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  Author    Magdalen's Reprieve  (currently 5907 views)
Posted: March 30th, 2004, 11:02pm Report to Moderator
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Intriguing ideas. I am touching on some of the subjects in a piece I am writing.,v=display,b=workinprogress,m=1080443848

I am off to read Magdalen's Reprieve now.
e-mail Reply: 15 - 46
Posted: March 31st, 2004, 12:12pm Report to Moderator
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Are NUTS?! Okay, obviously you’re an athiest...But this is pure, unadulterated blasphemy!

“Do you realize that this means the church has been lying about Jesus since Day One, about MaryMbeing John-the-Jesus wife?”

“Jesus-John passed it to maryM. She became Christ.”

You see, Jesus’ real name is really John.

“But this is a scam that goes way back, hundreds of years, knowingly, deliberately.”
Again, a reference to  the Vatican/Christianity.

And the Vatican hires thugs/killers to do away with anyone who attempts to expose the “scam” of Christianity?

You are very lucky you live in a place called America!

So Christianity is a HOAX, eh?

All Christians burn your churches...

This filth has NO commercial viability...and it should be removed from this board! It is blasphemy, It is filth.

ONE religious note here: Religion is about "believing"

Did Moses really part the Red Sea? If you're Jewish, yes, he did. You "believe!"
e-mail Reply: 16 - 46
Posted: March 31st, 2004, 12:42pm Report to Moderator

So, what are you writing?

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Looks like you struck a cord, here. 

white wolf,

The script is going to stay on the site for as long as Havah wishes it to be posted here. 


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You will miss 100% of the shots you don't take.
- Wayne Gretzky
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Site Private Message Reply: 17 - 46
Posted: March 31st, 2004, 10:10pm Report to Moderator

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White Wolf:

I'm sorry that you take such great offense at something so obvious. You can only be angry if you feel I've threatened your current perspective about your beliefs.

The Protestant ministries are already telling their congregations the truth: Jesus and MaryM were married. Read the unadulterated Dead Sea Scrolls and Nag Hamaddi collection.

By being angry with me, you are angry about the truth. I didn't create the truth - it was already there. I just discovered it. You could say I've found the richest mine deposit in the world - TRUTH - and slowly, but carefully, I bring its many faceted beauty to the surface where it can be looked upon by all.

Your post assumes too many things, in error. It's time for you to look elsewhere to blame. I didn't do this to you. Your faith in man did. Maybe God's shaking up that faith of yours so you can stop believing in dogma and begin knowing God.

Ever ask yourself just how arrogant it is: DOGMA spelled backwards is AM GOD!

As Jesus/John once said, "You have eyes. Use them."

For the sake of others, and in respect for my Great Creator, I will not engage in a war with you over this. You temperament is extremely hostile and this conversation can only become somewhat ugly.

I respect your opinion. Obviously, you cannot return the same Godlike courtesy. We'll leave it at that.


Lise Eleanor
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Private Message Reply: 18 - 46
Posted: March 31st, 2004, 10:12pm Report to Moderator

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Thank you Don for your acceptance that screenwriting is an open forum where any and all ideas are expressed. I appreciate your position.


Lise Eleanor
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Private Message Reply: 19 - 46
Posted: April 1st, 2004, 12:22am Report to Moderator
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Oh please, spare me the condescension! You want to play the role of the iconoclast, and you wish we all just play nicy- nice...recognizing our intellectual superior here and willing submitting to her discoveries/teachings. PRICELESS...LOL

I’m no mental midget, Babe. I can see very clearly what you’re attempting to do. You are what ancient Greeks would call Sophist – I’m sure you’re familiar w/ the word. 

You want us to believe you have something here that equates to a mathematics equation i.e. you’ve plugged in the necessary variables and produced this sum – VIOLA! PROOF!... WRONG!

You want us to believe the Vatican uses hired assassins to rid the earth of all who discovers “the Truth”?
And to lend credence to your dribble you invoke the chold molestation scandle i.e. if the Vatican will protect child molesters... is it so hard to believe they would hire assassins? Disgusting...

What you’ve done is draw your own inferences from some very sketchy, circumspect Biblical/historical writings.

I am no authority on the Bible... but I know [as we all do] that over the last 1000 years it has been interpreted to commit all sorts of atrocities – i.e. it’s all in the interpretation.

And finally, w/ regard to your use of ancient historians - Josephes and Tacitus - to support own pre-conceived notion (prejudice) about Christianity...

Josephus was a turncoat Jew. While the Romans were seeking to massacre 10’s of thousands of Jews  in rebellion (A.D. 67), Josephus went to the side of the Romans, and was richly rewarded for doing so. When he wrote his histories, he did so with an aim to please the Romans, whom he now willing prostrated himself before, and also try to excuse his traitorous reputation among his own people.

And w/ regard to Tacitus, what you deliberately failed to point out, is that most of Tacitus’ Histories have been lost.  

Your script has ZERO commercial worth. Why don't you just pull it and BURN it. MOVE ON...

p.s. In the Grapes of Wrath, John Steinbeck not so subtly promoted the beneficence of Communism...over Democracy
e-mail Reply: 20 - 46
Old Time Wesley
Posted: April 1st, 2004, 1:31am Report to Moderator
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Ontario, Canada
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Um I am not sure if this is on topic but if the bible is supposed to happen when did they find the time to write all this stuff down and pass it on through the ages so one day we could read it all, Yeah that happened... I believe now

I know opinions are opinions and all this Jesus and god bull that people spew down the throats of society turning all who will listen into blabbering fools... For god, I don't want to incur his wrath

If Jesus were real and all that happened to him like the books say it does, I just simply want to know how the stories are true when man can't even play that game where you send a message from one guy around a circle and it always comes out different

If it makes me a bad man for thinking Jesus and god and Satan are children’s fairy tales to make us go to church and get molested by Priests well somebody needs to rethink the religion they follow

Don will probably moderate this post because I told the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth so help me... And than there were 0

Practice safe lunch: Use a condiment.
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Private Message Reply: 21 - 46
Posted: April 1st, 2004, 1:51am Report to Moderator

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White Wolf:

Just because this data isn't taught in Sunday school doesn't make it wrong. Go get your dictionary and look up the definition of the word "Christ". It's originally a TITLE "Jesus the Christ". It wasn't his NAME.

You say you are no Bible expert. Well, I am. I know my Bible in at least five languages, was spoon-fed it as a child, slept with it under my pillow and own copies four hundred years old! Though I began crawling with GOD, I quickly learned to walk with GOD and now we're in the marathon. Do not presume to judge me!

As to Vatican discrepancies - look to the catacombs beneath Rome - 1st century depictions of a seven-person last supper, a John the Baptist baptizing a child "Jesus", etc.. Look in the Siena Cathedral in Rome - yes, the Holier than Thou Vatican Headquarters itself (reminds me of CHAOS in "Get Smart") - and you will find the bronze replicate statue titled "John the Baptist" with ALL the wounds of the Christ and then some!

But, here's one of a thousand evidences that hit my cutting room floor and did not make the script, from the Infancy Gospel of James 22, 23:

"When Herod realised he had been duped by the atrologers, he flew into a rage and dispatched his executioners with instructions to kill all the infants two years old and younger.

"As for Elizabeth, when she heard they were looking for John, she took him and went up into the hill country.

"Herod, though, kept looking for John and sent his agents to Zechariah  serving at the altar  with this message for him: Where have you hidden your son?"

Notice it says "John", not "Jesus". It keeps going like this and eventually Herod's agents murder John's father in the courtyard by the altar (mentioned later in the New Testament Scriptures by "Jesus" when he talks about the innocent blood spilled from Abel to the courtyard by the altar). This is the murder that brought Joseph (of Arimathea) into the picture to care for MaryM (since Zechariah was her legal guardian), Elizabeth and John.

So, you see, there's lots you don't know, for someone so ready to burn me at the stake.

FLASHBACK - pyres of the Inquisition

As to Josephus, I agree with you - to a degree - that he was a "turncoat Jew". But, if you factor into the equation that he is the offspring of John and MaryM, his position politically becomes clearer, as do his motives and agenda.

As to Tacitus, though most of his writings are "lost" to the public domaine, his writings live in those of other reliable historians and in private collections.

I think you consider this to be a religion bashing piece. That's not it. My objective is to dispel myths - sacred, or other.

Better not read part two, "Luz's Key" - it proves Noah's Ark is the Great Pyramid! Oh, and part three, "Inside Urim", don't read that one when it's posted either. It tells how the Ark of Covenant is actually an ancient natural power source based in piezzo-electromagnetic energy.

Please refrain from replying if you are going to continue to be belligerent. It's pointless as I will not respond to such hollow rants about so hallow a subject. However, I am quite content to discuss this in a respectful and civil manner. Remember, GOD's here, "whereever two or more are gathered in My Name, there I Am also." . . . At the least, respect that.
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Private Message Reply: 22 - 46
Posted: April 1st, 2004, 2:05am Report to Moderator

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Hey Wes...

You are so right. Through the ages, things have been altered. It is for that reason that any good researcher doesn't rely on only one source. My data is collected from thousands of sources - mostly extremely old.

An example of deliberate alteration is this: the story of Noah's ark in most Bibles makes it sound like a box-shaped ship. But, the Greek Bible version (one of the oldest versions) says it was also fashioned to a point at the top. Why isn't this in any other Bibles? Because it causes conflict, and conflict makes recruitment more difficult.

Religion is as manipulative as politics. But, remember, religion is man-made, spirituality is God-made. Stick with that.

From the Gospel of Thomas:

"Split the wood, I am beside you.
Lift the stone, I am among you."

In other words, you don't need religion to find favor, and a direct relationship, with GOD. Think of it this way: Being the Great Parent, would we children be expected to communicate any other way than directly?

Like you say, that game, Broken Telephone . . .

And I agree with you that religion is a bunch of ritualistic BS designed to control the emotional state of the masses. It's a crippling state of affairs.

Thanks for speaking honestly. Though it may cost you a place on a pole next to me...

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Private Message Reply: 23 - 46
Old Time Wesley
Posted: April 1st, 2004, 2:34am Report to Moderator
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Ontario, Canada
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A Place on what pole would that be?

Practice safe lunch: Use a condiment.
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Private Message Reply: 24 - 46
Posted: April 1st, 2004, 2:56am Report to Moderator

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the pole they tie you to when they burn you at the stake for "heresy"!

HERESY = another word for HONESTY
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Private Message Reply: 25 - 46
Old Time Wesley
Posted: April 1st, 2004, 3:52am Report to Moderator
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Ontario, Canada
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Well they don't burn people on any stake anymore so I guess you're safe, plus this is the world of the internet and stakes a really non existant on here

If people like Michael Jackson and R Kelly can walk around free than what's wrong with you telling the truth? Nothing, absolutely nothing

Practice safe lunch: Use a condiment.
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Private Message Reply: 26 - 46
Posted: April 1st, 2004, 5:37am Report to Moderator

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lol, Wes...

Yep. That was my point - good thing it's not back then!

Just some tongue-in-cheek humor to lighten up the discussion.
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Private Message Reply: 27 - 46
Posted: April 1st, 2004, 9:51am Report to Moderator
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Okay, I understand you now. It all makes sense...Your character, Margot=Lise

Let me play psycho-babbler for a few moments, and I’m not at all attempting to be mean-spirited...

-- Margot is 40,  tho I would say U are late 40’s...
-- U killed Frank off (and so violently, Margot/Lise?), so I would surmise you are  not married, and never hv been.

-- Since U introduced your mother in the script, I would therefore speculate that U live w/ her
-- U are a starving artist...likely w/ a part-time job
-- Sally is the girlfriend you’ve always longed for, to share your epic struggle against what U see Religion as it really is: a male created organization- a lie - that is designed to oppress the masses, and particularly females.
-- U are a very lonely person – an Iconoclast ALWAYS is...

I can go deeper here but I wont. Better things to do...

Really, Margot/Lise, move on... Little ol Lise is NOT going to bring down the entire Vatican. LOL
e-mail Reply: 28 - 46
Posted: April 1st, 2004, 12:16pm Report to Moderator

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White Wolf:

Really... this is Strike Three. You've presented wrong data in all your posts. As to your psycho-babble, I can only guess either you failed, or never took, psychology.

1. You're wrong about my age by approximately 10 years (my picture is on my web site).
2. I am married to a wonderful man, professional welder, for the past eight years. We are totally in LOVE.
3. My mother has been dead for more than 25 years!
4. I am financially independent and own a registered company.
5. Sally IS my girlfriend (real name different), and Catholicism casts women completely aside (Jesus embraced them, especially children).
6. I am the happiest, most satisfied, person I have ever known. If I die immediately after sending this post, I'll smile having been blessed with the wisdom of Solomon and the experience of being truly loved by someone I can truly love.

Go as deep as you can. Hopefully you will find your path to that same satisfaction.


Lise Eleanor

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Private Message Reply: 29 - 46
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