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Posted by: sniper, May 6th, 2010, 1:55am

This movie disappointed me. It wasn't bad - I was mildly entertained throughout - but it just lack freshness. It was longer than it had to be, disjointed and very predictable. The final face-off between Downey and Rourke was over before it even began, Tony's arrogant jokes felt forced and uninspired and Mickey Rourke's character was as clich�s they come. Worse though was Don Cheadle, that man has one gear - bland. A real shame they had to replace Terrence Howard. I don't even know why they had to jam Sam Jackson or Scarlett Johansson into this movie, completely unnecessary.

That being said though, Sam Rockwell and Jon Jon Favreau himself were the highlights of this movie. Funny stuff. Some decent action scenes also helped.

In a final analysis, the movie wasn't as bad as I feared but defenitely not as good as I had hoped.
Posted by: Mr.Z, May 6th, 2010, 3:28pm; Reply: 1
I enjoyed it, although it wasn't as good as the first one. Like the novelty wore off. Still, Tony Stark is da man.

The scene with the kid wearing the Iron Man mask and glove was both utterly stupid and brilliant.

On one hand it's such a lame way to interrupt an action scene. On the other hand, it's quite a creative way to implement the marketing department's orders to force this blatant toy advertisment into the plot.

Did you stay for the scene after the credits, Rocket Man?
Posted by: sniper, May 6th, 2010, 3:33pm; Reply: 2

Quoted from Mr.Z
Did you stay for the scene after the credits, Rocket Man?

Hell no!
Posted by: Nixon, May 7th, 2010, 6:50pm; Reply: 3
This was disappointing, although not on a Spider-Man 3 level. My main problems were the misguided story lines and the weak/lame villains. A few more things.... First, where the FUCK is the Mandarin? Second, the film needed more of the "Demon in a Bottle" storyline. Third, the post-credits scene was awesome. THOR!!!!
Posted by: Scar Tissue Films, May 7th, 2010, 7:00pm; Reply: 4
I'll probably go and see it, but this is one of those rare films that almost everyone I meet keeps teling me to avoid.

"Whatever you do, don't go and see Iron Man 2...waste of money".

Quite surprising just how many people have said it to me. Easily the most about any film since Blair Witch Project.
Posted by: The boy who could fly, May 7th, 2010, 7:06pm; Reply: 5
This movie rocked!!  i actually liked it more than the first one, i think sam rockwell and mickey rourke were better villains than the iron monger, plus gary shandling was a hoot!!
Posted by: tonkatough, May 8th, 2010, 8:18pm; Reply: 6
a pointless sequel and Iron man is becoming a bit of a one trick pony. How is he even a superhero? All he does is trash the inferior mechanical toys created by greedy rival coporation.

Remember the good old days when a trilogy or saga was an epic story arc that involved more then one movie to tell the story. This new trend of using a marvel comic based sequel to promote and advertise another yet to be made marvel comic based movie is pathetic and sad.  

So dissapointed was I in this movie that it forced me out of my cave to word my opions on this message board.  
Posted by: Zack, May 8th, 2010, 10:15pm; Reply: 7
I loved it. every bit as good as the first one. awesome movie and a good way to kick off the new summer.

Posted by: rendevous, May 8th, 2010, 10:39pm; Reply: 8
I do agree TS is Da Man. Hell of a character. The first stands up to multiple viewings. And whoda thought RD would be should a fantastic comic book kinda guy.

Faverau is an excellent director. And actor. His turn in The Sopranos is still a joy to watch.

However PII is always gonna be tough. Lucas was lucky with Empire Strikes Back. He struck gold wiv Irvin Kershner. I still woulda loved to seen what Lynch woulda done wiv it. It coulda been even better. And I'm not even a proper SW fan.

I've seen the first half of IMII. I was dissapointed to have to walk away. But duty called. And when it does I answer. I'll be seeing the rest soon. If the second half is a quarter as good as the first I shall be happy. Me like being happy.

I see SB was happy wiv it. I'm worried now as the Rocket "Snipe" Boy was not. I also note STF isn't too keen.

However I see our Man in Argentina speaks in positive tones. So. I shall bea watching it shortly.

Now. You kids play nice now. Yes? Good. Keep it hot.

R x
Posted by: Aaron, May 10th, 2010, 2:14pm; Reply: 9
While this is unfair cause I haven't seen it, it looks good, but kinda like one big commercial for the Avengers.
Posted by: Brian M, May 10th, 2010, 2:30pm; Reply: 10
I thought this was a solid 8/10. Not on the same level as the first but it never bored me or made me want to walk out. I don't know why they replaced Terrance Howard, the new guy didn't quite cut it in my opinion. Mickey Rourke was ace in the racing car scene near the start.

There were some really funny moments, the party bash for one. Loved that. I also didn't understand what Scarlett Johansson was doing in the movie but when she kicked the crap out of a ton of bad guys, I feel in love with her. Excuse me while I order her poster for my bedroom door.
Posted by: albinopenguin, May 17th, 2010, 11:25pm; Reply: 11
i gave this movie a B-

not as good as the first one (which i gave a B+ to), but definitely worth seeing. i really thought this movie got better the longer it went on. i wasnt feeling the movie in the first act- i thought the dialogue was forced, the story line was boring, and the characters uninteresting. furthermore, if stark never decided to get into that race car impulsively then how would he ever meet up with whiplash?

on the plus side, sam rockwell was the fucking man (as expected) and the climax was pretty solid. still a bit too much CGI for my taste, but oh well. plus i thought the dialogue got a lot wittier as the film continued. lastly, i liked when tony finally started building shit. thats what iron man's all about- building cool shit. and i really dug the whole "building a new element" and where he found it hidden bit. i normally dont buy that stuff but i liked how it was employed here.
Posted by: Sandra Elstree., May 18th, 2010, 4:10pm; Reply: 12

I went to this movie on account of those big little boys that want to see this kind of thing and so I went to be social. How the hell is that possible at a movie?  ;D

Anyways I thought this is pretty much a kid's show. It was meant for fun. Das is all.

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