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SimplyScripts Screenwriting Discussion Board  /  Screenwriting Class  /  Tell me your rewrite process for eg - 2/3rd draft
Posted by: AlsoBen, July 30th, 2022, 2:20am
Hi all, the title word count limit really didn't let me establish what I needed here.

Basically - after writing since I was a teenager, I finally feel like I've got a base of a few of objectively good "early draft" screenplays that actually OK (and mostly just only OK) and not just "good for [my] age" (back then) or whatever else.

My current only rewriting process is that I return to finished first drafts from months/years ago that I like or find fascinating, and then I'll seek feedback about what works or doesn't on those vomit draft from months before -- pretty much all these stuff I've posted on the boards so far has been something I spewed out in a weekend  or after work in a day or two, aided by coffee and modafinil (same way I got my degree and licensure to work with clients for main-job tbh).

Point being - I feel like I have written something that has some potential to be really above-the-board good, it has a "high concept" premise but also has some aspects of its execution that I'm told are interesting. But deffo needs a rewrite from the ground due to multiple flaws.

ANYWAY - My question is --
I've literally never done that, a new draft from scratch - how do you write your 1st/2nd/3rd draft and what do you consider a new draft? I've NEVER deleted an ENTIRE script and started from scratch again for a new draft, which sounds insane, but I was mostly writing for pleasure anyway, and deleting all of it made it sound painful, like setting your own house on fire.

Tell me how you do it! It only has to be an idea that works for you, I'll try most things that seem safe and doable for me  :)

I also don't do treatment, beat sheets or any written-down planning, if that helps, and I'm unlikely to start doing things that aren't putting words into a script - that stuff isnt the fun bit for me and this is my hobby :)

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