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SimplyScripts Screenwriting Discussion Board  /  Getting to know you, getting to know all about you...  /  Yello
Posted by: Pale Yellow, October 28th, 2011, 2:08pm
Just stumbled across this "getting to know you" thread and I guess sometimes I do things backwards. It's kind of like reading a logline for me...if I like the logline, I want to read the script. So, I've been bouncing around the boards a bit. I've been here since about a week before the OWC...stumbled across it by googling "scripts to read online". I love this site.  I've always loved the movies...and writing. I have nothing produced. Infact, I've only finished two shorts, my first being the OWC. I now know it would have helped if I spent more time reading but I just wanted to dive in, sorry. I like to write in Panera Bread ...I know "cliche'" as someone put it already but in my house lives the wicked father-in-law so I stay OUT  as much as possible!

I'm 43, and my daughter has informed me that I'm too old to get into this stuff. Currently, I live in Jacksonville Florida. I have learned a lot in the short time I've been in here reading. I enjoy the most the script of the day, because it's short enough to read everyday and it's a  good place for a beginner like myself to start....welcome any advice from everyone here. You guys and girls are very talented. I feel lucky to be amongst!

Posted by: leitskev, October 28th, 2011, 2:21pm; Reply: 1
Hey Pale, nice to meet you.

I hope 43 is not too old to get started. I am 45 and began less than a year ago. I have no experience relevant to the film industry whatsoever. I ran and owned bars the last 20 plus years.  And I am more of an ESPN guy than a movie guy.

On the plus side, being in our 40s we bring a little more life experience to things than someone starting out in their 20s. At least I tell myself that anyway!

I kind of got my start with the OWC too. I had written 2 features right before that, but without any feedback, I didn't really understand many of the things I was doing wrong, especially in the area of proper screenwriting and formatting. That OWC was my first short, and I got a lot of helpful feedback. That's where the learning started.

I can relate something that might be helpful. When I began writing, I looked up scripts of films I knew in order to get a sense of the writing. Problem is that I didn't know the difference between shooting scripts and spec scripts, so I was badly led astray. That's how you can end up with long, novelistic action blocks, which are not appropriate for spec scripts.

I sight that's helped me recently is It's just a blog where the blogger analyzes scripts, but if you can get your hands on the scripts, now you're looking at currently formatted and written spec scripts. Gives you a much better idea.

Good luck!
Posted by: Pale Yellow, October 28th, 2011, 2:36pm; Reply: 2
Thanks for the advice ...marked that link too in my favs and will check it out. I did get final draft so that helps a bit with the formatting. But the chunky paragraphs you were mentioning--one of my problems. So, I'll work to do better...and agree with you on the age/experience thing! Thank you for all the advice...greatly appreciated!
Posted by: Baltis. (Guest), October 28th, 2011, 2:49pm; Reply: 3
Eliminate using words like, but not limited to, (the, is, that, then, we, sit, see) in your scripts.

Eliminate ly adjectives.

Those 2 steps will strengthen anyone's work.
Posted by: Electric Dreamer, October 28th, 2011, 3:01pm; Reply: 4
Hello Dena,

It's refreshing to see some intro posts on the forums.

Welcome to the chaos that is the SS forum.
It's a stellar resource for those with initiative and fortitude.
Quid pro quo and a thick skin go a long way here.
A conflagration of insecurity and ego awaits the bold who tread here.
However, the lessons to be gleaned to hone your craft are immense.

I started here reading scripts by *CONTRIBUTING MEMBERS for several weeks.
I waited before posting my own stuff until I earned some credibility as a reader.
It was a great spring board into receiving feedback on my fledgling efforts.



* contributing members read and post constructive criticism on a regular basis
Posted by: leitskev, October 28th, 2011, 3:26pm; Reply: 5
Like Brett, I started reading and posting for a few weeks before posting my work. But unlike Brett, I didn't know how to spot contributing members, so I reviewed random scripts. Not very effective.

I did review a script called, I think, Groundead. It wasn't at all an example of fine writing, but it was a concept that I thought had promise, and there were some pretty funny moments. That was my first extensive review, where I gave lengthy remarks and suggestions. I was kind of annoyed the guy did not return the favor, but he did have some good luck. A short time later, his script got picked up. I have no idea by who or what status it's in, all I know is he had to pull the script. Maybe that one will actually make it.
Posted by: Reef Dreamer, October 28th, 2011, 3:34pm; Reply: 6
Hello Pale,

Well, it does seem that there is a touch of mid life "issues" on this thread. Sounds good to me.

I am fresh around here as well having only joined up in August.

I'm 40, based in the Island of Jersey, UK, and have only started writing this year. I have a lot to learn but SS is just a great place to learn. This  OWC was only my second, the first was only six weeks ago. In that one I thought I had a good script but I lost my readers and generally it took a knocking. I wasn't sure I would enter again but I'm pleased I did.

Six weeks later and things have improved. To me that's the result of reading, reviewing and learning,along with OWC reviews.

If you're here it is probably for a reason. I don't want to go all deep about it but for a starter you probably like stories, want to express yourself, and have a go at something you shouldn't! etc etc. Hope you keep going.

All the best.
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