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Badman (comic format) by John Staats - Short, Western, Action, Adventure, Comic - The J-Gang has robbed the bank again. Now it's the Bad men vs. Badman. 5 pages - pdf format
Gave this a read, I'll start by saying that while I've dabbled in the comic book world I'm no expert or even a competent amateur.
So straight off the bat I'll say that the format doesn’t make for an easy/fun read like a script can. It's much more of a blueprint for the animators than something that can be truly enjoyed as a separate piece of art like I think a good script can, even though it has the same intention, in that it’s also a blueprint for a movie.
Having said all that it’s a pretty fun take on Batman. It should make for visually exciting comic.
I think 3 page comics do suffer the same issue as a short script can as far as being able to build much of a story or have any sort of arc. You are even more limited in a 3 page comic because it’s a static medium. So I think you’ve done well to introduce us to the alternate version of Batman, his world and a few of the players in it.
Thanks for the read and comments, Warren. Agreed that the reading engagement factor is quite different between screenplays and comic scripts. Describing a panel is basically interpreting a picture as opposed to writing action. Panel details need to contain the absolutes for an illustrator to convey the writer's mental image, otherwise interpretation can run rampant. I've had one such case so far where the illustrator's version was so far off from my own that we needed to completely stop the presses. Comic writer tip: Always get a couple test panels from the artist to ensure that everyone is on the same page before it's too late!
The roughs for Badman were exceptional. I hope to see it posted either this weekend or next.
The three page comic has been a wild ride. It forces a three act story arc, one page at a time.