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Posted by: Zack, August 28th, 2009, 4:59pm
Well... It's better than the remake. Rob made this movie his own, and I couldn't be more relieved. This is the hardcore slasher he promised two years ago. It's far from perfect, but I enjoyed watching it.

Negatives- Sheri moon and the new young Micheal are terrible actors and everytime they appeared I rolled my eyes. I understand what Rob was trying to do with them, but I'm sure with a few rewrites it could have been done better.

I really hated that the famous Halloween music is MIA in the movie(until the end credits). What the fuck was Rob thinking!?

Dr. Loomis's character was horrible in this, not to mention kinda pointless.

The ending. While not terrible, it could have been done differently with the same effect. I just couldn't take it seriously.

Positves- The violence. This shit is hardcore. The remake is incredibly tame by comparison.

The acting(besides the Mom and young Micheal of course) is much improved this time around. And no destracting cameos!

Micheal Myers is awesome in this one. He grunts when he stabs people and being able to see is face was surprisingly effective.

So there you go. I liked it. It didn't really feel like a Halloween movie, it felt like a Rob Zombie movie. And that's just what I wanted. Where as the remake seemed like Zombie was trying to please fans of the Halloween series, this sequel is his movie. Prepare to be shocked.


Posted by: ReaperCreeper, August 29th, 2009, 6:58pm; Reply: 1
Well, it was disappointing, to say the least.  I disagree with you on Sheri Moon and the new Michael actor. They were both fairly good considering the piece of shit script they were working with.

Dr. Loomis was a complete disgrace and embarassment. There goes Rob turning the best character in the franchise into an unlikeable jerk. He even has the nerve to mention "old Loomis" while looking at a picture of him dressed as the original Loomis.

Scout Taylor-Compton was disappointing in this, and that's a lot coming from me considering I was part of the minority that liked her performance in the '07 remake.

Michael Myers himself is almost as embarassing as Loomis. That's not The Shape. That's a fucking hobo version of Kane grunting like a handicapped mutant straight from The Hills Have Eyes killing people. The fact that he removed his mask and put it back on several times for no reason each time he showed up was also beyond stupid.

And again, Rob Zombie insists on writing stupid, inbred white-trash fuck-ups for characters, with random conversations about necrophilia and stupid crap that makes no sense. This almost had more goddamn white-trash in it than The Devil's Rejects. I never even thought that was possible. There was one likeable character in the entire movie and that's pushing it.

The climax of the movie was also forced and downright pathetic. Loomis was thrown in there at the last second. And then Laurie ruined it even more, basically mimicking Jaime Lloyd from the original series.

Good things:

-Laurie's dreams -- pretty much the only truly good thing about the movie. Very surreal and unsettling.

-The kills, while  unimaginative, cliche and generic; actually have an intensity to them in the way Michael dispatches people. The sound effects are top-notch. Sadly, that intensity is weakened considerably since you're trying not to laugh at how ridiculous Michael looks in the film. The fact that his victims are sub-human scumbags to begin with doesn't help, either.

I give it a 5/10 and that's being generous. There was an attempt at some depth here but Zombie just doesn't have it in him.  

Posted by: slabstaa (Guest), September 1st, 2009, 10:55am; Reply: 2
sucked.  spoilers below,

Loomis wasn't likeable anymore, but now he's some selfish guy trying to make book sales. wtf.
agreed about him being thrown in at the last second.
His death was pathetic.

Annie's character didn't live up to all the BS I thought she'd be going through, and I didn't like how she went out either.  same as the original, only if she would have died then.

the violence was just plain ridiculous.

definitely worse than RZH.

1.5/ 5
Posted by: Old Time Wesley, January 22nd, 2010, 2:55am; Reply: 3

Quoted from slabstaa

Annie's character didn't live up to all the BS I thought she'd be going through, and I didn't like how she went out either.  same as the original, only if she would have died then.

1.5/ 5


Annie needs to stop getting naked because it never works out for her.

Laurie gets shot multiple times and one looked like it was in the chest and she survived... is she Tupac?

I really liked the fact that he was "human" and you saw his face but like all supernatural science fiction horror films made these days he does some silly shit like flip a car, break doors and all the other stuff he does to make the movie pointless.

Changing the kid makes watching them in context off putting.

Laurie is just not likable at all and she's the star. She blabbers way to much and says Fuck like she just learned the word.

When Brad Douriff see's his girl dead his reaction doesn't seem natural.

Don't even get me started on the dream family junk.

The best part was the dream at the beginning because it started right away in the shit but the fact that she wakes up ruins the momentum you had coming in.

Overall it's an average film.
Posted by: The boy who could fly, January 22nd, 2010, 3:12am; Reply: 4

Quoted from Old Time Wesley


Laurie gets shot multiple times and one looked like it was in the chest and she survived... is she Tupac?

She does die, that last scene was a dream before her death according to the commentary.

This was much worse than the last one except for a cool head stomp.
Posted by: Andrew, January 22nd, 2010, 9:49am; Reply: 5
It's very rare I will use this word, but it must be used here: godawful. The remake was semi-decent, and while we incorporated some back story for MM, it stayed relatively faithful to the original, whilst pitching a decent platform for a new set of 'Halloween' films, which would hopefully avoid the remake pitfall that the initial set did; but what happened here? It went so far off the point that it was barely 'Halloween'. Truly, truly awful. What was the white horse shit? It was ridiculous, nonsensical rubbish.

The Loomis debacle was just an unnecessary kick while we were down.

'The Devil's Rejects' was an overrated piece of garbage, but this one set a new level for Zombie. It's pretty disappointing that TWC allowed this kind of rubbish to develop.

New remake anyone(?), ala the slightly less dire 'Hulk'.

Posted by: Old Time Wesley, January 22nd, 2010, 5:12pm; Reply: 6

Quoted from Andrew

New remake anyone(?), ala the slightly less dire 'Hulk'.


Number III is already being made without Zombie so they are just continuing.
Posted by: Zack, January 22nd, 2010, 8:02pm; Reply: 7
I thought the 3rd one was canceled. Any word on who will be directing it?

Posted by: Old Time Wesley, January 22nd, 2010, 8:12pm; Reply: 8

Quoted from Zack
I thought the 3rd one was canceled. Any word on who will be directing it?


Some dude named Patrick Lussier who did Bloody Valentine 3D, White Noise 2 and other stuff.
Posted by: Zack, January 22nd, 2010, 8:56pm; Reply: 9 reported that Lussier wouldn't be doing H3.

Posted by: Old Time Wesley, January 23rd, 2010, 3:16am; Reply: 10
Whoever does it in 2011 will be making a sub par sequel with poor sales and a bad 3D backdrop.

More spoilers.

On the commentary RZ feels the need to explain his plot because apparently he didn`t do a good enough job in conveying that on the screen and makes excuses for problems.

The reason the ending doesn`t convey that that is her last moment is because they don`t cut back to her lying on the ground dead and just cut to the institution like it`s months later and she has been committed.

I like Rob Zombie and have purchased all his movies (Even Superbeasto) but to blame your poor storytelling on the studio is just amateur at best.

Hopefully his next film which is not horror is a better overall film.
Posted by: Dreamscale (Guest), April 23rd, 2010, 5:03pm; Reply: 11
Finally got around to seeing this...WOW...what a complete and utter disaster!  Shockingly horrid and completely inept.

After House of 1,000 Corpses and Devil's Rejects, I really liked Zombie as a film maker, and thought he had loads of talent and potential.  His first Halloween remake was not good, IMO, and this thing was just terrible.  I'm really shocked how bad it was.


I actually liked the first 20 or so minutes of the film...until it turned out to be a fucking dream...WTF?  A 20+ minute dream scene to start off the movie?  Are you fucking kidding me?  Speaking of dream sequences, there must have been at least 30 minutes of them in here, and although the first was the highlight of the movie, every other one was absolutely pathetic and downright embarrassing.

This movie runs 1 minute short of 2 hours, but in reality, we barely have an hour's worth of actual movie, removing worthless and pointless dream scenes, almost 10 minutes of crap with music playing over it, and another 20 minutes or so of complete garbage that had almost nothing to do with anything.  Unreal!

The more I think about it, the more pissed off I am with this turd.  As others have mentioned, just about every character was not only crap, but so irritating, and hard to watch.  I love real speak and use of F bombs, but this was just so over the top, it no longer even sounded real.  Not only were the characters hard to watch based on their dialogue, constant swearing, and screaming, but they were also all very ugly and made out to look just about as bad as they could.

Michael was pretty bad as well.  Are we to believe that he's just been wandering around the area for 2 years, living off the land?  Why wouldn't he have been seen, caught, or continually killing?  WTF kind of logic is that?  The fact that he so frequently was shown without his mask is also a very poor decision, IMO.  Yeah, he looked badass, but he no longer had that supernatural element to him. He just looked like a huge, hulking mountain man/bum, and that's just not scary.

I will say that he was very, very brutal, and that actually worked for me.  The gore and violence was well done, but there were so few instances where it was scary or intense.

I love horror movies and actually enjoy watching really bad horror movies, but this wasn't enjoyable at all.  I'm really glad I missed it at the theater, cause it doesn't deserve to make another dime, and I'm glad it tanked the way it did.  The critics were spot on with this heaping pile, and that's also a big surprise in itself.

Posted by: Scoob, June 7th, 2010, 3:54am; Reply: 12
I liked this one.

I'm a big Halloween fan and I wont get into all that with this, but this is a lot better than the drivel served up in parts 5,6 and 8.  

It follows on from the remake and makes its own rules which I found refreshing. Sure, heading inside Myers psyche and finding out he's triggered off by "seeing" his mother is not exactly inviting but it adds something new to something old.

The movie is no where near as carbon copy slasher text book as some have said. Nor is it as anywhwre near as violent that people have said. Theres a brutal kill in the hospital but the rest is pretty much left to your imagination. And wow, have people let their imaginations wild.

This tries to move into a different territory, aiming at Laurie's downfall from her ordeal from the remake and attempts to portray her mental state whilst trying to live a somewhat normal life.
She falls into , or has already, a life of oblivion, one that is sadly told in such weirdly obvious tones such as having a Charles Manson poster on your wall... In SHERIFF BRACKETTS HOUSE. No... !!!! Unfortuantly, this is some small stuff that Zombie really like to try and push to the audience and it's silly things like this that just are not not needed.

It's times like these I understand the complaints, and at times which is typical of Zombie's dialouge is to take you completly out of the movie and throw in some random bullshit lines which only serve to destroy his previous succesfull attempts of mood and atmosphere.

Its a real yo-yo of a movie in that aspect yet I find this the most frustrating, yet really enjoyable, thing about Zombie's films. The dialouge is sometimes inane, almost delibarate, yet his eye for detail as a director is outstanding.  The cinematography on this movie looks ace, it has a real Halloween feel - maybe not the JC feel but it has an atmosphere that is all it's own.

Apparantly,Zombie cant write for shit, but as a director he is absolutly brilliant.  I'll go as far as saying Zombie writes GREAT dialouge because some of his dialouge is priceless! It's quote worthy - maybe cos it's so bad its good but either way, you remember his characters.

Anyway, I''m not going to go on about this too much. I think it was a really good movie, one of the best slasher films made in YEARS.  
Is it a good Halloween movie? I dont know - has potential to be another Halloween 3. Is it a good movie in its own right? I think so, yes.

Its a horrible, dark, disturbing movie. Its a horror movie. I Loved it. Every moment. It was great to see a dark, dont give a shit how you feel movie again.

I still want to see Michael Myers back to "normal" but it has been a really brilliant ride watching Zombies two movies. I enjoyed them both. Haha. :)
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