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Posted by: sniper, August 24th, 2015, 1:03pm
Saw this one last night, and as much as like Jake Gyllenhaal as an actor, even he can't salvage this generic, bland, rehashed, clichéd, disjointed mess of a movie. Although, Gyllenhaal definitely put in some hours at the gym for this one. Fuck me, he's ripped.

The worst thing about it is that would have been a good movie...if i hadn't seen Rocky, if I hadn't seen Raging Bull or basically any movie where a fucking extra has a pair of gloves on. It's soooo predictable. Even down to the obligatory training montage. Come to think of it, it's basically Rocky III set in present day.

And does our hero manage to pick himself up? Does he find a trainer who re-teaches him everything? Does he make up with his little daughter? Does he have people rooting for him even though they absolutely no reason to do that? Does he win the match in the end and ride off into the typical Hollywood sunset?

Gee, take a wild guess.
Posted by: DustinBowcot (Guest), August 24th, 2015, 1:05pm; Reply: 1

Quoted from sniper
Although, Gyllenhaal definitely put in some hours at the gym for this one. Fuck me, he's ripped.

Posted by: sniper, August 24th, 2015, 1:07pm; Reply: 2
They worked.
Posted by: Scar Tissue Films, August 24th, 2015, 1:41pm; Reply: 3
Steroids tend to create rounded bulk rather than such tone.

That's just old fashioned High intensity training. If you get your diet right you can do that in 3 months, easy.

Well...not EASY. It's hard work. But you know what I mean.
Posted by: DustinBowcot (Guest), August 24th, 2015, 2:37pm; Reply: 4

Quoted from Scar Tissue Films
Steroids tend to create rounded bulk rather than such tone.

That's just old fashioned High intensity training. If you get your diet right you can do that in 3 months, easy.

Well...not EASY. It's hard work. But you know what I mean.

Steroids create muscle mass... so it's easier to work specific muscle groups because just a little work out pops them right out. I know quite a few guys that use steroids, and it really depends on the type of steroid and exercises you do afterwards... not that you can do anything too strenuous due to muscle tears.

Not just anyone could rip up well in 3 months using natural means. You have to be in fairly good shape to begin with and below a certain age. It also depends on things like muscle memory. If you've worked out before then it comes back after just a couple of work outs.

One of my best friends takes steroids fairly regularly and he moves in those muscle expo circles. I've found there's quite a lot of steroid use in martial arts and even cage fighting.

This could be down to muscle memory and hard work... but I'd be more inclined to go for steroids. Why risk millions on net getting properly ripped? The damage done to your body during usage can be recuperated.
Posted by: Demento, August 28th, 2015, 3:20pm; Reply: 5
This movie was just too much of a generic boxing movie. It tried to be a bit different but 90% of the stuff has been done so many times before.

Anyway on the steroid issue.  Gyllenhaal may have used something. Probably it's very likely he did. His abs and the rest of him had a grainy look. He was looking very cut. Maybe he is very genetically gifted.

Guys like Hugh Jackman, Gerard Butler and Chris Hemsworth used something for sure. And why shouldn't they? They aren't hurting anyone. Those movies will be around for decades if not more, why shouldn't they look their best. People should get upset at real cheaters like Usain Bolt, Lance Armstong, guys like that. These guys are just actors. They get paid to look good. It'd be a shame if they didn't do roids :)
Posted by: DustinBowcot (Guest), August 28th, 2015, 4:09pm; Reply: 6
I agree. But I think all athletes should be able to use whatever they like... if they don't drink alcohol or smoke, then they aren't doing any more harm to their body than anyone else.

Plus the competitive arena should be all about getting that edge. And allowing drug/steroid usage would result in amazing biological advancements.

Actors too... or anyone on the street. Not something for me personally, but it's there if I want it. I have been tempted a few times, especially when my mates are all beefed up, but it's just not for me.
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