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SimplyScripts Screenwriting Discussion Board  /  Short Horror  /  A Child's Closet
Posted by: Don, August 12th, 2019, 12:19pm
A Child's Closet by Christine Locker and Lee Ann Riddle - Short, Horror - A child's greatest fear is what hides in the closet. 2 pages - pdf format

Writer interested in feedback on this work

Posted by: Fais85, August 14th, 2019, 6:24am; Reply: 1

I have read few similar scripts here on SS where the protagonist is in the hospital fighting for life and death and the story takes place in his/her imagination.

This one was no different. But I guess, the twist works somehow. The only thing I will suggest is, making it creepier in the beginning. Right now it just goes flat.
Posted by: Busy Little Bee, August 14th, 2019, 3:16pm; Reply: 2
Hey, Christine and Lee Ann (or is just Lee, lol)

Everything is a process. I happen to like the choppy, almost bullet like style. It read smoothly, imo. While reading a few things did cross my mind, and that was adding flare to already crisp writing to break up some of the montony of any descriptive narrative. Of the bat, I would suggest capitlizing sounds that will be heard on screen.

As I said for another script/writer, the advantage is that it will draw attention of readers just as it would for audiences listening, for example...

Quoted Text
Door hinges squeak.

could be...

Quoted Text
Door hinges SQUEAK.


Quoted Text
The closet door swings open and slams into the wall.

Quoted Text
The closet door swings open and SLAMS into the wall.

Of course these are all personal suggestions because I like the description as is, but the intended effect is what I'm trying to emphizies if that makes sense, lol.

I liked that you had a reversal at the end. How creative one could argue about like the prevoius reviewer. But at least you had something. And two somethings because it turned out to be his grandmother.

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