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Posted by: oJOHNNYoNUTSo, April 17th, 2014, 1:03am

If you've been disappointed time and again with unoriginal Hollywood as of late, you might be hesitant with the thought of this 90s classic getting the reboot treatment. I bring great news, Fargo the series is downright amazing.

It retains the spirit of the world and its familiar tone, but its surprise hits you almost immediately. These quaint characters are in way over their heads, in every aspect of life, but they own it completely, along with the venom that comes with it. The awareness and attention to detail in this is remarkable. The humor is on par with, if not exceeds the original.

Don't take my word for this, but it's really that good.

Posted by: Toby_E, April 17th, 2014, 4:20am; Reply: 1
I was initially reluctant to watch this, as I love the original sooooooo much. However, I have read nothing but good things about the show, so I am really looking forward to it airing in my neck of the woods later this week.
Posted by: oJOHNNYoNUTSo, April 17th, 2014, 2:33pm; Reply: 2
I think as this anthology begins to unravel, the similarities and differences between the two will show more of its broad stroke, but right now it's hard to say because it's so damn seamless.

It's like I can totally see them changing the title and it wouldn't be Fargo, but if they did that then it would be Fargo. Does that make any sense?

Anyway, Billy Bob Thornton shines in this, his character's been given some really good direction and dialogue.
Posted by: albinopenguin, April 18th, 2014, 10:45am; Reply: 3
Yeah, the reviews for this have been stellar. Can't wait to watch. Thanks for the reassurance JN.
Posted by: Penoyer79, April 18th, 2014, 1:40pm; Reply: 4
Man, that escalated quickly.
Posted by: Penoyer79, April 18th, 2014, 1:43pm; Reply: 5
I mean that got out of hand really fast!
Posted by: oJOHNNYoNUTSo, April 18th, 2014, 9:22pm; Reply: 6

Quoted from Penoyer79
I mean that got out of hand really fast!

Especially...the scene.

I swear, it didn't know if there would be a second episode after that.
Posted by: rendevous, July 23rd, 2014, 7:14am; Reply: 7
Good news for fans of the last series...

I loved this series far more than I expected. It had the same tone of the film and some fine plotting and story. And Billy Bob made a perfect if unusual hitman. Martin Freeman also hit the high notes. At first I was appalled at the idea. But bless, he surprised me.

I think if the same people are involved the second series will be just as fine.

Oh jeez.

Posted by: albinopenguin, July 23rd, 2014, 11:03am; Reply: 8
Couldn't be happier.

Honestly speaking (and I know I'm going to get s hit for saying this), Fargo is my second favorite television show of all time. In my opinion, it's way more interesting than Game of Thrones and better written than True Detective. Now don't get me wrong, I love both of those shows. But Fargo's tone appealed to me personally. Billy Bob and Freeman's performances were stellar. And the story was weird, dark, and incredibly intriguing.

Can't wait for a second helping.
Posted by: irish eyes, July 23rd, 2014, 11:32am; Reply: 9
Amazing show.
Although none of the main stars are coming back for the 2nd season

Posted by: Guest, July 23rd, 2014, 11:58am; Reply: 10

Quoted from albinopenguin
Couldn't be happier.

Honestly speaking (and I know I'm going to get s hit for saying this), Fargo is my second favorite television show of all time. In my opinion, it's way more interesting than Game of Thrones and better written than True Detective. Now don't get me wrong, I love both of those shows. But Fargo's tone appealed to me personally. Billy Bob and Freeman's performances were stellar. And the story was weird, dark, and incredibly intriguing.

Can't wait for a second helping.


Posted by: Demento, July 23rd, 2014, 3:43pm; Reply: 11
This was one of the better series I've seen recently.

I think it's a far better show than True Detective, which got a bit more praise.

I'll be watching the second season.
Posted by: rendevous, July 23rd, 2014, 7:49pm; Reply: 12
I never wanted to be the type to think big thoughts about the nature of things.

All I ever wanted was a stack of pancakes and a V8...
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