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SimplyScripts Screenwriting Discussion Board  /  Series  /  Mindwalker - Table Read!
Posted by: Don, May 7th, 2015, 5:20pm
Mindwalker - 'Anchored' (pilot) by Thorsten Loos - Series, Supernatural, Detective - When a grad student gets caught in the crossfire of a murder on campus, he finds himself able to travel outside his body, enlisting the help of an unlikely ally to find his way back home.  - pdf, format 8)


Posted by: DanC, May 7th, 2015, 6:33pm; Reply: 1
I just got done reading this and it isn't bad.  There are a lot of ideas going on here, but, I sent him an email bout those.  

It's an interesting read.  Lots of fun ideas and I think this world, in time, would be one worth spending time in.
Posted by: Equinox, May 8th, 2015, 1:28am; Reply: 2
Thanks alot for the read and your notes, Dan. I'll get back to you later today.
Posted by: DustinBowcot (Guest), May 8th, 2015, 2:21am; Reply: 3
This is frighteningly close to something I'm currently working on, so I can't read it. Good luck with it though.
Posted by: DanC, May 8th, 2015, 12:14pm; Reply: 4

Quoted from DustinBowcot
This is frighteningly close to something I'm currently working on, so I can't read it. Good luck with it though.

Dustin, I am gonna assume that you are working on Astral travel or some other sort of out-of-body-experience, as Libby told me, there are no original ideas, just rehashes of them.

I have seen similar ideas that took totally different paths, so, sure, they can be the same idea, but, executed totally differently.

If you want me to read yours and let you know how similar it is, I'm willing, but, as long as your "rules" are different, I don't think it will end up similar at all.  That's like saying the 2 shows Medium and Tru Calling and the movie the 6th sense are similar.  Yes, in all of them, people talk to ghosts, but, the execution of the world they created was totally different.

I have to also take credit, and I wish I had done it sooner, when I saw the 6th sense, the first thing that popped into my head was this should be a series, and I was right as it spawned a whole genre for a while, and really, Izombie is just a continuation of that idea.

Posted by: DustinBowcot (Guest), May 8th, 2015, 1:09pm; Reply: 5

Quoted from DanC

Dustin, I am gonna assume that you are working on Astral travel or some other sort of out-of-body-experience.

No, neither of those. I tend not to read or see things similar to what I'm writing as I don't like to be polluted by the ideas of others.
Posted by: Equinox, May 9th, 2015, 8:49am; Reply: 6
Out of curiosity, can you reveal a bit about what you're writing, Dustin?
Posted by: TheRemnant, May 9th, 2015, 3:02pm; Reply: 7
Hello Thorsten just like to say very intense start. Just got a little past the teaser and I got to say I didn't expect that. I'm curious to how the season will pan out. Keep it up and if you ever have the time please check out me and my sister series called TheRemnant. The main protagonist is Shikauhno Lee and after a failed suicide attempt she moves back to her hometown Ryojima, Japan to start anew. Here's the link,
Posted by: Equinox, May 9th, 2015, 5:41pm; Reply: 8
Hi TheRemnant,

glad you liked the teaser, thanks for reading. I remember flying over your script a while ago, but I found it a bit hard to read due to some format issues. I only read the first few pages, not enough to understand what it's about really. Especially the long action paragraphs are a bit problematic, and it looks more like a shooting script with all the SFX and camera angles on every page. I'll check it out again and get back to you.
Posted by: Equinox, November 22nd, 2015, 6:19pm; Reply: 9
Hey, looks like this is the updated version / pg. 1 rewrite now. Any comments welcome :-)
Posted by: Marcela, November 23rd, 2015, 7:21pm; Reply: 10
Hi Thorsten, I read the teaser and liked it very much. I also like the title of the script. Just a small thing on page 2 – pick either SPRIGHTLY OLD MAN or PROFESSOR MARSHAL as the name of the character. They are one person, right? I'm still intrigued by your living in Germany. Is your mother tongue German?
I'm hoping to be back and read more
Posted by: Equinox, November 23rd, 2015, 8:01pm; Reply: 11
Hey, Marcela.

Glad you liked it, hope you come back and read a bit more :-)

About SPRIGHTLY OLD MAN / PROFESSOR MARSHAL, I agree something's wrong here. When they talk, Andrew doesn't use the professor's name - so there's no way to know this is Professor Marshal. We can figure out it's his professor, but not his name. Will change that, thanks.

Yes, I live in Germany and my native language is german.

Thanks for the read :-)
Posted by: TonyDionisio, November 23rd, 2015, 8:48pm; Reply: 12

Please get out of the habit of using "we" -- I thought I was alone reading this, scared me for a sec ;)





It's not really background noises since you haven't established a foreground yet. Keep it simple as possible.

Next scene, same thing --



Establishing.  (or you can mention any landmarks that are important to your story).



Nothing special.

ANDREW KINDERMAN, 25, unshaven, unshowered, lays on a couch. (How will you film that he ran out of blades 3 days ago?)


Need an age for Anna. Describe the suit. "Plays a government suit..." sounds a bit weird. I get it, but describe the suit, if it's even important.

"Like a criminal caught in the act, Andrew steps out of the
room and away from the treacherous boob tube." Don't like it. If he's infatuated with her, show him drooling at the screen, or hugging an autographed picture of her or something.

"I need to hurry now, my wife's waiting with the diner." try: "I gotta go. No way I'm eating a cold dinner again." Unless you meant she is actually waiting besides a diner?

"The deserted building seems eerie at night. Only the ECHOS
of his FOOTSTEPS follow Andrew on his way to the lab. Ready
for the next crucifixion..." Eerie looking BUILDING. I don't care for the rest of the paragraph.

Pg. 4 Andrew runs, TEARS open a door, which should make a considerable amount of noise, sees everything, including 2 murderers ransacking a corpse's belongings, and then is able to close it and spy on them without them noticing? How far away are they?

"...his head puffed out of the lab door..." I would change this a bit.

His buddy flips the light on and then their busted?

"He runs upstairs. Aware of the danger he's in." ...runs up stairs, face petrified with fear. Pretty sure we all know he's in danger at this point.

"Driven by his fear of death, Andrew jumps up and runs on. He tries several doors as he passes by, no luck. All sealed."  Desperately runs, checks every door. All of them locked.

Last door... opens it. Now on the


He's on the roof at this point and I doubt he'll hear the footsteps of the hit men following him from behind the door to the roof.

Good visual ending to the teaser -- a guy laying in a pool of blood on top of a truck roof. I think you can make the teaser read faster, cleaner and more intense.

"Readied up for a fight," Yuck. Give him a baseball bat, or a kitchen knife. Maybe something from the panic room, which I'm guessing has nothing to do with the rest of the story?

I like the Twilight Zone situation you have going on here.

So Ethan is a Pig who cheats. Good, create something for Anna to deal with and perhaps the Protag to take advantage later. Andrew knows this cuz he's doing the Patrick Swayze from Ghost. Can't wait to see if he tells her.
Posted by: TonyDionisio, November 23rd, 2015, 11:16pm; Reply: 13
Pg. 15, should really try to give each character intro his own paragraph, but I know it's hard when you're pressed for page space.

"Leslie finds Andrew on the bed and is immediately agitated by the view." I think I figured this out but try not to use view... that suggests looking at scenery or something inanimate.

"Another man, FBI AGENT THOMAS JANKOVIC (27) turns around the
corner and enters the hallway." Another man??? Oh no, not another man! lol. Just start the sentence with FBI AGENT...

"The doctor flies over the pages of the printout." Skims through reads better, IMO.

         I see... So you didn't separate
         from your body voluntarily.

I doubt a young girl holding a doll will start a sentence with: I see.

Pg. 30 Bold the Flashback to. I actually missed it, read and had to go back from the V.O.'s Don't want that to happen to anyone.

Pg. 30 "His eyes move back to the apartment block." Looks at the apartment block.

Pg. 34  "After quite a while, the GIGGLES of two people are heard before the door opens up.  In front of Anna stands MELISSA, a hot redhead in her late twenties, only wearing a male's shirt and Ethan in his boxers hugging her from behind."

GIGGLES from within. Door opens to: MELISSA, late 20s, fire-red hair, hot bod barely covered by a man's button down shirt. Ethan draped over her, hands playfully pawing at her back side.

          (about to explode)

Don't make about to, just make her explode!

No, it's not. I'm actually glad you
told me, who knows how much longer
he would've jerked me around if you
hadn't. Seems like I'm too stupid
to realize when someone just takes
advantage of me.

An emotional woman who just got cheated on and is sobbing in the car with a ghost-stranger is not gonna speak rationally like this. You need to ramp this up more.

Pg. 41 "Anna wears dark sunglasses and covers her face under a hood." Reads a bit messy.

Pg. 43 Capitalize America.

Pg. 46 She googled all the hospitals in NY? They must have some idea where to narrow down the search for his body.

Pg 47,48 had me thinking about Venkman in Ghostbusters... rofl.

Pg. 55 "William chases down the hallway and approaches his office." Chases reads awkwardly.

"William stares at the screen, waiting for a reply. Not sure he will like it..." Williams intently stares at the screen, cautiously awaits a reply.

"As the words sink in, his expression turns to black despair." Black despair? What does that look like?


You created some intrigue here. The ending of each act wasn't particularly grand -- which is why I hate the act structure. I wasn't particularly invested in Andrew's character as much as I would have liked. I also think you could have distinguished individual voices a bit more, especially since you did introduce a large number of characters in a short time.

Matthew's cliffhanger, while is a reason to tune in to episode 2, could have been set up better.

Overall, interesting mix of PG rated sci-fi themes. Nothing really too new. Missing a really geeky character. Andrew wasn't too much of one. Good Job.

Posted by: Equinox, November 24th, 2015, 4:34am; Reply: 14
Thank you very much for the read and the detailed notes, Tony. I'll reply later when I got more time.
Posted by: Equinox, November 25th, 2015, 1:23pm; Reply: 15
Hey Tony,

Quoted from TonyDionisio


Please get out of the habit of using "we" -- I thought I was alone reading this, scared me for a sec ;)

I got out of that habit already but found it's commonly used in just about any TV script I got in my fingers. I'm not overdoing it, but it offers a different way of opening a sentence, so I used it.

Quoted Text





It's not really background noises since you haven't established a foreground yet. Keep it simple as possible.

Next scene, same thing --



Establishing.  (or you can mention any landmarks that are important to your story).



Nothing special.

ANDREW KINDERMAN, 25, unshaven, unshowered, lays on a couch. (How will you film that he ran out of blades 3 days ago?)

I found short sentences without repeating the subject a stylistic method of improving the flow. But I think opening just with single words seems a bit odd.

Quoted Text


Need an age for Anna. Describe the suit. "Plays a government suit..." sounds a bit weird. I get it, but describe the suit, if it's even important.

Good point, cut too much and lost her age. Why would I describe the suit? I guess anybody can imagine a woman in a suit?

Quoted Text

"Like a criminal caught in the act, Andrew steps out of the
room and away from the treacherous boob tube." Don't like it. If he's infatuated with her, show him drooling at the screen, or hugging an autographed picture of her or something.

Hm, don't know why you don't like it. Drooling at the screen or hugging an autograph screams 'COMEDY' too much for my taste.

Quoted Text

"I need to hurry now, my wife's waiting with the diner." try: "I gotta go. No way I'm eating a cold dinner again." Unless you meant she is actually waiting besides a diner?

Thanks, will fix that.

Quoted Text

"The deserted building seems eerie at night. Only the ECHOS
of his FOOTSTEPS follow Andrew on his way to the lab. Ready
for the next crucifixion..." Eerie looking BUILDING. I don't care for the rest of the paragraph.

The rest of the paragraph pictures his expectation of Leroy's rant because he's late again.

Quoted Text

Pg. 4 Andrew runs, TEARS open a door, which should make a considerable amount of noise, sees everything, including 2 murderers ransacking a corpse's belongings, and then is able to close it and spy on them without them noticing? How far away are they?

Seems natural they wouldn't hear him run inside the building while they stand outside on the parking area. Unless they're right in front of the entrance they wouldn't notice the open door either.

Quoted Text

"...his head puffed out of the lab door..." I would change this a bit.

What's wrong with it?

Quoted Text

His buddy flips the light on and then their busted?

Yeah, when he switches the light on, the killers realize there's someone in the building. They turn to the door and see Andrew's silhouette through the door.

Quoted Text

"He runs upstairs. Aware of the danger he's in." ...runs up stairs, face petrified with fear. Pretty sure we all know he's in danger at this point.

"Driven by his fear of death, Andrew jumps up and runs on. He tries several doors as he passes by, no luck. All sealed."  Desperately runs, checks every door. All of them locked.

Good points.

Quoted Text

Last door... opens it. Now on the


He's on the roof at this point and I doubt he'll hear the footsteps of the hit men following him from behind the door to the roof.

It's more likely he'll hear them storm through the staircase right behind him than them hearing him opening the door of the building.

Quoted Text

Good visual ending to the teaser -- a guy laying in a pool of blood on top of a truck roof. I think you can make the teaser read faster, cleaner and more intense.

Could probably cut another half page or so. Will try.

Quoted Text

"Readied up for a fight," Yuck. Give him a baseball bat, or a kitchen knife. Maybe something from the panic room, which I'm guessing has nothing to do with the rest of the story?

Had him pick up a tennis racket before but cut it out again.

Quoted Text

I like the Twilight Zone situation you have going on here.

Glad there's something you like :-)

Quoted Text

So Ethan is a Pig who cheats. Good, create something for Anna to deal with and perhaps the Protag to take advantage later. Andrew knows this cuz he's doing the Patrick Swayze from Ghost. Can't wait to see if he tells her.

Yeah, that was the plan :-)
Posted by: Equinox, November 25th, 2015, 1:52pm; Reply: 16

Quoted from TonyDionisio
Pg. 15, should really try to give each character intro his own paragraph, but I know it's hard when you're pressed for page space.

Characters play a minor part here, except William, so I focused on his description.

Quoted Text

"Leslie finds Andrew on the bed and is immediately agitated by the view." I think I figured this out but try not to use view... that suggests looking at scenery or something inanimate.

Thanks, will fix it.

Quoted Text

"Another man, FBI AGENT THOMAS JANKOVIC (27) turns around the
corner and enters the hallway." Another man??? Oh no, not another man! lol. Just start the sentence with FBI AGENT...

Makes sense, will change it.

Quoted Text

"The doctor flies over the pages of the printout." Skims through reads better, IMO.

Can't use skim over whenever somebody reads something. But I agree :-)

Quoted Text

         I see... So you didn't separate
         from your body voluntarily.

I doubt a young girl holding a doll will start a sentence with: I see.

Hmm, don't know. She's dead and a ghost from the victorian era.

Quoted Text

Pg. 30 Bold the Flashback to. I actually missed it, read and had to go back from the V.O.'s Don't want that to happen to anyone.

Will do.

Quoted Text

Pg. 30 "His eyes move back to the apartment block." Looks at the apartment block.

Pg. 34  "After quite a while, the GIGGLES of two people are heard before the door opens up.  In front of Anna stands MELISSA, a hot redhead in her late twenties, only wearing a male's shirt and Ethan in his boxers hugging her from behind."

GIGGLES from within. Door opens to: MELISSA, late 20s, fire-red hair, hot bod barely covered by a man's button down shirt. Ethan draped over her, hands playfully pawing at her back side.

          (about to explode)

Don't make about to, just make her explode!

Good points, will keep them in mind.

Quoted Text

No, it's not. I'm actually glad you
told me, who knows how much longer
he would've jerked me around if you
hadn't. Seems like I'm too stupid
to realize when someone just takes
advantage of me.

An emotional woman who just got cheated on and is sobbing in the car with a ghost-stranger is not gonna speak rationally like this. You need to ramp this up more.

She's been speaking to him for quite a while now already, so she should've gotten used to his presence I think. Not sure about this, maybe you're right, but I can't really think of a good way to ramp it up any further here.

Quoted Text

Pg. 41 "Anna wears dark sunglasses and covers her face under a hood." Reads a bit messy.

She wears dark sunglasses. Her head's covered under a hoodie jacket. - maybe?

Quoted Text

Pg. 43 Capitalize America.

Why would anybody do that? :-) joking...

Quoted Text

Pg. 46 She googled all the hospitals in NY? They must have some idea where to narrow down the search for his body.

Don't know. Maybe they could look for hospitals close to the campus first, but does it really matter?

Quoted Text

Pg 47,48 had me thinking about Venkman in Ghostbusters... rofl.

LOL, no idea where you take that association from :-) It's not meant to be funny here. Her body reacts to the low frequency tones and 'unlocks' her paranormal abilities.

Quoted Text

Pg. 55 "William chases down the hallway and approaches his office." Chases reads awkwardly.

Rushes down, maybe?

Quoted Text

"As the words sink in, his expression turns to black despair." Black despair? What does that look like?

If my dictionary doesn't lie, it looks like complete hopelessness. He's forced to kill again, closer to getting caught and losing his family.

Quoted Text


You created some intrigue here. The ending of each act wasn't particularly grand -- which is why I hate the act structure.

I think the act breaks are set exactly at the crucial turning points. Explaining Andrew's state, he's separated from his body. Chloe's reveal of the 'rules' of his state. The clue about William's involvement. Andrew & Anna learn about Leroy's death. Realize there's more to this than just a random robbery. Cliffhanger, William is ordered to kill her. I think the act breaks are at the perfect positions.

Quoted Text

I wasn't particularly invested in Andrew's character as much as I would have liked. I also think you could have distinguished individual voices a bit more, especially since you did introduce a large number of characters in a short time.

Yeah, that's still a weakness. I'm already glad if I have them talking in reasonable english voices at all, so I'll have to take that.

Quoted Text

Matthew's cliffhanger, while is a reason to tune in to episode 2, could have been set up better.

I guess you mean William here. How could it be set up better? He learns Anna probably knows about the killers. Asks his mystery bad guys for instructions. Is told (forced) to kill her.

Quoted Text

Overall, interesting mix of PG rated sci-fi themes. Nothing really too new. Missing a really geeky character. Andrew wasn't too much of one. Good Job.

Thank you. The idea is to have a group of influential people construct something like a HAARP device and use it to remote control people. Unfolding all sorts of side-effect-paranormal abilities along the way (like someone separating from his body for example). Combined with the conspiracy plot about who is involved into all this. Fleshing out characters is still one of my major weaknesses as I said. It's problematic to convert more detailed characters with the language barrier. But I'm trying. Writing a few shorts next where I try to focus on characters, as an exercise, so to speak.

Thanks again for the read and your notes. Appreciate it.

Posted by: Equinox, December 16th, 2015, 2:57pm; Reply: 17
Good news:

MINDWALKER was selected by the Wildsound festival, they are going to live peform it with real actors on their festival in February! This really made my day :-) Really looking forward to see this happen!

I got a few really detailed notes, pointing me to grammar and word choice issues page-by-page for a rewrite I have to finish for the live performance.


I can really recommend Wildsound, I submitted an earlier draft of this pilot there before, which got rejected, but the notes were also very helpful and helped me with this newer draft. So if you have 50 spare dollars and a TV pilot script, I can only recommend to give this a shot.
Posted by: TonyDionisio, December 16th, 2015, 7:36pm; Reply: 18
Great news indeed,

Gl with the reading, Equi!

Update: On your mention, I went to Wildsound and listened to a few of the readings. Interesting to say the least. Not that I'm endorsing the service, but very interesting to hear a script read out loud and seriously done. Even looks like fun. I can't find the script pdf's on the site to read along with. Are they there?
Posted by: Equinox, December 17th, 2015, 1:29am; Reply: 19
Hey Tony,

I don't think they have the scripts hosted online. It's basically a contest with notes included in the entry fee and the winning prizes for the top 25 scripts I believe is a live read at the festival. The notes alone are value for money here, it's more detailed than the usual contest 1-2 paragraph feedback and I found both reviews really helpful, especially in my case where they sent notes pointing me to exactly the sentences in the script which need a grammar fix. Almost like a proof-read.
Posted by: eldave1, December 17th, 2015, 11:44am; Reply: 20
Very nice! - Congrats.
Posted by: Don, February 17th, 2016, 12:43am; Reply: 21
Posted by: Mr.Ripley, February 17th, 2016, 11:52am; Reply: 22
Congrats. I'll see if I can give this a read.
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