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  Author    Planes of Existence  (currently 4706 views)
Posted: January 14th, 2015, 11:03pm Report to Moderator

So, what are you writing?

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Planes of Existence by Bill Sarre (Reef Dreamer) - Short, Rom Com - To win the girl he fancies, a young physicist must first come to terms with an alternative sense of reality. 3 pages - pdf, format

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- Wayne Gretzky

Revision History (2 edits; 1 reasons shown)
bert  -  January 24th, 2015, 10:45am
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Posted: January 15th, 2015, 3:22am Report to Moderator

The Great Southern Land
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Hey Bill, thought I'd repay the favour and read your latest.

First off reading your script prompted me to take a look at:
In esoteric cosmology, a plane other than the physical plane is conceived as a subtle state of consciousness that transcends the known physical universe. Okay, that's pretty clear but it's going to take a while for me to read about seven planes of existence - I think I'll stop right there for now.  

Okay, in your story are the three 'ghosts' indicative of past, present, future?

I really like this concept and combining it with the genre of romantic comedy is a solid idea for the story but I did get lost a few times.

The main problem I had was with the third entity cause at times I couldn't work out where the third entity went, or what they were doing. Felt like a third wheel.  

Reading on, of the three Sarah's one walked off but the other two remained?

And then:
The faded Sarah checks out some clothes, until it also splits
in two. One turns away, the other picks up a jacket.

Okay, there's two at any given time? But then they can also split off?

Why does the WOMAN when Jake collides with one of her alters (ghosts) jump with shock. Okay I get it - she just reacted to Jake yelling, right? Along these lines are these three entities all aware of one another? They appear to be to some and yet not to others.

MAN, 65 seems to recognize his - or is this cause he's intoxicated?

Speaking of which I loved MAN, 65 and think you could do more with him - the humourous elements there were terrific (as was the physical comedy with Jake at the start - a little cliched, but it still works). Perhaps bookend MAN - he could appear in the library at the top and then further on. I think that could add another element and be funny if he is observing Jake the whole way through.

On a technical note I'm all for asides/tells, don't mind them at all, but a couple of yours I didn't think actually added to the read. You telling us 'she likes him' for example - is a bit redundant. The description of the way Sarah looks at Jake should really accomplish that.  

Also: Couldn't Jake just: 'gets up, follows her' instead of 'decides to follow her'.

And this line:
'To leave she has to walk past Jake. As she does, Sarah
maintains eye contact and casts him a friendly smile.

Seems like a blatant 'tell.'  I'd start that line with 'Sarah maintains eye contact... and then: (she walks past him and towards the exit/door).  She could then turn, look back, give him another (cheeky) glance or smile - then we'll definitely know she likes him without being told.

Jake stares until - reflected in the window - he sees two
faded versions of him. One either side. Slowly, he raises a
hand, waves to himself. Neither waves back.

I think: 'faded versions of himself' here, or faded versions of his own body - and: 'he raises a hand, waves.' to counteract doubling up on 'himself' - hope that makes sense.

spilt up - split on p. 3

Sorry, I'm being a bit nitpickety here.

I actually enjoyed this script more than my critique might at first appear.

I do think it needs just a bit more clarity in the actual writing.

Great idea.

P.S. Curious. What was the 3 page challenge for? A comp?

Private Message Reply: 1 - 35
Reef Dreamer
Posted: January 15th, 2015, 4:24am Report to Moderator
Old Timer

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The Island of Jersey
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Hey Libby

Much appreciate the read. Indeed, i have made a few minor changes and altered the typo. Thanks.

For some strange reason i love page limited challenges. My usual sin is cramming in too much and then tormenting myself as to how to make it fit. Hey ho, must scratch some itch of mine...wont go there.

I know the following question will pop up...why don't you just write a longer script now its not in the comp? Good question, don't know. Just like trying to challenge myself plus its a good discipline to write lean and focus on whats needed and whats not. Well, thats my excuse

I also appreciate there are a few liberties taken in terms of how this should be formatted. If i had five pages no doubt this would be a five pager and a bit more conventional.

You are right that the versions are meant to loosely translate to the future and past, but also how we have options and choices and that 'other' versions could go in different directions. I originally had this idea for the last OWC but couldn't get it to tie into the criteria. Instead i thought it would suit the rom com better, but the distorting affect could also be suitable for a psychological horror.

all the best

My scripts  HERE

The Elevator Most Belonging To Alice - Semi Final Bluecat, Runner Up Nashville
Inner Journey - Page Awards Finalist - Bluecat semi final
Grieving Spell - winner - London Film Awards.  Third - Honolulu
Ultimate Weapon - Fresh Voices - second place
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Private Message Reply: 2 - 35
Scar Tissue Films
Posted: January 15th, 2015, 11:51am Report to Moderator
Of The Ancients

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I really liked it.

A short look at the Quantum Multiverse theory where a new Universe is created at every divergent event.

Sort of tough to do in such a short space of time, but you've pretty much done it.
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Private Message Reply: 3 - 35
Reef Dreamer
Posted: January 16th, 2015, 1:13am Report to Moderator
Old Timer

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The Island of Jersey
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Thanks Rick, kind words.

I think if a producer can pull off the effect this could be a fun little script to do.


My scripts  HERE

The Elevator Most Belonging To Alice - Semi Final Bluecat, Runner Up Nashville
Inner Journey - Page Awards Finalist - Bluecat semi final
Grieving Spell - winner - London Film Awards.  Third - Honolulu
Ultimate Weapon - Fresh Voices - second place
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Private Message Reply: 4 - 35
Posted: January 16th, 2015, 3:40am Report to Moderator
January Project Group

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Hey, Bill.

I really liked it - very nice.

The things that irked me - not even that, but I kind of feel that there should be some conversation between them before he falls. Or some kind of mutual interest that we must know of - like they pick up the same book or something, something more than just glances.

And I didn't like her say "Head injuries can be serious". I think she should be either overly geeky and say something very clever, or something simple like the rest of us, normal people would say in this situation.

That's all. Very nice I think. What 3 page challenge by the way. I havevn't heard of it. Not that I have anything for it...
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Private Message Reply: 5 - 35
Reef Dreamer
Posted: January 16th, 2015, 5:43am Report to Moderator
Old Timer

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The Island of Jersey
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Thanks Khamanna

glad you liked it.

Quoted from khamanna

And I didn't like her say "Head injuries can be serious". I think she should be either overly geeky and say something very clever, or something simple like the rest of us, normal people would say in this situation. .

Good call. i like that and will have a think.

My scripts  HERE

The Elevator Most Belonging To Alice - Semi Final Bluecat, Runner Up Nashville
Inner Journey - Page Awards Finalist - Bluecat semi final
Grieving Spell - winner - London Film Awards.  Third - Honolulu
Ultimate Weapon - Fresh Voices - second place
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Private Message Reply: 6 - 35
Posted: January 16th, 2015, 10:12am Report to Moderator
January Project Group

North Carolina
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Fun to see something done with the "many-worlds" theory ( in which all possible outcomes branch off into individual realities), which your script is a version of. And in three pages!

Of course, Real Bill wrote it this way, Faded  Bill #1 would have made it a feature, and Faded  Bill #2 wouldn't have stopped at Jake #1 and Jake #2. He would have had Infinite Jakes, Infinite Sarahs, Infinite Pub Guys. Probably hard to pull that one off, though!

All of which is to say, I like it.


Revision History (1 edits)
Stumpzian  -  January 16th, 2015, 7:39pm
Private Message Reply: 7 - 35
Posted: January 16th, 2015, 7:28pm Report to Moderator
Old Timer

Let The Sky Fall

Various, exotic.
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Hey Bill - how's it going - not been around awhile but I checked in and saw this so had to give it a read

'ntresting, but I don't see all of it sitting right, and I think one of the things is that the alternatives aren't alternatives too anything. I think maybe it needs more room as some scripts won't fit into small spaces, but if the guy were to screw things up with Sarah, and his alter-ego's were not to do so, then the altenative(s) would have have a little more meaning - they would be lessons to him.

As it stands it's a little bland, but from his conviction at the end, he seems to be a changed man but we haven't gone through what it is that changes him, and I think that is the emotional connect that is missing. I think it's an interesting idea that's been outlined, not explored. IMO stuff.
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Private Message Reply: 8 - 35
Posted: January 16th, 2015, 9:16pm Report to Moderator
Been Around

Damnit, get to the point!

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Hey Bill,

Reads really well -- the head crack part -- He almost asked her out but then things move on.  I gotta know...  Lol

Fun read
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Site Private Message Reply: 9 - 35
Reef Dreamer
Posted: January 17th, 2015, 10:03am Report to Moderator
Old Timer

Part time writer

The Island of Jersey
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Quoted from Forgive
Hey Bill - how's it going - not been around awhile but I checked in and saw this so had to give it a read

'ntresting, but I don't see all of it sitting right, and I think one of the things is that the alternatives aren't alternatives too anything. I think maybe it needs more room as some scripts won't fit into small spaces, but if the guy were to screw things up with Sarah, and his alter-ego's were not to do so, then the altenative(s) would have have a little more meaning - they would be lessons to him.

As it stands it's a little bland, but from his conviction at the end, he seems to be a changed man but we haven't gone through what it is that changes him, and I think that is the emotional connect that is missing. I think it's an interesting idea that's been outlined, not explored. IMO stuff.

Hey Simon

Thanks for the read.

Does seem a while since I've seen you to speak.  

I agree that in three pages the character depth is a tad slim, but on this occasion the concept is a big one so has to take centre stage.

Whilst jake doesn't change, per se, his glimpse of the alternate worlds that could exist does help him find the motivation to carry on and get the girl.

I could expand the script, but hopefully if a film maker thinks this an interesting concept to tackle we could agree the next steps together.

if you have anything in need of a read let me know.

all the best

My scripts  HERE

The Elevator Most Belonging To Alice - Semi Final Bluecat, Runner Up Nashville
Inner Journey - Page Awards Finalist - Bluecat semi final
Grieving Spell - winner - London Film Awards.  Third - Honolulu
Ultimate Weapon - Fresh Voices - second place
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Private Message Reply: 10 - 35
Reef Dreamer
Posted: January 18th, 2015, 3:16am Report to Moderator
Old Timer

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The Island of Jersey
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Quoted from khamanna

And I didn't like her say "Head injuries can be serious". I think she should be either overly geeky and say something very clever, or something simple like the rest of us, normal people would say in this situation.

Good idea, now changed. Thanks.

My scripts  HERE

The Elevator Most Belonging To Alice - Semi Final Bluecat, Runner Up Nashville
Inner Journey - Page Awards Finalist - Bluecat semi final
Grieving Spell - winner - London Film Awards.  Third - Honolulu
Ultimate Weapon - Fresh Voices - second place
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Private Message Reply: 11 - 35
Reef Dreamer
Posted: January 18th, 2015, 3:18am Report to Moderator
Old Timer

Part time writer

The Island of Jersey
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Quoted from TonyDionisio
Hey Bill,

Reads really well -- the head crack part -- He almost asked her out but then things move on.  I gotta know...  Lol

Fun read

Thanks Tony, I appreciate the read. Glad you enjoyed.

At three pages long you really have to read it for what it is - gentle humor around a thought provoking concept. Well I hope.

My scripts  HERE

The Elevator Most Belonging To Alice - Semi Final Bluecat, Runner Up Nashville
Inner Journey - Page Awards Finalist - Bluecat semi final
Grieving Spell - winner - London Film Awards.  Third - Honolulu
Ultimate Weapon - Fresh Voices - second place
IMDb link...
Private Message Reply: 12 - 35
Posted: January 18th, 2015, 4:51am Report to Moderator
Guest User


What the...?

Ew. I haven't read the other reviews, so I accept I may be the only one that hates seeing things like this in a screenplay or novel. It's really cheap. I can understand a 'what the fuck?' But two separate statements is too much. Personally, I'd drop the whole lot and leave the actor to figure out what to do. The best acting happens when nobody says anything at all. The circumstances and resultant body language and actions of the actor should be enough.


His snaps out of it to see...


Nice story, mate. I had a couple of issues with your writing, but you've been at this too long to listen to me now, so I'll keep it to myself.

I like the idea though and the ending is good. Despite the complicated subject matter you simplified it wonderfully. I've been toying for quite some time about writing a feature along a similar subject matter but have never got further than simply having the desire. An actual story hasn't presented itself yet.

Well done. Nice and easy to make.
e-mail Reply: 13 - 35
Posted: January 18th, 2015, 5:06am Report to Moderator
January Project Group

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Hi, Bill.

Quoted from Reef Dreamer
Whilst jake doesn't change, per se, his glimpse of the alternate worlds that could exist does help him find the motivation to carry on and get the girl

Here's the thing: Why does he need motivation? The girl likes him, smiles at him, talks to him. Treats him well. There's no reason for him to believe he can't get her. Maybe if she was out of his league or they had started with the wrong foot somehow, that would explain his "pessimism".

The concept is really clever though and you managed to squeeze a lot of stuff in three pages. Good job.

Private Message Reply: 14 - 35
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