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  Author    Kill Bill  (currently 3363 views)
Posted: October 10th, 2003, 7:49pm Report to Moderator

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  I look foward to seeing what everyone thought of the flick. I thought it was good, but not as good as I would have hoped. The dialouge and plot were a little stale, but the action more then made up for everything. The last 30 minutes are proably the most awsome thing ive seen in a movie all year. Good, but not as good as it could have been, and its shitty that they split the movie into 2!

Rating:*** out of 4
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Posted: October 10th, 2003, 9:28pm Report to Moderator

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I was kinda upset that they had to put certain parts in black and white. Maybe there'll be an uncensored DVD? Other than that, though... I loved it. I agree with what you said about the last 30 minutes. Awesome awesome movie. Should be seen by everyone.

bottle r0ckit: you know...
bottle r0ckit: i just don't get it
bottle r0ckit: zombies. people alive. people try to stay alive by shooting zombies in the head. some of said "people" get infected. people have to shoot own friends, sometimes hesistate. fewer people are left to fight off zombies. the rest of the movie goes either two ways. they live, or they die. credits roll.
bottle r0ckit: what drives people to write this stuff...
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Posted: October 12th, 2003, 7:20am Report to Moderator
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I read the script and in it, it actually says to have the screen turn black and white. Is this pre-planning by Tarantino or did he really want it that way? We may never know...
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Posted: October 12th, 2003, 4:15pm Report to Moderator

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I have only read the script and i remember that it sayed something about Black and White.
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Posted: October 13th, 2003, 9:37am Report to Moderator
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Blood!  Limbs!  Swords!  No silly "Matrix" effects!  Truly, Tarantino is back in full swing.

*Bleep* is pissed off!  Her wedding's been destroyed, her whole family has been killed, and, to top it all off, she's been in a comatose state for four years.  And now, she's out for revenge.  Though, not the typical Hollywood revenge (I.e.: guns, grenades, explosions, etc.).  Instead, *Bleep* goes the old-fasioned way of fancy sword play.

Sure it's incredibly violent- but in a fun way if that makes sense.  Blood seems to shoot out of wounds like a sprinkler... literally in a scene centered around decapitation.  Though, the film is not without it's actual humor.  A scene which takes place in a Japanese sushi bar is really funny in a non-violent manner.  Honest!

I guess my only gripe about the movie is that it sometimes gets a bit overdrawn.  Sure, everyone likes a good sword fight, and don't get me wrong, the sword play in this flick is done very well.  I guess, it just gets old after a little while, and therefore, I have to say that cutting this into two may have been a good idea after all... though come DVD time, I'm going to be more pissed off than *Bleep* when I have to pay two different prices for what should be on one disc!  I may have to go Go-Go on Miramax's ass!

All said and done, this movie is just fun!  It's not quite the masterpiece that is "Pulp Fiction," but rather something else all together.  Every scene is a labor of love, and you can just see how much compassion Tarantino had for making this film.  As for the black and white shots, I didn't find them annoying at all.  As a matter of fact, I think Quentin and Co. where quite smart to do this- it's probably what got the MPAA to shut the hell up!  Therefore, I wish more gore-filled films would use this technique in the future... hell, it's better than a whole plethora of sloppy edits!

God bless you Quentin Tarantino!

***1/2 out of ****
e-mail Reply: 4 - 36
Posted: October 13th, 2003, 1:20pm Report to Moderator

Southern California
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"Wiggle your big toe..."

Sorry, folks, I've been away a bit...

Okay, I went to see this with a packed house on Friday night. SyCo, I have to disagree with you in some respects, this was hardly funny in a non-violent manner. I thought all the hacking up was over the top to the point of being distracting and in fact really repulsed me.  I just felt like he could have done more without showing so much of the gore.  I hoped for the sake of God no one thought to take their young kids to see this, because I would have gone to theater management and said something about allowing children under a certain age to see something like this. (Thankfully everyone looked mature enough...the crowd I was with.)

Why not give "The Bride" a name?  I think that was lost on the part of Quentin.  Maybe he thought the "bleeping" would be humorous, unless he plans to reveal her name in Volume 2.  After all, we do know everyone else's names.

The set design was really incredible.  He had a very nice color palette.  The room tones in Vernita's house, the color of the "Pussy Wagon", etc.  Definite cinematography choices I heartily approved of.  Interesting characters, despite how bizarre their actions were.  The high school chick could have been fairly amusing if she'd been toned down a bit, because I did like her, despite her "mannerisms".

Interesting use of making the story out to seem like a book with chapters. Interesting method of cutting in and out of the timeline, but that's his forte...

All that said........

Point of the story:  don't give Quentin a budget.  He can do so much more if he has no money, like devote time to characters/witty dialogue (as we know is his true skill) and less to overblown makeup and anime sequences.

And oy with the martial arts choreography because we know half the budget was Yuen (forgot his last name)'s salary.

true love waits... i guess.
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Posted: October 13th, 2003, 1:42pm Report to Moderator
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I agree about children not being allowed to see this- though I knew better, the trailer made this look like some popcorn action flick... which it hardly is.
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Posted: October 15th, 2003, 2:16pm Report to Moderator
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i've got to see this movie!!!!
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Alan Holman
Posted: October 16th, 2003, 1:38am Report to Moderator
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I read the entire script (both volumes), and I
loved it!  I find humor in things and places
where others don't, and it seems Tarantino
shares my sense of humor, because every scene
in KILL BILL is completely hilarious!  It seems
this movie was made specifically for me; if not
for me, then it was made for my demographic:
22 year old white males whose lofty goals are
such that they must live with their parents
until their big break which ... nevermind.
My point is:  the ultra-violence, anime
references, and satirical twists on the
CHARLIE'S ANGELS motif, were understood and
appreciated by me.  KILL BILL is a must see
for people like me who take insane pleasure
from watching AMERICAN PSYCHO, and listening
to MARILYN MANSON's early work, and enjoy such
things as decapitations on MORTAL KOMBAT, and
GRAND THEFT AUTO games.  No, people like me
aren't insane -- we've just got such stressful
lives that watching fictional human atrocities
is perfect anger management which lets us live
productive, normal lives; that's also why I
enjoy FIGHT CLUB so much.  Having read the
script, and completely enjoyed the story (if
it can be called a story), I can't wait to see
the movie!  LET THE BLOOD FLY!!!
On another note:  Let kids see this movie.  I mean, they know it's fake.  They know all the gruesome decapitations and ultra-violent effects are fake.  They're not stupid.  Let them enjoy it for what it is: a live-action cartoon.  When I was young, I watched a lot of horror movies.  Horror movies are great for a young boy; they build character.  On a side-note, I also found some porno when I was young, and I ... well, I learned that Ron Jeremy is an hilarious actor!  Holy crap, that guy's funny; he's got perfect comic timing!  I don't remember the name of the first porno I watched as a kid, but Ron Jeremy was in it, and I still laugh to this day at a perfectly executed scene in which he just finished doing something very taboo, and then he said, with perfect comic timing, "I'll stick this gun up your ass, and blow your brains out!"  He said that to a bad guy in the movie...err...but the way he said it was hilarious.  That was after he said other hilarious stuff during a taboo act.  Good stuff. Me horrible?
e-mail Reply: 8 - 36
Posted: October 16th, 2003, 8:22am Report to Moderator

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Yeah you are not the only one who read the script i think that everyone who is hear have read it maybe not everyone but nerly.
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Alan Holman
Posted: October 16th, 2003, 11:29pm Report to Moderator
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Well, I went off on a rant about other stuff, but my main point is that KILL BILL is something that I'm crazy enough to enjoy with popcorn!  And if repressive folks'd lighten up, they'd find the joy in enjoying the sufferring of FICTIONAL CHARACTERS as well.
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Posted: October 18th, 2003, 4:41pm Report to Moderator

Southern California
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Okay, Alan, while I agree that it was practically made for you with you having final cut, I still have to disagree with letting kids see it.  That I am standing by, I don't care how (dysfunctional?) your childhood was.

true love waits... i guess.
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Site Private Message Reply: 11 - 36
Posted: October 18th, 2003, 6:19pm Report to Moderator
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Alan may have a point... if I had children, I'd rather them see "Kill Bill" then some senseless piece of garbage like "Bad Boys II."
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the goose
Posted: November 5th, 2003, 2:31pm Report to Moderator


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Kill Bill is a good film! But I only actually began to remotely like it after my
2nd viewing of it (last night).  It's one of those films that you have to be
IN THE RIGHT MOOD TO VIEW. So when I first saw it I thought it to be
a load of swashbuckling stuff...but I realized the great Assassing-betrayed--back for revenge plot. My first views on this got an angry reply. But
now I feel like an idiot, because although it wasn't the greatest film I've
ever seen so I think it's good. But it's not as good as Resevoir Dogs and
Pulp Fiction. 7 and a half out of 10

"We don't make movies for critics, since they don't pay to see them anyhow."

-- Charles Bronson.
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Private Message Reply: 13 - 36
Posted: November 6th, 2003, 5:32pm Report to Moderator

ThE ReAL fOLk blUES?!...

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leslyjl21 im confused to your line; "Interesting characters, despite how bizarre their actions were". I would have thought that making your characters bizarre would therefore make them more interesting.

I must also disagree with you on the anime sequence. I am a keen lover of anime, and although im not going to sit here and protest that the anime sequence was made specifically for anime lovers and that i got it and you didnt, i will say that bridging the gaps between artforms is something that i root for. Im not saying that you dont, im just saying that the anime sequence was used correctly seeing as the film has Asian influences and i also read from some1 reviewing the film online that its used to show the origin of lucy lui's character (forgot the name!) so instead of using a live action flashback they used a tool that relates to her origin. Therefore giving her character and origin more depth. I think the anime is 1 of the best if not the best parts of the film.

In regards to the whole film, i enjoyed it, it took its time to get rolling but was fine after a short while. It's good to see QT moving in a new direction and showing us how broad he can be, although it is no pulp fiction it doesnt have to be because they are both totally different.

I must agree on some of the character points though, wiggle your big toe seemed a bit pointless and annoying, and the scene with uma thurman and the two men (the sword maker and the other bloke - boyfriend?!) was quite boring. I would rather have 2 greasy hit men talking about burgers than that.

All in all a good tale that should have a good conclusion in the 2nd half...

Its a god damn shame, please somebody explain why they sent these bad boys 2 play a grown mans game...
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