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Posted by: Don, April 8th, 2006, 8:15am
The Man That Killed Bambi by Helio J Cordeiro - Short - It is about a tormented drugged man that decides to kill the famous animated queer Bambi. 11 pages - pdf, format 8)
Posted by: George Willson, April 8th, 2006, 5:52pm; Reply: 1
Helio, has anyone ever told you just how warped your mind is lately?

While I agree that public bugling is a serious crime to be addressed, most people don't get arrested for it. I imagine you mean burglers instead.

Travesties? I'm sure there are many stories of such in a police station, but perhaps you're referring to transvestites.

Typos aside, this story is seriously messed up. It's so ridiculous that it works in its own little world. From your guys talking about how to do it to the actual crime, it feels like the guys are really hyped up on cocaine.

As is your perennial problem, your dialogue's a little wooden, but the scenario is good and bizarre. Good job again on this one, since my head is still turning it over too much to say much more about it.
Posted by: Herodreamer79, April 8th, 2006, 9:47pm; Reply: 2
holy sh!t... thats all i have to say about this script... holy sh!t...

this story is so wrong. i loved every bit of it. just needs some polishing and some serious proof reading...

if you'll excuse me i;m going to go find a therapist to help me wind down from this.
Posted by: spencerforhire, April 10th, 2006, 10:41pm; Reply: 3

Great little twisted story. Like I said to you a few days ago, I think you have found your writing voice. It is quirky yet refreshing to watch you touch the out edges of reality. That is what great writing is all about. Keep up the great work.


Posted by: The boy who could fly, April 11th, 2006, 4:19am; Reply: 4
This is some fucked up shit, but that's what I liked about it, it's one wild story, I was a bit confused at first, but when I read it again it seemed to make more sense.  I liked that you had the courage to go nuts with this and not play it safe, I like it when writers take chances, even when it could end in disaster, but I think this found the right note, it went as far as it could go.  keep up the great writing8)
Posted by: Helio, April 11th, 2006, 8:33am; Reply: 5
Hey George, Spencer, Jordan and dreamer thanks fo the comments. I think that what the drugged guys say weren't so different than the politicians say avery day : Nonsense! Nonsense!

I know I'm keeping my stile in the track, but sometimes I feel myself begging for something soft, light and smooth than these weird stories.

Anyway thanks a lot to all of you for the great suport!

PS: "The curse of the Camel's toe" comes son!
Posted by: George Willson, April 11th, 2006, 9:15am; Reply: 6

Quoted from Helio
PS: "The curse of the Camel's toe" comes son!

You're getting married? (Let's see how many people "get" this.)

Posted by: Helio, April 11th, 2006, 1:10pm; Reply: 7
"You're getting married? (Let's see how many people "get" this."

I didn't catch it, George. What do you meant? Explain, please!
Posted by: James McClung, April 11th, 2006, 2:17pm; Reply: 8
Pretty decent short you got here, Helio. I liked the idea a lot. Very quirky, strange, and original. There are a few typos (stuff like "oaky" instead of "okay") but I won't hound you on those. There are a few other things I'd like to point out though. The way Mike described his plot was a little strange. At times, it sounded like something he was planning to do. At others, something he's already done. I assume it's something he's planning so you might want to make that a little more clear if that's the case. Also, why does Mike want to kill Bambi? It's asked a few times throughout but every time, Mike just gets extremely emotional. If I missed something or we're not neccesarily supposed to know why he wants to kill Bambi then I guess you can ignore the latter comment. Then again, they're both doing coke so these kinds of irregularities are logical, I suppose. Good job with this, Helio.
Posted by: Helio, April 11th, 2006, 3:03pm; Reply: 9
Nice to hear from you James, thanks.

About Mike's plot maybe I didn't described it well or as you said clear. My intention was: In Mike's alucination he was planing to get inside Disney and kills Bambi.

Well, maybe Mike shoot his mother and put fire in his house or mabe he wont to be like Bambi wich mother was shoot by the hunters and saw the forrest burning. So he gets Bambi situation to resolve his anger to himself for have killed his own mother and burned his home...who knows what happens inside of a fucked druegged guy's head like Mike?!

Anyway, James, appreciate your comments thanks for the reading!!!
Posted by: Helio, April 14th, 2006, 9:03pm; Reply: 10
Oh God, I'll go to the hell now! Okay, okay I hope next day someone will show something diferent based on a short stoy from me telling about love, envy etc.

Anyway, kid, thanks for your honestty, keep being my friend!

Hey Juan, one morritos here, to my dear friend Tomson, please!
Posted by: michel, July 17th, 2006, 3:35am; Reply: 11
Hi Helio.

Tell me, what inspired you? Because at the ending Mike made me think of Mark Chapman, the man who shot-- John Lennon. He thought he was him, just like Mike thinks he's Bambi.

One thing annoyed me anyway. it would be difficult not to see on screen Phil, Felix's brother, through the open door. You should finf a way we could mistook Phil for Bambi (he's on a bike, on all fours looking for something, tying his shoelace...)

You could change the title as "Who Killed Bambi?" refering to the Sex Pistols song (LOL)

Anyway, Helio, as usual, I liked your script, your universe and hope reading others as good as the ones I have already read from you.

Michel 8)
Posted by: Steve-Dave, July 17th, 2006, 5:12am; Reply: 12
Crazy stuff, but in a good way. I enjoyed it very much, aside from the hella grammar mistakes, and not meeting Phil before hand.
Posted by: Helio, July 17th, 2006, 1:42pm; Reply: 13
Hey Sryknows, I appreciated your reading, dude. Sorry about grammar mistakes.

By the way, is normal 199 pages on your "What is normal". What is normal pages number? Are 120 maximum, aren't ?
Posted by: Zombie Sean, July 17th, 2006, 3:25pm; Reply: 14
Helio...I sometimes wonder what is wandering through your head at some points. I mean, camel toes, killing bambee, being an erotic woman named HELIA?!!!

Haha, you're still a cool cat, though, Helio. I enjoyed the story. At first I didn't understand what was going on, but finally I began to get it going through my head and I liked the last line of the script. Though I didn't like this one as much as Charlotte and the Camel's Toe, I liked reading it.

Just as other people said, some grammar and spelling errors, but that's nothing to worry about too much. Just as long as I enjoyed the story. And I did! :P

Posted by: Steve-Dave, July 17th, 2006, 8:36pm; Reply: 15

Quoted from Helio
By the way, is normal 199 pages on your "What is normal". What is normal pages number? Are 120 maximum, aren't ?

Is there a question in here somewhere? lol. I think you're asking if "What Is 'Normal'?" is really 199 pages even though it "should" be 90-120 pages. Well, if that is indeed the question, then yes it is 199 pages. I know it "should" only be 90-120 by traditional standards, but I'm non-conventional when it comes to writing. I can't just write with limits. I just go until the story is told adequately enough to where I am complacent with it. :)
Posted by: Zack, May 3rd, 2007, 6:46am; Reply: 16
Sorry Helio, but this one rubbed me the wrong way.

If Mike dies in the factory, how was he at the police station with the detective? That didn't make sense. Anyways, there were way to many grammer problems, but your not american, so I won't hold that against you. also, your dialoge was a bit edgy sometimes. I will say that I did enjoy the atmosphere, it was very moody. Mike was a funny character, as was Felix. I think with a rewrite, this could be pretty good. But overall, not a bad try. 6 out of 10
Posted by: Helio, May 3rd, 2007, 7:26pm; Reply: 17
Hey Zack, thanks a lot for your reading, man!

I wouln't be surprised if this short script gets produced soon, dude!
Posted by: Zack, May 3rd, 2007, 7:34pm; Reply: 18
I think with a rewrite it'd definetly be worth producing! It's a very neat idea.
Posted by: Helio, May 3rd, 2007, 7:38pm; Reply: 19
Now, with the word Mr. Gregory!
Posted by: Zack, May 3rd, 2007, 7:39pm; Reply: 20
"Now, with the word Mr. Gregory!"- Helio

Huh, what do you mean?
Posted by: Helio, May 3rd, 2007, 7:46pm; Reply: 21
Ask him, dude!

About this short script I have to say it was one of my hard exercise writing a nonsense story...well I think did my best. Great characters (nuts, of course, but characters); I told about drogs's alucination, friendship, Walt Disney...well the last one was more dificult to told about. Anyway, this story could be a good example how we all face frustations; anger; prejudice and other things that Sig told us that we keep on the other file we have inside our brain!
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