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Faithless by Dante A. Prudente - Drama - Faithless tells the story of Father Michael, who after hearing a series of rather nasty confessions (each a mini-tale in itself) believes he has lost his faith. In an attempt to rekindle his faith, Father Michael is transferred to a private care facility where he meets Antonio an elderly man who he suffers from post traumatic guilt due to the death of his brother, and a little girl, Ximana suffering with AIDS. Father Michael helps both through their ordeals and rediscovers his faith only to have it tested again in a desperate search to save her run away sister from the streets of the big city. 127 pages - pdf, format
I have noticed that you have not yet posted to show you are around. This script has many elements that have promise. You obviously know your way around Catholic terminology and tradition. This gives your story credibility. The problems you are facing with the work you have done are basic mistakes. If you go back and give this a re-read you will see some of the simple ones. I really don't want to go into them as of yet unless I know you are going to be here on the forum to respond. Take care. Shawn.....><
Apart from the typographical difficulties, I agree with Shawn that the script has elements that show promise. The moments of humor and humanity have real charm.