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Posted by: dogglebe (Guest), March 17th, 2014, 10:55am

Don't read this thread if you haven't seen episode 414

I was beginning to lose interest in the show this season.  I nearly stopped watching it after the prison was destroyed and overrun.  What kept my interest was how the producers chose to do episodes on members of the scattered groups.

Rick, Carl and Michonne's episodes were okay at best.  Seeing Michonne's dream of her 'past' was, IMHO, the only great thing about it.  Seeing Carl eat five pounds of chocolate pudding stands out, however, and it really shouldn 't.

The episodes between Daryl and Beth were much better as the two were opposites of each other and their pasts were explored a little more than the other.  I'd like to have seen another episode of just them.

Last night's episode, with Carol, Tyrese, Lizzie and Mika, was probably the best episode in the series.  It showed how the zombie apocalypse affected kids.  In this case, it drove Lizzie completely crazy to the point where she killed her sister just so she could come back and Lizzie would have a zombie playmate--

Hey, I said 'spoiler space--'

and her plan was to have done the same with baby Judith but she was stopped by Tyrese and Carol.  I thought back to when Lizzie nearly smothered the crying Judith, when the group was surrounded by zombies.  I figured she was doing this to protect the group ("Someone keep that chicken quiet!")

Society is falling apart, after four seasons.  Those that the 'regular' cast are now meeting up with are more savage.  It makes me wonder if everyone's destination, 'Terminus,' will be like Bartertown and if people will fight in Thunderdome.

Posted by: Penoyer79, March 17th, 2014, 12:18pm; Reply: 1

1. Zombie virus sweeps the world
2. Governments fall. Society Collapses.
3. Mass exodus as billions die.
4. survivors band together and struggle to survive
5. Within a few years... the weak have perished and only the strong and well protected remain. societies are forged as survivors adapt.
6. Survivors adapt so well to the Zombie threat they can now actively co-exist in a world that would have easily killed them before.  
7. the threat shift from the zombies... back to fellow man.

this appears to be where things are go.

Think about the monsters that exist in Society as we know it. Now imagine those monsters in a lawless post-apocalyptic world... unstoppable Monsters who have become every bit as skilled and adept at Survival and Killing as Rick and his group....  

What you have is pure Evil.
Posted by: DarrenJamesSeeley, March 17th, 2014, 12:20pm; Reply: 2
If Melissa McBride and/or Chad Coleman don't get Emmy nods consideration for this, I advise folks to look at some flowers.,..
Posted by: Penoyer79, March 17th, 2014, 1:01pm; Reply: 3
damn.....I need to go back and watch "CLAIMED"

Posted by: dogglebe (Guest), March 17th, 2014, 2:36pm; Reply: 4
They've never said how much time has lapsed in the four seasons.  I can't imagine it being four years.  If it was, food sources would be dwindling in a big way as even canned food would start to go bad.  Car batteries (as well as all other batteries) have shelf lives.  And medicines.

Chiropractors and herbalists will become the new gods!  And brewers... because people will need beer.

Posted by: dogglebe (Guest), March 17th, 2014, 2:39pm; Reply: 5
Is that supposed to be the same guy, Penoyer?  I'm guessing that everyone is within shouting distance of each other.  I know that Daryl and Beth are near Carol and Tyrese; it was D & B's fire that C & T saw.

Posted by: Mr. Blonde, March 17th, 2014, 2:42pm; Reply: 6

Quoted from dogglebe
They've never said how much time has lapsed in the four seasons.

It's been about two and a half years so far.
Posted by: dogglebe (Guest), March 17th, 2014, 3:01pm; Reply: 7
Well, I think all medicines would be useless after two and a half years.  Especially since many of it has to be kept refrigerated.  Though I think Judith would be older by now.  Atleast a year and a half.

you're welcome.

Posted by: Penoyer79, March 17th, 2014, 6:56pm; Reply: 8

Quoted from dogglebe
Is that supposed to be the same guy, Penoyer?  I'm guessing that everyone is within shouting distance of each other.  I know that Daryl and Beth are near Carol and Tyrese; it was D & B's fire that C & T saw.


yeah it is.... and i went back and watched Claimed... you can hear Daryl's voice when they first break into the house....

You can also hear the guys talking about
"a girl shacked up here...found her shirt looks like she washed it before she left..."
and then you hear another guy say "She stole a car... she'd be miles from here by now"

I wonder if they're talking about Beth?
Posted by: khamanna, March 18th, 2014, 7:54am; Reply: 9
I didn't like it when Lizzy killed her sister. For me they didn't lead up to that moment in my opinion - didn't build to it properly. Overall Lizzy's insanity was pretty hard to buy into. And then, Tyrese forgiving Carol just like that... - didn't like the 14 at all. But I liked Daren with Beth and especially Rick, Mishonne and Carl together.
Posted by: dogglebe (Guest), March 18th, 2014, 9:27am; Reply: 10
My only problem with Lizzy's insanity is that it was rushed.  I'd like to havde seen this dragged out a little more.

Posted by: wonkavite (Guest), March 18th, 2014, 9:38am; Reply: 11
Yep, they could/should have put more clues leading up to Lizzy's insanity.

But I think that Tyrese forgiving Carol was brilliant.  That particular moment in time is the *only* time that it could have gone down like that - when he's staring in the face of his own decision to allow Lizzy to be "put down."  And he did say...  "I forgive you.  But I won't forget."  Genius writing.  Best I've seen on the show!!  :P
Posted by: Reel-truth, March 18th, 2014, 1:15pm; Reply: 12
Tell you the truth I was glad when lizzy got shot. I'm the type that of viewer that was becoming increasingly upset with her charcter. Not saying she was a bad actress or the charcter was bad. I just didn't like her...i guess stupididty to put it harshly. But man was that a great pay off. I didn't even take into account how children would percieve the horror around them. Not until that point, where she killed her sister. Then it all came flooding in. Then I realized that it was an important story arc for the show.

Probably was one of best episodes. Probabaly not thee best. But yea it's up there.

Shame on me for hating on lil crazy lizzie.
Posted by: dogglebe (Guest), March 18th, 2014, 1:43pm; Reply: 13
Maybe this episode meant more to me as I once wrote a short about children growing up in the zombie apoca,ypse; I don't know.

I felt very bad for her; blame on that girl's great acting for her portraying such emmotions in a world that she nothing to refer to.

Posted by: Penoyer79, March 18th, 2014, 1:47pm; Reply: 14
Pretty good episode.. though i liked Claimed more... that shit with Rick trying to get out of the house was intense.

Shane killing Otis in "save the last one" is still my favorite walking dead moment...
Posted by: jwent6688, March 18th, 2014, 2:42pm; Reply: 15
I've not been a fan of the series this year. Rick is our hero,  the most level headed of the bunch and he's only been in one episode. I don't agree with the producers ideas of following the scattered groups from the prison showdown.

I was impressed by the harsh grit displayed on Sunday nights episode. It seems like a very real human element for a child to feel sympathy for the walkers. To kill her own to show them that she thinks they're still half human blew my mind.

Posted by: Penoyer79, March 18th, 2014, 3:21pm; Reply: 16
It's an ensemble cast. I for one, appreciate the fact that we are getting this little TIME OUT with each of the groups to better get to know the other characters.... like Tyrese, Sasha, Bob... people we do not know very well... as well as the new characters.

the writers are obviously laying the foundation down for the things that are coming next season

I don't believe it's an accident/coincidence that the the writers chose to give this supposed "sanctuary town" such a forboding name like TERMINUS (meaning Terminate).

As someone who has read the comics and has a general idea of where the show is going.... (though this Terminus thing is all new).... I can say that Phil is on the right track when he talks about how the human element is fastly becoming more dangerous than the Walker element.
Posted by: dogglebe (Guest), March 18th, 2014, 4:08pm; Reply: 17
I'm pretty tired of Rick.  And Carl.  They're very weak links.  A murder/suicide pact would fit nicely in the storyline.

Posted by: Penoyer79, March 18th, 2014, 9:15pm; Reply: 18
I want to see a Walking Dead Episode that shows us where the group would have gone... had Shane killed Rick instead.
Posted by: Demento, March 18th, 2014, 9:54pm; Reply: 19
I don't like it when they try to come up with "edgy stuff" like this from left field. Maybe it isn't totally out of left field, I watch the show on fast forward, maybe I missed something. I don't know even why I watch it. I guess it takes me only like 15 min to go over an episode.

I find this show so dull and uninteresting. I guess my love for the original Dawn of the Dead is why I check it out.

They don't have to have a zombie attacking someone in each episode. We're talking... OMG zombie attack. Look an empty house lets go in... OMG zombie attack. We get it, there are zombies, you don't have to show them in every episode. They have become so ineffective, it has reached laughable levels.
Posted by: Penoyer79, March 18th, 2014, 11:21pm; Reply: 20

Quoted from Demento

They don't have to have a zombie attacking someone in each episode. We're talking... OMG zombie attack. Look an empty house lets go in... OMG zombie attack. We get it, there are zombies, you don't have to show them in every episode. They have become so ineffective, it has reached laughable levels.

lol that's the exact opposite of all the bitching i hear - not enough zombie attacks.

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