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Posted by: kev, May 20th, 2011, 6:32pm
I figured there would be a review here for this already, guess not! I don't find this movie as amazing as everyone else, however it is the funniest movie I've seen in quite awhile. First of all, what really bugs me is how everyone keeps talking about this movie like it is the first time females have been funny, I've been watching SNL for awhile and these woman have always been able to make me laugh. Kristen Wiig really does a good job here, however, my favourite was definitely Melissa McCarthy, she can make me laugh no matter what she says and I haven't seen her so funny since Samantha Who. This movie is unfortunately plagued with some cliche romcom moments that I really think it could have done without but it still maintains to be consistently funny. I thought the gross out humor worked perfectly in this film and the dress fitting scene was the most fun I've had in a theater in awhile! What I love about these films that take in the Judd Apatow mold is the character development that lacks in a lot of comedies. This film is very successful in not only laughs but the realistic relationship between girls and the jealousy that surrounds friendship. This isn't the best movie by any means but it's a perfect movie to get some good laughs out of. I had a really good time and it's really hard to leave this film without a smile on your face.
Posted by: mattman2900, June 1st, 2011, 1:16am; Reply: 1
Yeah I'll probably check this out on DVD.  I hate to say it, but I'm getting more and more picky when it comes to comedy.  

The last two or three movies that have been released in the same vein as this didn't do it for me in terms of laughs.  

I just really don't find a lot of the comedians today all that funny.  Kristen Wiig bugs me most of the time.  For me a lot of her characters are not funny, they are annoying, and if they're going for annoying as funny, then it will be a while until a good comedy comes out.

I kind of avoided this because I heard it was so gross, and I don't mind gross out bathroom humor, but after the 30th bathroom joke it's just not funny anymore.

Though I do think Melissa McCarthy is funny, just from the previews I didn't see anything hilarious enough to see this flick, and maybe all the funny parts were left out, which is for the most part a good thing, but who knows.

I'll see this eventually, but I'm just kinda fed up with the dumb comedies that for me really are not funny.  

But everyone has their own style and sense of humor and that (usually) is a good thing! :D
Posted by: Electric Dreamer, October 19th, 2011, 9:54am; Reply: 2
This one that succeeds for me in spite of the trailer.
This was a pleasantly character centric comedy.
Kristen Wig is a sheer joy to watch from beginning to end.

That opener sex scene with Hamm is painfully hilarious in so many ways.
The film may wander, true to an Apatow production, but it hits the mark.

They take their time and focus on character chemistry and awkward humor.
Sure, gross things happen along the way, but it never trumps the characters for long.

I wish all the creative talents involved success in future productions.
With these folks around, there's hope again for gross out comedy.

Posted by: albinopenguin, October 19th, 2011, 4:27pm; Reply: 3
havent seen tucker and dale vs evil, but IMO, bridesmaids is the funniest movie so far this year. granted, comedy sucks these days so the bar really wasn't all that high.

i hate SNL, but wiig is downright hilarious. probably my favorite comedic actress if i had to choose one. and melissa mccarthy just steals the show.

this isnt a chick flick. its a comedy with women as the main character. my male friends and i have actually watched it together...and loved it just as much as superbad, i love you man, etc etc. it's the first time where women showcased how they can be just as raunchy as men on the big screen...throughout the entire film.
Posted by: Reef Dreamer, October 19th, 2011, 4:46pm; Reply: 4
Hey Brett,

Saw this film a little while ago and things I noted were;

1) clear target market. I don't want to get all corporate about this but blimey it was obvious where this hit the mark.  All around me and my wife were groups of middle aged women. I appreciate writers are not always  comfortable with these things but I have lived in that world and I can't ignore the obvious - it hit a target. It made money. It was produced.

2) ok, this next part is not what the average punter would know ( I mean viewers not writers).

I down loaded what I thought was the script and read it before seeing the film. It was very, very different to what appeared before me. Ok, some core ideals remained but it was an eye opener to novice me, just what they changed. That script is on line somewhere, may be here, i can't  recall where I got it, but it was the first time I had the chance to read an early draft, then see the film.

I am sure many others on this site will have seen this scenario many times but it was my first.

Back to the film for a second, I did like it, it was funny but I did think it pushed the extreme when it wasn't needed. Funny can be subtle. The opening scene had this whilst still being in your face, others seemed less controlled.

Posted by: Andrew, February 3rd, 2012, 8:15am; Reply: 5
Must confess to being a little bamboozled as to the lavish praise for this. It's pretty funny at times (and I adored the scenes where Jon Hamm palms her off - "I'm gonna miss you so much") but aside from being a marketing dream, it brought nothing fresh to the genre in addition to its patchy humour.

Then again, aside from the brilliant cameos of Ken Jeong as Mr. Chow (especially so in the second film), I was underwhelmed with The Hangover, which appears the starting point for Bridesmaids. Pretty sure I'm out of sync with the majority, however.
Posted by: Dreamscale (Guest), July 8th, 2013, 12:58pm; Reply: 6
Watched this over the weekend with my my girlie friend - after making her sit through countless really bad horror films, I felt I owed her, and this was her choice, since it's streaming on Netflix.

Obviously not my kind of movie, but I did laugh quite a bit.  We both felt that it really wobbled around from scene to scene and most overstayed their welcome.  Dialogue was slow and loooong, but pretty much every scene did contain laughs.

Definitely not ground breaking in any way, but hard not to enjoy.
Posted by: Manowar, August 1st, 2013, 7:25am; Reply: 7
I had low expectations coming into this one but was pleasantly surprised. Wiig was hit or miss for me on SNL--I found her skits either a riot or completely flat, no in between. In this movie her scenes were more even with some great comedic pieces and some tamer, cutesy ones.

The big set pieces like the infamous bridal gown sequence and airplane ride were great, and the smaller ones like when Wiig drives byb her cop/future-boyfriend constantly to get his attention were very cute. Not a lot of full-on belly laughs, but enough chuckles that I really enjoyed this one. I wouldn't put it on the same pedestal as the first Hangover or Wedding Crashers, but it is still a really good, fun, and funny movie.

I think one thing that a lot of rom-coms fail to do is to "get real" for a beat or so, or, some try to get real but fail. That is, take a moment to show a true to life dramatic moment in an otherwise funny story to ground the movie and separate it from farce. Bridesmaids does this wonderfully when Wiig reacts to her replacement as bridesmaid at the replacement's bridal shower with all the gaudy trimmings (the butterfly made me slap my knee laughing), and then loses it--realistically--when realizing her theme had been stolen. her reaction was legendary and real, and they pulled it off with some laughs and made me cringe in a oh-no-don't-you-do-it manner. Great way to ground the movie, make us feel for the heroin, then back to laughs as she tries to fix the mess she made.

Nice payoffs, too, like when we find out McCarthy's seat mate on the plane really is an air marshall after he kept denying it. Didn't see it coming.
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