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The Bench by Matt Layden (TheUsualSuspect) - Short - A man in white and a homeless man meet on a bench in the park. The have a conversation that could change the fate of humanity. 4 pages - html, format
This was a nice short, i found it quite intriquing.
I would have liked for the Homeless man(the devil, right?) to elaborate more on how he was the one who supossedly created the world(for me it was an intriquing concept).
This script was highly intriquing, but it does share a good point. I found it (forgive me if I'm wrong) a contract for the differences and similarities that God and (sorry for anyone with religion beliefs), The Devil.
The most intresting part, for me anyway, was how the word "Devil" was also the word for "God" in latin. But, also, the homeless man should have told us more on how he supposedly created the world.
A spotted a few minor errors, just spelling mistakes really.
Anyway, it was a nice, short read. I also learned something new - which is great. =]
Yeah this short was, again, intriquing. It was really short though. Maybe you should expand it with what Curse and Bates agreed on (and I agree on too). Elaborating on the "how he was the one who supossedly created the world" discussion. Really cool though.
I loved this short, however I see potential for an entire film. I love the metaphorical "man in white" and "homeless man." It is very clever. It needs to be more than a short though, it needs to be a story. I love it and I hope you make more of a story for it. Very good though.
Since my computer is fully functioning on the net again I decided to read something short to get back into the flow of things.
Echoing everyone else, this was a pretty interesting idea and I liked the metaphor of the homeless man being Satan and the man in white being God.
Your opening descriptions can use some work. You open with three paragraphs with at least 4 lines each when they can all be chizzled down. The opening paragraph you start with "It's summer" etc etc. You can't exactly convert that to film where people know it's summer. You can just say "It's a nice day, kids playing" etc etc.
And honestly I didn't understand the ending with the apple. Is this supposed to a reference to Snow White(I think) or something? Like, evil offers the apple to good...kind of going with the metaphor...I dunno.
And you should proofread your stuff in the future if you want people to take you seriously...just FYI. But nicely written!
The traditional interpretation of the story of Adam and Eve is that they disobeyed God by eating the forbidden apple, which is the origin of Original Sin.
Great short! I do wish it was a little longer though. A few typos but nothing major. I gotta ask, the blue ball - is that a metaphor for earth? Meh I dunno lol
This was a well written script that you have here, dude. There were only a few spelling errors here and there, but other than that I found it a nice short read that was entertaining!!! Keep up the good work.
Sorry that I don't have such a large review, but there isn't much wrong with it to give it criticism.
Yeah, I agree with James, there isn't much to say since everyone else has mentioned it, but I will just say that it was an interesting short and I liked the ending.
I just read this is, like Sean said, an interesting short. Nothing THAT great, and it's very short. But it's length is perfect for the story.
Not much I can say. It goes against my beliefs, that's for sure, but I won't bring those into this.
And when the devil says that he's already made $10 bucks, that was awesome! At Wal-mart here in my town, there was three homeless people scattered out through the parking lot with signs saying that they had no money. When we drove around one of them, the woman had a nice radio and was talking to other people with it. lol. Homeless people probably make more money than some police officers do. lol.