All screenplays on the and domain are copyrighted to their respective authors. All rights reserved. This screenplaymay not be used or reproduced for any purpose including educational purposes without the expressed written permission of the author.
At a party for high school teenagers or college students, someone suggests that they all play a game…
Two people are chosen to play 7 MINUTES IN HEAVEN (a game where the two people go inside a closet and are expected to kiss, make out, or be even more intimate/sexy with each other).
As awkward and unromantic as it always is, the two inside the closet don’t get very far before the seven minutes are up. However, something else happens…But what?
When your two characters exit the closet, something’s changed. Was it the people waiting outside? Was it the setting? Or was it even time itself? You decide…
GENRE: Comedy (Note: You may incorporate other genres into the story, but the primary genre must be Comedy)
MAX PAGE COUNT: 10 pages
Scripts due to Friday at Midnight on January 10th (11:59 PM EST on January 10th - see also timer)
You know the rules:
* Do not put your name on title page. Anonymous challenge. Make up a good nom de plume * Scripts are due to by Friday, January 10th at midnight EST. * Please put (c) 2025 on title page. * This is a challenge, not a contest. * Participants are expected to read and comment on as many scripts as they can.
Nice one, Sean! Love how you made it genre specific. Forces people to write out of their comfort zone, which is always a good thing, imo. Cool challenge.
Gosh an OWC - haven’t done one since….bloody hell a very long time ago
Time to remember how to write again. I can feel some mental limbering up😱
My scripts - links to be updated.
The Elevator Most Belonging To Alice - Runner Up Nashville Inner Journey - Page Awards Finalist - Bluecat semi final Grieving Spell - winner - London Film Awards.�� Ultimate Weapon - Fresh Voices - second place IMDb link...
Oh wow, nice one. but what could happen that they are changed? Interesting. I think I won't be able to come up with anything. But I want to very much, cos it's a really good idea. The closet changes people...
And kissing or some kind of l o v making is involved. I just knew it. It feels so good to know beforehand!
Sean, so reading this again, I didn't read it properly - you're suggesting most of the action concerns the changed situation when they exit the closet?
As awkward and unromantic as it always is, the two inside the closet don’t get very far before the seven minutes are up. However, something else happens…But what?
When your two characters exit the closet, something’s changed. Was it the people waiting outside? Was it the setting? Or was it even time itself? You decide…
Can most of the action occur inside the closet and only a reveal/twist at the end when they step out?
Or are you expecting most of the action with the changed circumstances ala Suddenly 30, and About Time.
Crikey!! I've just changed into Jennifer Anne Garner - when in my minds eye I wanted Patricia Mae Giraldo - it's a heartbreaker . . .Summit else then. Best JtF
Yes there can be. It's your story, you do what you will with it! As long as the horse and characters go into the closet, or start off in the closet, and then exit to find a change of...something...
Now I'm really curious as to why there would be a horse in the closet!
Can most of the action occur inside the closet and only a reveal/twist at the end when they step out?
Or are you expecting most of the action with the changed circumstances ala Suddenly 30, and About Time.
Yes, you can focus most of your story inside of the closet and reveal a twist at the end when they step out.
As long as your characters go into the closet to play the game, or start off in the closet to play the game, and then they come out to find a change of something.
Crikey!! I've just changed into Jennifer Anne Garner - when in my minds eye I wanted Patricia Mae Giraldo - it's a heartbreaker . . .Summit else then. Best JtF
Sean, so reading this again, I didn't read it properly - you're suggesting most of the action concerns the changed situation when they exit the closet?
As awkward and unromantic as it always is, the two inside the closet don’t get very far before the seven minutes are up. However, something else happens…But what?
When your two characters exit the closet, something’s changed. Was it the people waiting outside? Was it the setting? Or was it even time itself? You decide…
Can most of the action occur inside the closet and only a reveal/twist at the end when they step out?
Or are you expecting most of the action with the changed circumstances ala Suddenly 30, and About Time.
Ugh! I had an idea and after that I had another idea. Now what do I do with so many? It's as bad as having none.