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SimplyScripts Screenwriting Discussion Board  /  Short Scripts  /  Damn You Bruce!
Posted by: Don, November 21st, 2011, 7:47pm
Damn You Bruce! by Brandon Bushman - Short, Comedy - A serial killer named Bruce is sick of the cops making fun of him, so he takes his own life and somehow Bruce's soul gets trapped inside of his automatic pool cleaner. While in his new form Bruce finds the cops that began the rumors that push Bruce over the edge, but this time he decides to return the favor. 16 pages - pdf, format 8)
Posted by: albinopenguin, November 22nd, 2011, 3:11pm; Reply: 1
eliminate your -ing words

try to avoid -ly verbs. dont write "he frantically talks to himself." instead, write "he mumbles to himself"

you only need to capitalize characters' names once.

i laughed at the dick-less joke.

"Bruce is hearing all the nasty things Mendoza and Adams are saying about him." How does this work? Show us, don't tell us. I have no idea what's going on by this point.

by page 3, you have lost any remaining strands of humor. i take back what i said about the dick-less joke. this script isnt funny at all. i love dirty humor but this is just...dirty. detectives would never talk like this. and if they did, i would hope they wouldnt have a 4th grade sense of humor like these guys did.

your and you're. learn the difference.

have you ever had sex before? i'm assuming you havent because page 5 reads like a pre-pubescent teenager describing the latest porno he just watched.

aaaaaand i'm out. i can't read anymore of cobra's dialogue. i just dont know what to say. sorry.
Posted by: B.C., November 22nd, 2011, 4:34pm; Reply: 2
I read the logline and this seemed to be right up my alley. Cheesy, goofy humour and a great sense of the ridiculous. The TROMA fan in me wanted to open it up.

I read the whole thing, despite the terrible writing of the action, the worst unfilmables ever written etc. Every general rule of basic screenwriting is ignored or broken for the most part.

This might be a pisstake.

Either way, the story is not without it's charm. Some of the poor dialogue is really (knowingly?) so bad its good.

The rock band and their stupid names are stupid enough to work. The cops dialogue and their behaviour actually worked within the context of the stupidity.  Everything is stupid. I like that.  

The fact that nobody manages (or even tries) to confront and subdue a killer pool cleaner in the massacre scene had me in stitches.

If the writer is around -- learn to write better. Written in the correct way, with more emphasis on physical comic timing (as opposed to telling us that a piece of machinary is upset or angry) will help.

I know what you are going for with this, and I like the idea. Most won't get past the first page, however -- for good reason.  

The last movie I watched that was about a pool cleaner was Paranormal Activity 2. That sucked. This is better. ;)
Posted by: Dreamscale (Guest), November 22nd, 2011, 8:43pm; Reply: 3
WOW!  Not sure what to say or where to begin, but I guess I might as well start here...

The Cabin and Chris Halverson's Cannibal have some serious competition!

This thing is unreal.  Simply unreal...and I'm saying that after reading only 5 1/2 pages...but damn...those are 5 1/2 of the best pages I've ever read.

It's pretty clear from the logline what you're in for here, and the script itself does not disappoint.  On display here is some of the worst, laugh out loud dialogue you'll ever see...some of the most eye popping, head shaking action prose imaginable (actually, being a pisser fan myself, I don't know if I could even come up with stuff like this)...and some of the funniest damn shit I've ever seen.

I'll read the rest later, after I recover from the laughing attack I still can't stop.  I'm, also  downloading the script so I can refer to it later, when I'm feeling blue.

Everyone owes it to themselves to read this instant classic IMMEDIATELY!  There's no way this won't put a smile on your face.

Hell of an effort here, bro!  Seriously, amazing!!!

EDIT - I've finished and it gets better even!   Most likely 2-3 mistakes in every single line, minimum.  Literally shocking how horrific the writing, the grammar, the spelling, the punctuation, the sentence structure...EVERYTHING!

I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS SCRIPT AND WRITER!  It doesn't get much better than this.

Instant classic!!!!
Posted by: darrentomalin, November 22nd, 2011, 9:13pm; Reply: 4
I read this based upon Jeff's review because he knows quality when he smells it and he really smelt it here.
Now i've had a sniff and it smells really good.
Thanks for making me smell this lovely smell, Jeff.

Can't wait for the sequel.

Posted by: leitskev, November 22nd, 2011, 9:50pm; Reply: 5

Quoted Text
is trapped inside the "innocent" piece of pool equipment

A classic log line, a memorable opening page.

Quoted Text

I guess that’s the reason why
dick-less killed all those male
strippers, he wanted what they all
had, a tasteful penis

You're killin me man. I hope someone films this! I'll definitely check it out.
Posted by: darrentomalin, November 22nd, 2011, 9:53pm; Reply: 6
Me too, the SFX budget would be blown on "A jar with 12 penis's inside"
Posted by: Ryan1, November 25th, 2011, 7:29pm; Reply: 7
Some how BRUCE’S soul is trapped inside the "innocent" piece of pool equipment.

As soon as I saw those quotation marks around "innocent," I realized that the equipment was not innocent at all.

I loved how quickly the forensics team determined that all twelve penises in the freezer matched with all of Bruce's victims.  That's some serious science right there.

What? No! Captain... Captain!

Like how you found a way to work the title in there.

Uh, why am I trying to apply logic here?  It has no place in this opus.  But, I will say that you should have had a priest come in to exorcise the pool cleaner.  That would have been an epic showdown.
Posted by: mcornetto (Guest), November 25th, 2011, 11:21pm; Reply: 8
I thought it was a cute idea from the logline but unfortunately I lost interest about halfway through.  My problem was that Bruce needed more characterization as an automatic pool cleaner.  

At first I thought it was ok for you to allow the reader to decide how Bruce shows emotion but I think this puts some distance between the character and the reader.  So now I think you need to be explicit about Bruce's behaviour and decide on how he's showing that emotion and then show us.

Like I said, it's a really cute concept and done right it could be fantastic.  Keep writing.    
Posted by: Scoob, November 26th, 2011, 8:20am; Reply: 9
Would I be wrong in assuming its the same guy that has done such movies as this?

If so, he's doing fine as he is. Maybe the critics need to step back and try to make a film themselves before they launch the  "hope people pick on this guy to make me look big" onslaught.

* Apologies for above comment. I had a few drinks last night, got carried away, completely misinterpreted the feedback. I thought people were laughing at the writer rather than the script ( going by his vids - if they are indeed his - I'm curious to know if he'd give a damn anyway).

It would be nice to hear back from the guy who wrote this considering the ammount of feedback.

** In response to TheSecond,  no one is praising the script, it is funny in a Cabin/Axe Massacre way.

In trying to figure out why I said what I said, it came down to just this:
If you knock a guy out in a fight on a beach, fair enough. There is no need to then stomp on his face moments later, kick sand in his face, then invite your friends over to laugh at his failure. I just didn't like that or the way it way it was heading. No one benefits from it. If anything, it devalues the site. Other people might just think "Awesome. I'll write about something *just as ridiculous in a funny silly way* and send it in. It encourages mediocrity on both sides.

Posting this here because otherwise this thread would receive more attention and posts than it deserves whilst those that contribute to the site and write with more conviction are left behind.

Posted by: Heretic, November 26th, 2011, 4:53pm; Reply: 10
I dunno.  To each their own, I guess, but I'd rather watch this than many of the scripts on Simply.  Audacious and deeply stupid is rarely a bad combination.  When one's in that Troma kind of mood, anyway.  

I dunno if you're around, Josh, but there were some issues with the story, for me.  The writing's technically bad, obviously, which is kind of disrespectful to the reader, but I won't comment on it past that.

The two major issues here are Bruce's character and the pacing of Adams' arc.  As Michael noted above, the pool cleaner emotions work at first, but in an 18 page script it starts to get old pretty quickly.  One approach would be to have Bruce talk, a la Chucky/Jack Frost.  Another would be to just have much more detailed visual reactions to things.  Whatever you choose, I think Bruce has the potential to be a much more interesting character if you let him express it somehow.  The main flaw of embarrassment about his little dick is fine, but there needs to be more than that to keep us watching him for so long.  The idea of him wanting to keep his place clean is hilarious but it's unclear whether that's an aspect of his personality or not -- it would be odd if it was because, y'know, he wrote his name in blood on the ground.  

The other thing is an easy fix.  Adams' descent into insanity and general weirdness would be much funnier if it were more gradual throughout the script.  The "blow anybody" gag is really funny but it would be great if it came earlier.  If Adams slowly crosses more and more boundaries each scene he's in, to the increasing consternation of Mendoza, the scenes between the two cops will be more dynamic and when Adams goes completely off the deep end, I think it will be funnier.

A couple smaller notes -- I think the Adams/Mendoza scenes could be shorter, as they tend to be a little repetitive.  I think the kills could be a little more varied, as there seems to be lots of potential with a pool cleaner.

Oh and the one thing that was entirely bland was the scene with the first couple that gets killed.  This one, I think, could stand to be spiced up a lot.  We've seen the couple skinnydipping scenario a billion times, so in a script like this, you really need to subvert it somehow, or it just comes off as boring.

Thanks for this, it was very funny.
Posted by: Dreamscale (Guest), November 26th, 2011, 9:23pm; Reply: 11
You guys crack me up...seriously...crack me fucking up.

In all seriousness...

For the love of God...

In the memory of Ronnie James Dio...

Giving detailed plot/story advice for a pisser-type script is beyond humorous.  I mean...c'mon now.  Seriously?

The writer isn't ever going to chime in with a single peep.  He doesn't give a shit.  He's written 3 of the same zany pissers, posts goofy, cheesy zero dollar budget vids on his own site, and is happy as a fucking lark.

Chris and Michael, I don't mean to attack you or your words, but it's just beyond silly giving advice to "show more emotion and what he''s feeling", referring to a possessed automatic pool cleaning device.  I mean...fuck...c'mon...

It's something akin to Ron Jeremy's "One Eyed Monster" - you want character out of the detached penis?  You want character out of a automatic pool cleaner?  Really?

Love or hate this script for exactly what it is. There's no advice necessary.  It is exactly what it is, and the horribleness of it is exactly what makes it hilarious.  Nothing more, absolutely nothing less.
Posted by: Heretic, November 27th, 2011, 2:12am; Reply: 12
Jeff, here's how I see it --

There are more funny Troma films, and less funny Troma films.  They're all absolutely "terrible."  But there is a difference in the value that they provide to the audience.  How that value is created is something which can be understood and therefore creating greater value is something which can be worked for.  If something is good by a certain standard, then it must be possible to make it better by that same standard.  The advice I offered was that which I think would best serve the script.
Posted by: mcornetto (Guest), November 27th, 2011, 2:20am; Reply: 13
Hey, just trying to give the guy constructive criticism.  I think he has an amusing premise - it would have been nice if I could have gotten through the script.  I hope he becomes a better writer so that I am better able to enjoy his warped sense of humour.  

There's definitely a market for this sort of thing, though it's not going to be everyone's cup of tea.  Not every movie or script needs to fit in the same narrow guidelines, Jeff.  
Posted by: CoopBazinga, December 1st, 2011, 9:36am; Reply: 14
My first post, it has to be about this masterpiece. I don't know if this is a joke or serious writing but either way, it gave me so much laughter in 18 pages.
I have never heard any law enforcement talk this way, just so many memorable lines of dialogue "his big old bush" just one of many.
A fantastic read, i wasn't disappointed and hope to read more from Josh Bushman.
Posted by: JoshuaBman, December 1st, 2011, 8:58pm; Reply: 15
Hey Everybody,
  Yes it's me Josh Bushman, I would of been on here sooner, but I just found out that my scripts were on this site yesterday. Also I had to get my password and well it was a pain in the ass to get it. To all of you that loved the script or had constructive things to say, I thank you kindly and will keep all of your idea's in my thoughts while I finish up my latest draft of Damn You Bruce!. To all the haters, well I don't want to waste as much time as they did bashing me, but then again this site is probably the only thing they got going for them. It's sad yes I know, but I guess I'll just take their low blows and keep on moving. Anyway just want to thank all of you that enjoyed Damn You Bruce!, soon I will be adding a couple more of my scripts and hope to hear from all of you again, yes even the haters.
Josh B.
Posted by: wonkavite (Guest), December 3rd, 2011, 12:06am; Reply: 16

Honestly, I found this one funny.  Josh, if you did this as a piss-take, I do find it amusing, in a rough way.  Kudos.  (That's not me hating, just an honest opinion.  Liked it better on that level than the 3 Nazi's in a Fox hole script...taken in that same general vein.)

If meant in a more serious tone--or as a polished comedy--I'd say that you do want to tone down the dialogue- go for a more naturalistic, less dramatic feel.  But if these are meant as slapstick, Mel Brooks goofy're generally on target.  Just need to work on the formatting and dialogue to polish 'em up.
Posted by: JoshuaBman, December 3rd, 2011, 12:44am; Reply: 17
Alright my formating is bad I know, I looked at some scripts for help with that. Soon $ex $ells a TV pilot I've been working on will be on this site soon. Hope to hear many comments about this one as well.
Josh B.
Posted by: mcornetto (Guest), December 8th, 2011, 2:57am; Reply: 18
Ok guy, don't fight....I'm not in the mood....really!

Joshua do spend some time at the site.   Don't take things quite so personally.   We have some unwritten policies about giving and receiving reviews.   Most other sites require you to give reviews to get them.  We make that optional.   You were lucky and got some attention before you reviewed - most people aren't that lucky.   And yes, some people are going to give you a bit of hard time here - but most people are just going to try and help.  

As far as the comment in Phil's thread, it was deleted because it wasn't about the script.  We have another unwritten policy here that posts in the script thread should be about the script (or the logline).   Not about other people and not links to films you've made.  If you want to promote the films you've made then embed them in that script's thread (not Phil's).   If you have a particularly good film of a script you have posted here then let Don (Simply Scripts) Admin (Keeper of the Mugs) know about it.

Enjoy your time here - you can learn a lot.  Or you could just fuck around like lots of other people do here.  Remember, however, to follow the rules (written - see THE RULES - or unwritten).


Posted by: JoshuaBman, December 9th, 2011, 11:54am; Reply: 19

Quoted from darrentomalin

Can't wait for the sequel.


It's taken a lot of time and though, but if there was a second Damn You Bruce! I would have to title it Bruce Duce!!.
Posted by: Pale Yellow, December 9th, 2011, 6:40pm; Reply: 20
After reading the feedback, I decided one thing:

I better download this FAST before the writer takes it down!!!!!

I'm not sure I'll review, as I see it's gotten plenty already, but who doesn't need a LOL sometimes????
Posted by: JoshuaBman, December 11th, 2011, 11:53pm; Reply: 21

Quoted from Pale Yellow
After reading the feedback, I decided one thing:

I better download this FAST before the writer takes it down!!!!!

I'm not sure I'll review, as I see it's gotten plenty already, but who doesn't need a LOL sometimes????

No worries, I won't be taken this script off, if it's gone it wasn't by my choice. Hope you enjoyed it.
Josh B.
Posted by: Guest, March 9th, 2013, 5:08pm; Reply: 22
I can't tell if this was a serious effort or done as a joke, but here goes some notes:

"Somehow Bruce's soul gets trapped inside the piece of pool equipment."

Discard this last bit, as you already show us that the blood from his head shot wound leaks toward the ground pool cleaner.  "Show don't tell" as they say.

Also, after Bruce's soul is obviously transferred to the cleaner I think it would be best to just refer to him as the pool cleaner or whatever he's supposed to be.  Take out:  "Bruce hears every nasty thing Mendoza and Adams say about him" and just leave "the wheels to the automatic pool cleaner move slightly."  Make him embody/become this inanimate object.  Stephen King's short The Mangler comes to mind.  Chilling story - you should give it a read.  Same idea you have here.

Adams and Mendoza are Keystone Cops.  Their whole scene and dialogue doesn't ring true to a crime scene.  I believe you said they were detectives?  These guys never should have passed the first step to becoming a police officer.  I don't know if your intentions were to play this killer pool cleaner straight or not - but if not - I guess your incompetent cops can be excused.  They are super unrealistic, incompetent, and the fact that they (and everyone else) speak like immature little kids constantly takes away from the story a great deal.

I suggest maybe watching some Law & Order episodes, cop dramas, for police lingo...or the library to read up on police procedure.
Posted by: dogglebe (Guest), March 9th, 2013, 5:52pm; Reply: 23
Wasn't this up already?  The logline seems familiar.

I agree with Reaper that the logline needs help.

Quoted Text
After committing suicide, a serial killer finds his soul trapped in a pool cleaning machine.  "Revenge is mine!" sayeth the filter.

Posted by: Guest, March 9th, 2013, 6:05pm; Reply: 24
LOL I wasn't even referring to the logline with that comment.  There's a scene where the killer offs himself and his blood spills toward the pool cleaner.  Then the writer pretty much says:  "Bruce's soul has transferred over now."  I thought it was fine just showing us the blood leaking toward the equipment.  No need to tell us that Bruce's soul has transferred -- since it's pretty obvious what happened as the story goes on.
Posted by: CoopBazinga, March 9th, 2013, 8:24pm; Reply: 25
Hey Brandon,

Or is it Josh?

Quoted from dogglebe
Wasn't this up already?  The logline seems familiar.

Yes!!!! This is a classic, one of the first scripts I read on SS.

Here’s the original thread -

Absolutely hilarious.

I see that you've cut one of the kill scenes which is a shame but, I do love how Adams trips over Bruce the pool cleaner and runs back to attack him. This is a nice addition.

Otherwise, not much more to add – some funny stuff here but for all the wrong reasons.

Posted by: Guest, March 9th, 2013, 9:47pm; Reply: 26
Thread must have been merged huh?
I was wondering how this stinker got so many reads so fast.
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