All screenplays on the and domain are copyrighted to their respective authors. All rights reserved. This screenplaymay not be used or reproduced for any purpose including educational purposes without the expressed written permission of the author.
BLACK SCREEN: RUDY (O.S.) Don’t move! Don’t fucking move! TRAVIS (O.S.) Put the gun down, please. FADE IN: A black screen slowly opens on a duel: Two best friends turned enemies over a girl. 1 EXT. THE DUEL -DARK NIGHT TITLE CARD: PRESENT TIME A wide shot of Rudy (early 20’s) and Travis (early 20’s) facing each other approximately twenty feet apart. We are in a dark back corner of campus, with several brick buildings surrounding us in no symmetrical pattern. Rudy has a GUN aimed at Travis.
Ok. Not too sure about this. Might go for:
ON BLACK: RUDY (V.O.) Don’t move! Don’t fucking move! TRAVIS (V.O.) Put the gun down. FADE IN: EXT. CAMPUS - NIGHT SUPER: PRESENT TIME Dark back corner of campus; brick buildings surround. Rudy (21), overweight, and Travis (22), slim geek, face each other. Rudy has a GUN aimed at Travis.
didnt get very far into this (namely because youre not a member and i doubt you'll ever reply to our feedback). but here are some tips
ditch the -ing words.
show us dont tell. saying a character is "more deceptive than she looks" tells us nothing.
dialogue is a bit too on the nose.
doesnt matter if this were the best screenplay in the world, at 50 pages, youre damning yourself. 50 pages is way too long for a short but way too short for a feature. decide which one you want this to be and go from there.
Also - and I agree with albinopenguin that you'll probably never read this, but for the benefit of whoever does - your logline is not a logline. It's a tagline. A tagline is something that would go on the movie poster. It's more vague, and much shorter, than a logline, and is designed to grab your attention.
A logline is (preferably) one sentence that tells us about your story. "College has never been so complicated" doesn't really give us a glimpse into your world or tell us why we should read...
A logline is (preferably) one sentence that tells us about your story. "College has never been so complicated" doesn't really give us a glimpse into your world or tell us why we should read...
To quote Miss Babz, resident agent emeritus...
This basic formula can hook a stranger into reading your material.
LATEST NEWS CineVita Films is producing a short based on my new feature!
I just found out this was online tonight, I have been checking the web site but it hadn't been updated.
If you do read the full script or wish to, I think A. you will understand it better, and B. appreciate it more and C. I really really want feedback on my work.