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SimplyScripts Screenwriting Discussion Board  /   General Chat  /  Living Breathing Writing
Posted by: Sandra Elstree., January 30th, 2012, 11:53pm
Shalom Friends,

As regular contributors here know, I am involved in many areas of community life both in the virtual world here and also abroad in the sense that I consider myself a Citizen of the World, working in a universal capacity.

Recently, my time has been taken up working with disabled individuals and I've been so greatly blessed that I am truly speechless.

Because I've also been working in the realm of tutoring and proofreading, I've had to scale back the level at which I had been writing. Nevertheless, I make constant notes and I don't feel like I'm missing anything-- only I'm taking a bit of a circuitous route in the development of "The Craft".

I still offer free critiques to some of you who need it most. (I know who you are). Please don't hesitate. I will make every effort to provide you with feedback ASAP.

In addition, I provide a service that might help people who need some spiritual guidance:

If you would like to have your writing scrutinized using the Tarot and a psychic sensitivity, then please send your requests to

Alternatively, if you're just hanging out and you want your OWC script read first, then give me the name, the reason your script deserves to be placed at a high level priority and thus read first:

If this sounds like you:

Please leave your phone number and email. We will be excited to contact you in the future.

Sandra El. Watson

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