return to the surface. But a sudden attack by the rebels on Spoe shuts down SCT the super computer. Without it Adamon the leader of Spoe must put his plans aside and prepare for war.

    In the meantime in the city of Exodus two detectives, Michael a human and his partner Billy a robot. Are working on a case that has taken an unexpected turn. After catching a rebel they have been tracking for months. They find out that the stones or power gems he was smuggling. Where given to him by a spy inside of Spoe. The power gems give humans and robots extraordinary powers making any normal man super. Now Michael and the charismatic Billy are determined to find the spy.
   In Spoe an unknown power is causing chaos. And it seems that Exodus will not come to its aid. Instead it prepares itself for war. The rebels take this chance to also get ready for one final show down.
Posted by: jackx, August 31st, 2009, 9:28am; Reply: 4
You wrote out the explanation, and its still a little hard to follow.  It's going to be hugely difficult to explain all that stuff in a script and actually have the viewer be able to keep up, without breaking the pace of the story.  
Do you really need a third city?  Just two cities is hard enough.  
Does the return to the surface need to happen at the same time the detectives are chasing power stones?  Wouldn't one story line suffice?
When I have time I'll try to read further and give more suggestions, but you might want to work on making all that imagination a little more accessible.

Oh, and most of the people who are serious about this kind of thing on the site (as in the people you really want to read your work) aren't going to be interested in a script by someone who has barely reviewed others.
Posted by: nemexez, August 31st, 2009, 9:58pm; Reply: 5
Hey I appreciate it and I will take your advice. That's what I'm here for. And yeah the story is a lot of stuff cramped all together go ahead and finish it whenever you can. And yeah I have checked out other scripts and this time I'll go back and leave some feed back. What's up with the five dollar bill thing?  Is it another Illuminati message?  
Posted by: jackx, September 1st, 2009, 9:34pm; Reply: 6
Haha no, its a reference to Half Baked, a joke from work.
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