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And here's me thinking there were specific motifs in genre films which were recognisable and which enabled us to see them as being part of a particular genre.
When all along, a Western is simply "guy gets on a horse"... No, it's not too complicated when you look at it like this in simplistic terms..
Seriously, Kevan, you've got to give me a little more credit than this.
But when you look at my comment in context, you'll find it was very directly related to encouraging someone to write in a genre they are relatively unfamiliar with and even uncomfortable with. Therefore, what I gave is an incredibly basic relationship between two genres: one more familiar to modern audiences than the other. Are there more conventions to the Western genre than Action? Of course. Do I want to overwhelm someone who is not comfortable with a particular genre? No.
Could I have provided more information for further reading so that once someone wraps their mind around that genre, they can do some further research? Sure. Thank you for calling me out and correcting me. Nothing gives me more pleasure than a good bit of corrective action. Feedback is love.
Is great when we see two colleagues very smart enlightening the things giving their best of their skills in order to teach us what they know. Congratulations and thanks George and kevan!
Yeah. To be entirely honest, that wiki article and your comments tempted me to try and write one for some reason, even though I've probably only seen two westerns in my entire life.
Seriously, Kevan, you've got to give me a little more credit than this. .
Sure thing buddy, take it all. Your post stimulated debate and encouraged other writers to research "genre" and the "Western genre". So this was good, right? Nothing personal, George. Sorry if it came across this way...
Sorry folks, me talkin' about 'The Western' in this thread gave the impression that this was in some way related to this month's OWC thingy. Is isn't! Its purely an example of what "genre" is in relation to story type and how genre is populated with iconography and motifs particular to itself as a specfic genre:
Western Gangster Horror Thriller War Romance Etc, etc....
I for one would not participate if that was the genre. Not only would I be incapable of coming up with any ideas, but I would be deeply offended. I'm a very sensitive and conservative person and classy too, just in case you didn't know this.
I agree, same feeling here! Only for the fact that the writing for that genre is sub-standard of course, and that is what matters even if you are one handed.
Wait, we might be able to class it up some, since it is being written by us SS writers! Who knows, might work?
I'll give it a try...Oh wait the genre hasn't been announced yet has it? Darn I have a wealth of research material right here on my shelf.
A spoon does not know the taste of soup, nor a learned fool the taste of wisdom.
I'd script porn. It'd probably be pretty easy. Only like three lines of dialogue, and a bunch of action...and then the dog does something. I'm sure it'd be quite interesting. We'd REALLY get to know our fellow simplyscripters. Plus I'm sure Peter North would jump all over this challenge in a second.
"Picture Porky Pig raping Elmer Fudd" - George Carlin "I have to sign before you shoot me?" - Navin Johnson "It'll take time to restore chaos" - George W. Bush "Harry, I love you!" - Ben Affleck "What are you looking at, sugar t*ts?" - The man without a face "Whoever does any work on the Sabbath day must be put to death." - Exodus 31:15 "No one ever expects The Spanish Inquisition!" - The Spanish Inquisition "Matt Damon" - Matt Damon
Is anime even a true genre? I don't think so. Anime isn't a type of story just a way of presenting a story visually (animation).
Anime is actually a genre with its own peculiarities that you can't get away with in other genres. I don't know much about it, but when I've read anime before, there were things I didn't "get" because they were conventions of the genre. Alan Holman is the local anime junkie who would jump all over this one if he read it.