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SimplyScripts Screenwriting Discussion Board  /   General Chat  /  I was a fool
Posted by: UnboundWriter, August 7th, 2019, 1:19pm
I had so much fun and so many laughs writing my latest TV Comedy script and when I found this place I thought, they let every script submitted breath in here. Then on the 10th day knowing there was a typo that was needling me, that dreaded missed doom even though I catch that from AP writers all the time. But I wrote more episodes, more laughs and chuckles so I wanted to update what went "live". That's when I found out "live" is a decision not a given. I hate waiting and now I am. But it's funny and I am not alone already in that assessment. So I'm holding my breath and the elephant grows larger. Am I the fool? I want to be.
Posted by: PrussianMosby, August 7th, 2019, 4:51pm; Reply: 1
Not sure what you are saying exactly. Is it that you don't want to wait that your submitted documents are updated?

since you surely can resubmit a version of your work, which is to your liking, that the kind administrator of this site will exchange with your old version. Then, I myself found this a little impolite since there's somebody who actually spends time to exchange versions because of typos and minor issues and I wouldn't constanntly deman this from somebody – but that's only a personal opinion of me.

What could serve the problem, if I get you right, that you want to update your work live and have changes fixed quicker up to immediately, is:

Use a cloud service for the data you upload (some people do even use their own servers here I believe). However, the only thing I know is that you could add a drobbox-link as the script file and put it in the actual "submission cheat" when submitting a script.

Then, with a cloud-service like dropbox f.i., there is a possibility to exchange the file within your dropbox-folder and replace it with a newer version. The link won't be damaged if you follow a few steps. As far as I remember, the new pdf-file must have the exact same title as the file that you replace it with. If you get how this works, you could actually change your material whenever you want by yourself.

I read about this a good while ago and can't say if it's still possible - so you'd need to research a little or inform yourself how the cloud-service of your choice handles things.

So, just a thought and there may be much better suggestions by others here.

Anyway, the general idea is just to submit with a link that leads to your own source rather than the site's webspace if you know what I mean?

All the best.
Posted by: UnboundWriter, August 7th, 2019, 4:56pm; Reply: 2

Quoted from PrussianMosby
Not sure what you are saying exactly. Is it that you don't want to wait that your submitted documents are updated?

since you surely can resubmit a version of your work, which is to your liking, that the kind administrator of this site will exchange with your old version. Then, I myself found this a little impolite since there's somebody who actually spends time to exchange versions because of typos and minor issues and I wouldn't constanntly deman this from somebody – but that's only a personal opinion of me.

What could serve the problem, if I get you right, that you want to update your work live and have changes fixed quicker up to immediately, is:

Use a cloud service for the data you upload (some people do even use their own servers here I believe). However, the only thing I know is that you could add a drobbox-link as the script file.

With dropbox f.i. there is a possibility to exchange the file within your dropbox-folder and replace it with a newer version. The link won't be damaged if you follow a few steps. As far as I remember, the new pdf-file must have the exact same title as the file that you replace it with. If you get how this works, you could actually change your material whenever you want by yourself.

I read about this a good while ago and can't say if it's still possible - so you'd need to research a little or inform yourself how the cloud-service of your choice handles things.

So, just a thought and there may be much better suggestions by others here.

Anyway, the general idea is just to submit with a link that leads to your own source rather than the site's webspace if you know what I mean?

All the best.

Thanks for the tips it's appreciated but I read they "decide" whether a script will be added or not, submitting is not a guarantee of that. That's fine doesn't mean it won't be but of course that changes things when it comes to waiting for something to go up and be live online.

Posted by: PrussianMosby, August 7th, 2019, 5:07pm; Reply: 3
Oh, you mean a different place. I see.
Posted by: DustinBowcot (Guest), August 7th, 2019, 5:12pm; Reply: 4
Some scripts may not be scripts but something nefarious. So long as your script isn't too nefarious, it should make it in.

The owner of the site does this all for free, and usually uploads a few scripts at a time. From the sounds of it, your script will definitely be listed. It's just a matter of when.
Posted by: UnboundWriter, August 7th, 2019, 5:24pm; Reply: 5

Quoted from DustinBowcot
Some scripts may not be scripts but something nefarious. So long as your script isn't too nefarious, it should make it in.

The owner of the site does this all for free, and usually uploads a few scripts at a time. From the sounds of it, your script will definitely be listed. It's just a matter of when.

Cool thank you I hope so. Yep I did know that behind this scene is a valiant individual helping a better world go round. It's not nefarious it's laughs without that lol. Thanks for your response and I will keep my fingers crossed.
Posted by: UnboundWriter, August 7th, 2019, 6:10pm; Reply: 6
Got the word it's going up tonight. Thanks Don! Thanks everyone and I hope you all get a good laugh from it.
Posted by: FrankM, August 7th, 2019, 7:01pm; Reply: 7
Don has some legalese on the submission page just because (1) he’s routinely handling copyrighted material, and (2) he’d be opening himself up to liability claims if he actually promised anything.

Don’s an awesome enough guy that the site functions just fine with a few common-sense rules.
Posted by: UnboundWriter, August 10th, 2019, 3:41pm; Reply: 8

Quoted from FrankM
Don has some legalese on the submission page just because (1) he’s routinely handling copyrighted material, and (2) he’d be opening himself up to liability claims if he actually promised anything.

Don’s an awesome enough guy that the site functions just fine with a few common-sense rules.

I agree totally! Cheers to Don!
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