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  Author    Inbox (1)  (currently 2862 views)
Posted: November 29th, 2018, 9:08pm Report to Moderator

So, what are you writing?

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Inbox (1) by Matthew Taylor - Short, Thriller, Horror - After receiving increasingly disturbing emails, a deaf customer services agent must battle with his mind in order to make sense of his night. 12 pages - pdf format

New writer interested in feedback on this work

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You will miss 100% of the shots you don't take.
- Wayne Gretzky

Revision History (2 edits; 1 reasons shown)
Don  -  December 16th, 2018, 4:22pm
revised draft
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Matthew Taylor
Posted: December 4th, 2018, 9:05am Report to Moderator
Old Timer

Shakespeare's county
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Think this one should be in the shorts section.


[bert's edit:  fixed!]



Two steps to writing a good screenplay:
1) Write a bad one
2) Fix it

Revision History (1 edits)
bert  -  December 6th, 2018, 2:38pm
Private Message Reply: 1 - 23
Posted: December 5th, 2018, 11:41am Report to Moderator
January Project Group

Southern California
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Clever title.

Quoted Text


This sequence:

Quoted Text
I've told you before, you can speak
normally, I can read lips.

Christina goes red.

Right, sorry. Not spoken to a deaf
person before you, sorry.

Doesn't make sense to me. If he's told her before then she's talked to a deaf person.


This goes off the rails for me a bit when Freddie hits Eric - in a real office environment he's escorted out the door at that point. But Freddy just returns to work like nothing happened.

And this sequence:

Quoted Text
Freddy looks at the others, they stare back at him.

All of the lights and monitors flicker off. Pitch black.

They flicker back on. Everyone has gone except for Ian, still
slumped in the chair.

The lights flicker off. Back on. Everyone is back where they
were before, working on their computers.

Freddy goes back to his computer, checks his emails.

Lost me - is it a dream state that Freddy's in?? I got confused.

Okay - see it again later - it is some sort of illusion sequence. I think it could be clearer.

Quoted Text

(to Danielle and Cristina)
Eric's been gone a while. I'll
check on him, keep your eye on that
freak. He's acting weirder than

They look at Freddy, he's grinning menacingly.

James leaves.


He watches James leave, gets up and sits at James computer.

So, they are supposed to watch him and no one cares when he goes to Jame's computer. Again I see that they are there and then there not.

Hmmm. Going to stop here. I think you have something here, Matt - I'm just getting confused by the peeps being there and then they're gone. Maybe it's just me. See what others think.

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Private Message Reply: 2 - 23
Matthew Taylor
Posted: December 5th, 2018, 12:02pm Report to Moderator
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Shakespeare's county
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Hi Eldave

Thank you so much for the read. This one was a real challenge for me to write (which is why i wrote it) as I have not done something like this before.

Quoted Text
Right, sorry. Not spoken to a deaf
person before you, sorry.

I included the "you" in her dialogue - meaning she has spoken to him before (not a lot) but no other deaf person - If it's not clear I'll look into rephrasing.

Quoted Text
This goes off the rails for me a bit when Freddie hits Eric - in a real office environment he's escorted out the door at that point. But Freddy just returns to work like nothing happened.

Ian (the manager) is asleep, the others are just young workers and don't have the authority (or guts) to throw him out.

The people being there, and then not, is Freddy losing his sense of reality. It's not a dream state, he's basically bonkers lol.
Not good that it is confusing though - I am open to suggestions from anyone on how to do it, like I say, not done this before so it is a challenge for me.

They do care he has gone to James computer, but they won't do anything about it, they are young, he's already been violent so they don't want to anger him more - plus it's only a work computer, not like he's stealing his personal stuff lol.

You have given a few of my works a read now, I don't think I have read and commented on anything of yours? If you want me to give anything a read just drop me a PM

Many thanks again




Two steps to writing a good screenplay:
1) Write a bad one
2) Fix it

Revision History (1 edits)
Matthew Taylor  -  December 5th, 2018, 12:16pm
Private Message Reply: 3 - 23
Posted: December 5th, 2018, 12:24pm Report to Moderator
January Project Group

Southern California
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My pleasure, Matt:

Quoted Text
I included the "you" in her dialogue - meaning she has spoken to him before (not a lot) but no other deaf person - If it's not clear I'll look into rephrasing.

Yeah, I saw the "you" - the line just didn't make sense since they both know that. Maybe something akin to:

Right, sorry. I keep forgetting that.

Quoted Text
Ian (the manager) is asleep, the others are just young workers and don't have the authority (or guts) to throw him out.

Still hard for me to buy - he's punching the dude in the nose  like I said - maybe it's just me.

Quoted Text
The people being there, and then not, is Freddy losing his sense of reality. It's not a dream state, he's basically bonkers lol.

Not good that it is confusing though - I am open to suggestions from anyone on how to do it, like I say, not done this before so it is a challenge for me.

Maybe something like:

Freddy looks at the others, they stare back at him.


All of the lights and monitors flicker off. Pitch black.

They flicker back on. Everyone has gone except for Ian, still
slumped in the chair.

The lights flicker off.


Lights back on. Everyone is back where they
were before, working on their computers.

Freddy goes back to his computer, checks his emails.

Just food for thought


My Scripts can all be seen here:
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Private Message Reply: 4 - 23
Matthew Taylor
Posted: December 5th, 2018, 1:35pm Report to Moderator
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Shakespeare's county
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Quoted Text
Right, sorry. I keep forgetting that.

You are correct sir, that reads much better. Will change in the rewrite.

Quoted Text
Still hard for me to buy - he's punching the dude in the nose  like I said - maybe it's just me.

I could change this, add more conflict of the others trying to get him to go home - he agrees, but instead of shutting down his computer, gets drawn back into these mysterious emails - I'll look into that in the rewrite.

Quoted Text

I could try this, see if it reads better. As I can see it in my mind, it's hard to tell if others can see it as well the way I've written it.

Thanks for the help




Two steps to writing a good screenplay:
1) Write a bad one
2) Fix it
Private Message Reply: 5 - 23
Posted: December 5th, 2018, 1:48pm Report to Moderator
January Project Group

Southern California
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Quoted from Matthew Taylor

You are correct sir, that reads much better. Will change in the rewrite.

I could change this, add more conflict of the others trying to get him to go home - he agrees, but instead of shutting down his computer, gets drawn back into these mysterious emails - I'll look into that in the rewrite.

I could try this, see if it reads better. As I can see it in my mind, it's hard to tell if others can see it as well the way I've written it.

Thanks for the help


Cool  - hopefully a few others will weigh in

My Scripts can all be seen here:
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Private Message Reply: 6 - 23
Matthew Taylor
Posted: December 7th, 2018, 4:40am Report to Moderator
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Shakespeare's county
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Revised draft is up (Thanks Don)

I have not gone with the IN FREDDY''S MIND idea just yet - I started it to do it, but it felt like it was pulling me out of the scene -  Hard to explain but, I wanted to get the sense that we are viewing Freddy's reality and his distorted view of it.

Anyway - In those instances, my original version made it look like that Freddy disappeared as well. so I have cleared that up.



Two steps to writing a good screenplay:
1) Write a bad one
2) Fix it
Private Message Reply: 7 - 23
Posted: December 7th, 2018, 10:24am Report to Moderator
Guest User

Hey Matt, I saw the back and forth between you and Dave and decided to take a look.

I'm sorry, but for me, basically nothing works here as written.  Writing is awkward throughout, and downright wrong quite often.  Descriptions aren't handled well.  The setup isn't handled well.  The whole thing just doesn't make sense.

I know, that's not what you were hoping to hear, and I apologize, but I have to be honest here.  Let's see if I can shed some light on what I'm talking about.

OK, so other than the "bathroom", we have a 1 setting script, which is "Customer Service Centre".  From the spelling here, I know you are not American , so maybe this service center is nothing like I'm used to seeing here in the States, but based on your very sparse description of it, it looks like no service center I've ever seen.

I always recommend "setting your scenes" properly, which means visually.  In written form, we know this takes place at night, but if we're watching it, would we have a clue?  Does this service center have windows?  Are there clocks on the walls?  You may think this is all meaningless BS, but in reality, it's actually rather important, and would clue us in that this is some sort of midnight shift.

You say, " Typical office decor.  Fifty computers sit atop five rows of desks.", but to me, this doesn't make much sense in a bunch of different ways.  First of all, you're saying there are 5 rows of 10 desks with a computer on top of each desk?  I would have to imagine there's alot more than just a computer on each desk, and I would also imagine these aren't really "desks", but cubicles.  There's no mention of phones, which is odd to me, and really, thinking about this, why would peeps have to work a late shift in a service center, when all their responses wouldn't be read until the next day...or why wait until a late shift to address E-Mails that have been coming in.

Let's keep going here, and we're still just on the 3rd passage.  In this passage, we learn that Freddy is already working on 1 of these computers, at 1 of these desks, which we would see immediately.  Am I to assume each (or some) desk has a worker, also?   Then Christina appears, has a quick chat with Freddy, and sits "a couple of rows ahead".  Phrasing is awkward here, first of all, but let's look deeper - you've already told us there are 5 rows of desks, so which row is Freddy actually in?  Must be either the 5th or 4th row, because I think if Christina had sat in the front row, you'd just say that, but bottom line is again, this is not setting the scene properly, and with 5 rows, it should be very simple to lay this out.

So, now, we get 3 more intro's and we find out that these 3 sit behind Freddy, so using simply math, we now know that Freddy is in the 4th row, Eric, James, and Danielle, are in the 5th row, and Christina is in the 2nd row.  Is there anyone else here?  Are the other desks all empty?

OK, stay with me now, we have Ian standing in front of all these 50 desks.  Has he been standing there the whole time?

Quick NOTE - and again, something I ALWAYS recommend - when introing your characters, give them each an actual age.  We have 3 characters in their "20's", 2, who are 18, and then Ian, who's in his "40's".  There is a HUGE difference between someone who is 20 years old and 29 years old...especially since we have two 18 year olds, who appear to be friends with 1 of the 20 something Eric.

OK, back to it, and we're now on the top of Page 2.  Ian delivers a quick speech to whoever is in the room, from the front of the room, where his desk is (and again, I can't picture this layout for the life of me, as it sounds more like a school room, with a teacher up front).  Immediately after this speech, "Ian heads straight for Freddy. Freddy doesn't look at him.".  First of all, you have 2 complete different thoughts here, which would need to be 2 separate passages.  More importantly (depending on how you think about it), I'm having alot of trouble picturing this again.  Ian is "heading straight for Freddy", but Freddy is in the 2nd row from the back and he's somewhere near the middle (because we know that Eric is behind Freddy and James and Danielle are on Eric's flanks).  In other words, this walk by Ian will take more than a few seconds to get to Freddy, and then Ian starts bitching him out, right in front of everyone else - just not remotely realistic.

But wait, it's stranger - immediately following the quick bitch out back in row 4, "Ian sits behind a desk, pulls out a small flask and takes a swig. He leans back, gets comfy, pulls out a newspaper."  Now, obviously, this is back in front of all the desks, but you worded it so vaguely, almost as if Ian just sat down in some random desk.  The whole thing is weird, though - it's like a teacher at a study hall, monitoring the students, making sure they don't act up.  Is this really what Ian does?  Sits in the front of the room, drinking, reading, and sleeping, while everyone else responds to incoming E-Mail queries?

OK, I can't go on at this deep a level.  I did read the entire script.  Let's just throw a few more things out that may help.

Using POV 's - I'd stay away from using POV's as much as humanly possible, as they're tough to write correctly, as only what is seen in the POV can be written.  When you use the subject's name in their POV, it's actually a mistake, as you don't see the actual thing or person - only arms, hands, legs, etc.  And, really POV's only should be labeled as such, when the POV is something you wouldn't expect - like...holding onto a ledge, looking down...or up, from behind something, like bushes, a hold in a wall, or, the classic POV - distorted vision, through a mask, monster vision (different colors, etc).  You have a POV on Page 2 and 3 that runs almost a whole page and somehow you go from E-mail 523 all the way to 1, while only showing us 523, 411, 201, 55, and 1.  Obviously alot has been skipped here and you could have shown passing time in many ways, but you didn't show us any time passing at all.

I'm going to stop there, but I hope at least some of this hits home for you.

Take care, bro.
e-mail Reply: 8 - 23
Matthew Taylor
Posted: December 7th, 2018, 11:36am Report to Moderator
Old Timer

Shakespeare's county
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Evening to you. Thank you very much for giving it a read.

I did rush the description of the place, I'll admit. There are no cubicles - as you say, 5 rows of 10 desks with computers on top, all facing the same way - Sort of like a classroom - will make this more clear.

The night time thing, is this not a bit pedantic? What office doesn't have windows? I have told a potential producer that it is night time in the slug line, surely this tells them enough to make sure that out the window, it is in fact dark - I could put in a description block that the windows show the darkness outside but seems a bit redundant to me.

The other three don't sit behind Freddy - Reading it back, I don't make that clear - Freddy is on back row, the others in front of him. Will make this more clear as well.

There are 24 hour customer services - at least there are in the UK. So don't think that is much of a stretch.

Do I really have to say there are phones on the table? they don't come into the story at all, if it's an office location wouldn't one assume there are phones? Not saying this to be rude, just curious - In the bathroom scene I don't indicate there are toilets, but you would assume they are there.

No one else is there other than characters I've mentioned - I'll clear this up as well

In my head, Ian strolls in and stands at the front of the desks - But I didn't write that for some reason, will revise his intro.

Hey you just compared it to a classroom - that's pretty much what it looks like lol

Quoted Text
In other words, this walk by Ian will take more than a few seconds to get to Freddy, and then Ian starts bitching him out, right in front of everyone else - just not remotely realistic.

Sorry, I don't understand your above point. What is wrong with a few seconds walk? What isn't realistic? being told off at work? I see people getting told off plenty in my office lol And i wouldn't say he's bitching him out, he just told him to be nice.

Yea I haven't really described Ians desk location well and where he sits. He's a manager, so his job is to manage, but he is shit at his job and has no superiors there to watch him, so he slacks off and drinks - Think I need to characterise him better.

Quoted Text
while only showing us 523, 411, 201, 55, and 1.  Obviously alot has been skipped here and you could have shown passing time in many ways, but you didn't show us any time passing at all.

Is his inbox going down quickly not showing a passage of time? You knew that time had passed, you even use the word obviously - so looks like it worked to me lol

Thanks for the read and review - Got a little bit of redrafting to do


EDIT: rewriting this now. I see now that the first POV is pointless, doesn't add anything. This is going



Two steps to writing a good screenplay:
1) Write a bad one
2) Fix it

Revision History (4 edits; 1 reasons shown)
Matthew Taylor  -  December 7th, 2018, 6:27pm
Private Message Reply: 9 - 23
Posted: December 7th, 2018, 11:08pm Report to Moderator
January Project Group


New York
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Hey Matt


Been noticing that your active so decided to give one your shorts a read.

Besides some formatting issues such as when Freddy is typing, you can put that as a montage. I kind of pictured it. It takes a lot of writing to get it right lol.

I got the sense he was just losing his mind lol.

I think you added too many people. I think 4 should suffice.

Let me know when the rewrite is up and I’ll give it a read.

Hope this helps,

Just Murdered by Sean Elwood (Zombie Sean) and Gabriel Moronta (Mr. Ripley) - (Dark Comedy, Horror) All is fair in love and war. A hopeless romantic gay man resorts to bloodshed to win the coveted position of Bridesmaid. 99 pages.
Site Private Message Reply: 10 - 23
Posted: December 8th, 2018, 10:12pm Report to Moderator

I write stuff I think is cool, just like you do.

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I think this story could be a a lot more if you kept your focus one specific event. It was working at first. A deaf corporate customer service rep who deals strictly with emails, good stuff. The intro to the phantom emails was very smooth and detailed, I was following until more characters got involved who didn't really add to the story except for being corpses. I was confused as to why the co-workers kept around after the first short circuit of power and how come they would disappear and come back like nothing happened. The concept works and I dig the world you've created it just seems like to much is happening in the few pages in order for me to get me grasp whats going on at this haunted office.

Loving it though. I look forward to reading more.

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Private Message Reply: 11 - 23
Posted: December 9th, 2018, 8:04am Report to Moderator
Old Timer

Cut to three weeks earlier

London, UK
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Hi Matt,

I've just read this revised version and haven't read everyone's comments in full.

I must say it was a little hard to follow.

A lot of back & forth.

It's odd how Ian died with no one seeing it.

I don't understand what this 'voice' is all about.

The dynamics between Cristina & Freddy was odd.  I was wondering if she was the real killer or if Freddy was the ultimate killer.  Or if Cristina somehow learnt what was going on from Danielle and wanted to seek revenge or defend herself from Freddy.  But the knife thing.  How did she obtain it?

Also, why everyone was okay with Freddy staying after punching Eric was strange.  That's not cool.  And I can't imagine everyone returning back to business as usual whilst Freddy is still there.

Page 2

Freddy discreetly sticks his middle finger up to Ian.


I feel this script could do with a rework.  The core of the story idea is good.  The mystery of the staff disappearing is good.  Using the emails is not bad.  I just think the execution could be better.

All the best,


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Site Private Message Reply: 12 - 23
Matthew Taylor
Posted: December 10th, 2018, 4:11am Report to Moderator
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Shakespeare's county
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Thank you all so much for reading and reviewing

Looks like this one needs a thorough reworking - But thanks to you lot, I have a lot of good info to go on.

Hopefully you will enjoy the rewrite - I am enjoying writing this one as it is well and truly out of my comfort zone.

Many thanks




Two steps to writing a good screenplay:
1) Write a bad one
2) Fix it
Private Message Reply: 13 - 23
Matthew Taylor
Posted: December 17th, 2018, 4:23am Report to Moderator
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Shakespeare's county
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Ok - 3rd times the charm lol - Thanks for putting up the revised version Don.

I stripped this one right back and went at it again. Hopefully it reads better, makes more sense.

I used as much of the feedback as I could - So thanks for the input guys.
Hopefully someone will like this version lol

I did get en email query about the previous version, but I'm not convinced anything will come of it.

If this one doesn't work, I might shelve it for a while





Two steps to writing a good screenplay:
1) Write a bad one
2) Fix it
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