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Posted by: Andrew, March 5th, 2012, 4:11pm
Jeff Bush... I want, hell, I need, to know your views on this. Surely this is textbook Bush bait. Hell, they must have consumed crates of Jaegies on set.

This is a fun, enjoyable movie. It just delivers exactly what you'd expect from a movie about teens throwing a birthday party that gets way out of hand after mass advertising online and via radio.

I see Todd Phillips produced this, hence the Hangover comparison, but I thought it felt more like American Pie amped up and with 'found footage'. Costa is kind of like a Stiffler-lite but still very funny.

It would be interesting to see to what degree they improvised, or if a lot of the off cuff stuff was just party footage.

There's a memorable character (my favourite) in the old man joining the party, and he gave me the biggest laugh right at the very end. There is also a pair of 'security guards' who were very funny.

The timing in the script was noticeably good. On a couple of occasions, there were 'jump' moments that instead of giving you scares, gave you an unexpected but welcome laugh.

It's worth seeing (and is destined for cult classic status) as long as you cast aside any movie snobbery; which is can only be a good thing.

Posted by: kev, March 7th, 2012, 1:14pm; Reply: 1
I saw this last Thursday and was pleasantly surprised as I originally frowned upon the trailer because it looked like it was trying too hard to rehash the skins aesthetic. I think to enjoy this movie you have to be in the right setting, I went to the Vice screening where the whole theater was super rowdy, everyone with booze under their coats or riding on a good predrink. Because of that scenario, the movie was really fun, it's a good crowd movie. Other than that, would I watch it again? Probably not. The music was good and they got a lot of things right when it comes to this generation's parties, plus it is definitely fun to watch as things get really out of hand. However, there really isn't much story here and they overuse random party footage to the point that it's more so a music video than a movie. It's hard to say though, I have mixed feelings on the movie, it can be fun but I wouldn't consider it a good movie. I'd suggest it to anyone going with a group of friends, planning to go out afterwards, it's good in that it gets you amped to cause a little havoc.
Posted by: James McClung, March 7th, 2012, 1:39pm; Reply: 2
I thought this was okay. I had many criticisms early on that I had to drop about half an hour in because frankly, they weren't fair directed to such a simplistic film. And while I don't think they mastered the found footage look (the quality/editing was just too good), which I don't particularly like anyway, I did enjoy the stripped down feel that you don't really see in these kinds of films. It was also kind of fun to ponder the logistics of this party and what other results would have most certainly been yielded by this level of debauchery.

Still, I did come out with some criticisms that were merited. First and foremost, Costa has got to be the most unlikeable teenage character in history. At least Ryan Philippe got hit by a car in Cruel Intentions. By the end of the film's first shot, I knew I hated this character. This is by far the fastest I've hated a character in anything.

J.B. was a surprisingly funny character who was underused throughout the film. Dax Flame, the cameraman, was utterly squandered. Anyone who's seen his YouTube videos will understand why. I don't even know why they cast him in this part.

Also, I didn't find the film funny at all nor all that shocking. I wasn't expecting a comedy. Rather just something completely outrageous so the lack of humor wasn't really an issue for me but pretty much all the jokes were recycled from other bad comedies and really just made all the characters more unlikeable, with Costa reaching terminal velocity of hate-ability within 20 minutes.

What really disappointed me was the lack of utter mayhem and destruction. Towards the end, they managed to cram it in but most of the film seemed more focused on freak dancing and people walking in slow motion to hip hop songs. It felt a lot more like a Coke commercial than a Hollywood comedy.

At the end of the day, I don't really regret seeing it. It is different and I'm sure some people will have a good time with it. I just can't recommend it wholeheartedly.
Posted by: Andrew, March 7th, 2012, 3:37pm; Reply: 3

Quoted from JamesMcClung
I had many criticisms early on that I had to drop about half an hour in because frankly, they weren't fair directed to such a simplistic film.

It's an important point and nicely sums up my approach to the film.

Agreed that Costa is a bit of a selfish arsehole, but I appreciated the angle they took in not giving him a lesson that he then integrates into his life. This guy loved the infamy and his last scene validates the fact that no lesson was learned and he'll up the ante in future shenanigans. I liked that aspect.
Posted by: Dreamscale (Guest), March 10th, 2012, 11:16am; Reply: 4
Andrew, just saw your post and this thread.  I haven't seen it and it's highly unlikely I will see it.  It's not remotely my bag, and based on the trailers, I have about zero interest.

Posted by: Colkurtz8, March 13th, 2012, 7:30am; Reply: 5
I should of hated this film but was actually unbothered (I know that's not a correct term but it effectively sums up my feelings towards it) by it. Simply because, as Andrew said, it did exactly what it said on the tin. No real plot or “message” or even  character development to speak of, just one big party dramatised, exaggerated and sensationalized to the extreme with a cast chock full of annoying, crass, shallow, manipulative, status seeking bunch of assho—I mean, teenagers…but weren’t we all a little like that to varying degrees during those years of our lives?

I’ve read and heard a lot of people thrashing this with some getting really outraged and offended by the content and I completely understand why but it was what it was. You could highlight problems in it till the proverbial cows came home and all the criticisms are totally valid but I would never let a film so obviously aware of its own wayward moral compass to bother me that much.

What did people expect given the premise? I actually respect it more for not pretending to be something it wasn’t by trying to shoehorn in some faux, ham fisted meaning or taking the noble, life lesson high ground. The kids wrecked the joint, took drugs, drank too much and acted irresponsible, yes it was overblown in the extreme but that’s what goes on at parties, albeit on a smaller scale.

At 27 years of age is it embarrassing and shameful to admit that I would've loved to have attended such an event!
Posted by: Electric Dreamer, June 6th, 2012, 8:33am; Reply: 6
Caught this one recently...
It's inoffensive enough and performs as advertised.
This is certainly a more homogenized FF hybrid than Chronicle.
Here I didn't mind the transparent faux shaky cam as much.

Project X is more like a filler to hang out until the real party starts.
To its credit, it doesn't aspire to transcend its premise. Just execute it.
The cast and narrative are serviceable and don't suffocate the pacing.
And it does do that pretty well and the overall party vibe is palpable... mostly.
I did loathe the day after Hollywood crap. I wanted to end on a big high.

So an inoffensive pass from me, but I had no problem going along for the ride.

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