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SimplyScripts Screenwriting Discussion Board  /  Movie, Television and DVD Reviews  /  Frozen (2010)
Posted by: kev, February 25th, 2010, 1:03am
I wanted to see this movie for awhile now, not only because I wanted to see how a film could stretch out a story of three people stuck on a chairlift but because I've been following director Adam Green and have become quite a fan. I really liked Frozen, it had a really good set up and when the realization sinks in that these people are stranded, the intensity sky rockets, I found myself cringing the whole time, the acting really made this work, could have completely failed if the acting sucked. One thing I really admire about this movie is how there was no CGI used, not even a green screen, which most directors would take. Adam Green filmed the whole film suspended up in the air and it really pays off. One thing I strongly, STRONGLY suggest to anyone going to see this movie is do not watch the trailer first, if you have avoid watching it again! The trailer doesn't completely ruin the movie but I feel like if I hadn't of seen it first I would have been even more impressed with this movie and it would have been a lot better of an experience. Seeing the trailer kind of makes you place things together to make things a little more predictable when you really would not have pieced some things together naturally. The release is pretty limited right now, I had to go downtown to see it but hopefully the movie will expand theaters! Sounds like a silly concept but it really is a horrifying one when you think about it, anyone who skis regularly may be more impacted but I think anyone can appreciate the filming of this film and the tension the film creates.

Posted by: Zack, October 1st, 2010, 10:58am; Reply: 1
This movie is GREAT. Very suspensful and gut wrenching. One scene was actually really hard to watch. i highly recommend it.

Posted by: Murphy (Guest), October 1st, 2010, 3:24pm; Reply: 2
I started watching this fearing the worst and was pleasantly surprised, it was a pretty decent film considering the premise and low budget. They did a great job of keeping the tension levels high, the script was good, the characters were decent enough. Certainly not the best film of the year but nowhere near the worst, can think of many worse ways to spend 90 mins.

One thing I really liked was the set-up, the writer went out of his way to make sure there was some logic as to why they were stuck, It took some doing but I did believe it, it was possible. Top marks for that because many others tend not to give too much of a crap about logic and assume we will believe anything we are asked to.
Posted by: Don, October 1st, 2010, 8:13pm; Reply: 3
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