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SimplyScripts Screenwriting Discussion Board  /  Movie, Television and DVD Reviews  /  Terrifier 2
Posted by: ghost and_ghostie gal, October 15th, 2022, 4:18pm
Halloween is coming, and the Halloween marathon is coming too.. and it's time to watch lots and lots of horror movies, and get our pumpkins ready! 'Terrifier 2' kickstarted our 31 days of horror movie-watching from now to November 1st.

As a self-proclaimed connoisseur of the genre, I admit I am a snob when it comes to horror - films like this are not ones I normally go for but I was in the mood for mindless gore. Admittedly, 'Terrifier 2' was hard to evaluate. Perverse, brutal, vicious and nasty splatter flick - but it succeeds on its own merits – but those merits will not, and perhaps should not, be suitable for all audiences.

Many a time, I've seen a slasher film and forgotten everything about it within a day or two, So when I say 'Terrifier 2'  dares you to try and forget it. Trust me, it's impossible, know that it’s not hyperbole.

The kind of raw horror films that came out of the 70s, 80s, the films that played in 'grindhouse' cinemas across the world and contained all manner of degradation and gruesome depravity. And like it’s predecessor ‘Terrifier’ - 'Terrifier 2' is a direct homage, or pastiche, of those particular films, and a lot of scenes are shot in the same style as a low budget backwoods horror of the era.  We saw 'Terrifier a bit ago on Netflix, I’d call it "Gore-ifier".  Nothing really terrifying.  Well, unless you're hanging upside down, naked and Art's got a rusty saw....uh, nevermind.

The problem is the 'Terrifier' series is all style and little no substance. Although, unlike its predecessor, paper thin characters and bare bones plot, this one had more meat on the bone. Apart from that, it mixes horror, and humor in a balanced way. Gore hounds will love it. It's wretchedly sick;  Zero camera cuts, shows every excruciating bloody, disgusting detail of the kill occurring.  

Can't confirm or deny reports of people fainting in the cinemas, but you can google it. Me, I generally have a strong stomach,  If I had eaten a large dinner before watching it, I probably would have tossed my cookies during a few scenes.

As for the rest of it, the supernatural bull shit didn’t work for me - I like some realism in my slashers. I think the most impressive aspect of it is the costume design, the make up and the practical effects. A lot of hard work went into this and it shows. It definitely tests ones endurance - but there was no reason why it had to be longer than the Shawshank Redemption. The third act felt bloated and has a tonal shift that just doesn't feel like it's the same film.

I thought "Golly, if the characters would just break out into song and dance, we could have ourselves the next 'Rocky Horror Picture Show'!"

Horror films like this methinks should probably stay around the 90-110 minute length, going too far beyond that can make the movie wear out its welcome because you can only sustain that extreme, intense feeling of adrenalized fear for so long before it starts to get tiresome and wears you out. It's why riding a roller coaster doesn't take very long. Suck a$$ analogy!  I know, right?

It's definitely has developed a cult following since 'Terrifer 1'. So much so... it's returning to theaters due to fans demand!

All in all, I didn't hate it, I knew what I was in for, a balls to the wall slasher that's just mindless crazy gross fun -- but it felt like it's been reheated too long in the microwave and parts of it felt soggy and unfulfilling, which left me dissatisfied.

But hey - I can appreciate it because a lot of horror films these days look the same, and play it... um, too "safe," for lack of a better word.  But this did not: It’s like a glass of water in a desert. We don't get a lot of visually distinctive slashers or showy, gory kills these days, so a movie like this stands out.

If you seek a good storyline and plot, or you are squeamish in the slightest I would skip this.  But if you're looking for the flair and gore of traditional slasher flicks that doesn't take itself seriously with...a little something extra - I need to stop with these damn innuendos ( I think that’s how you spell it) Than I entreat you to look no further than ‘Terrifier 2’, unless your afraid to test your manhood gents. 8)  
Posted by: Grandma Bear, October 15th, 2022, 5:23pm; Reply: 1
I haven't watched it yet, but only because I've been busy. I've been a fan of Art The Clown since All Hallows Eve in 2013 and been following along on FB. I'm amazed, but ecstatic that Terrifier 2 made it into the theaters!!! That is really awesome being that it started out as a very small indie film that now has a big following. I'm sure some big studio will get involved and we will see many more sequels!  8)
Posted by: ghost and_ghostie gal, October 15th, 2022, 6:15pm; Reply: 2
Pia, me too. I was also surprised they didn't slap it with the dreaded N-17 rating. Not that that would have stopped me. ;D  It's 100% worth seeing in a theater if you can. You don't really feel the runtime. Like I said, it has faults, but it's a ton of fun, especially with a crowd. :)
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