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SimplyScripts Screenwriting Discussion Board  /  Options and Contracts  /  Short Term Options/ Paid Or Otherwise?
Posted by: Stoneyscripts, January 18th, 2024, 7:00am
So I have been offered a short term option from a production company (No Names) in LA. They want to get my screenplay Two Moons filmed. They say they love the narrative and the fact that it represents people of colour. What shpuld I be asking them for in return, since nothing has been suggested on their part. They say they haven't a figure in mind an have asked me if I do. What should be my next step? They know I am keen (obviously) But what should I offer them? Thought I'd piut it out there and gauge some thoughts.
Posted by: AnthonyCawood, January 18th, 2024, 4:17pm; Reply: 1
In theory an option deal should be a % of the presumed sale price for the script.

E.g. if they were to go ahead and make the movie, they pay you 50k for it (purely an example), so the option gives them exclusive rights for the agreed period to try and get the budget, cast etc together to make the film...

Twenty years ago % used to 10%, but these days it can be whatever you agree with them, sometimes as little as a dollar (a dollar option). I'd swerve dollar options and make it something tangible, also be careful with long otpion deals as it just ties your script up. Also, if they want to extend the option at a later date, this should be at additional cost to them.
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