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SimplyScripts Screenwriting Discussion Board  /   General Chat  /  Brett (Electric Dreamer) Rocks
Posted by: Ledbetter (Guest), December 24th, 2012, 9:53pm
Everyone here should know this.

Brett (Electric Dreamer) is getting some GREAT exposure...


Here's what Brett had to say about it on FACEBOOK~ :D

My feature script, Clone Wife, has been chosen to be the next Amateur Friday review on Scriptshadow! Big thanks to my colleagues and friends that continue to believe in and support my efforts. This milestone could not have been reached without all of you. Now, let's see if Carson will give me a Happy New Year!



I wish you the best my friend.

Posted by: rc1107, December 24th, 2012, 10:55pm; Reply: 1
Congrats, Brett!

I've never really checked out Scriptshadow before.  I definitely will this week, though.
Posted by: Mr. Blonde, December 24th, 2012, 11:15pm; Reply: 2
That should be awesome for Brett. Fingers crossed at some serious good vibrations. =)
Posted by: Andrew, December 26th, 2012, 8:31am; Reply: 3
Talking of Scriptshadow - where are the scripts? Haven't had any links for a couple of weeks and the old links are dead.
Posted by: Ryan1, December 26th, 2012, 3:35pm; Reply: 4
You saw that he changed his site address to   Not sure if you're on his email list but that's the only way to get the pro scripts.  Amateur Friday scripts still come with the links.
Posted by: Dreamscale (Guest), December 26th, 2012, 7:11pm; Reply: 5
Go Brett!  Hope it goes well, brother.

Good thread, Led, you A-Hole!

Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas.
Posted by: Ledbetter (Guest), December 26th, 2012, 7:24pm; Reply: 6
Hey Jeff...

Congrats man! That was your 7000th post man!!!!

Posted by: danbotha, December 26th, 2012, 7:37pm; Reply: 7
Congrats Brett. Let's hope you get a good review :)
Posted by: Grandma Bear, December 26th, 2012, 8:06pm; Reply: 8
Looking forward to Friday Brett!

The logline was really great and the first 10 was great as well. Well done!!  :)
Posted by: stevie, December 26th, 2012, 8:59pm; Reply: 9

Quoted from Ledbetter
Hey Jeff...

Congrats man! That was your 7000th post man!!!!


Funnily enough, thats exactly how many wanks he's had this year...
Posted by: Dreamscale (Guest), December 26th, 2012, 9:20pm; Reply: 10
;D ;D ;D ;D

Yeah, no shit, huh?  Some life this kid is living...sad.

Damn, I hope 2013 is a big year for all of us!  You start us off, Brett!  Sending positive vibes...  
Posted by: jwent6688, December 27th, 2012, 2:20am; Reply: 11
Saw this on Facebook as well. I am not a Carson fan. The man loves the sound of his own voice too much and hasn't written a thing that would stand in the same universe of rules he holds screenplays to. Always easy to be a critic.

Good luck Brett. He can obviously get a script some attention.

Posted by: Electric Dreamer, December 27th, 2012, 11:01am; Reply: 12
Hey Shawn!

Thanks for posting this here and the shout out, pal!

This opportunity wouldn't exist without you guys.
So, I hope I represent the Simply Scripts faithful well over there. :)

And hopefully after the review's up, my gut will knock off the flip flopping. :P

Think Huge & Dream Endless,
Posted by: Steex, December 31st, 2012, 5:07am; Reply: 13
Super psyched.
I've said it before, but I'll say it again,
Posted by: Electric Dreamer, January 1st, 2013, 11:48am; Reply: 14

Quoted from Steex
Super psyched.
I've said it before, but I'll say it again,

Hey Steex!

Thanks a lot for the kind words.
Without the dedication of SS vets, I'd likely be doing something less fun for work! ;D

I hope other Simply Scripts members will start making some noise on Scriptshadow.
So, whose next? ;D

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