All screenplays on the and domain are copyrighted to their respective authors. All rights reserved. This screenplaymay not be used or reproduced for any purpose including educational purposes without the expressed written permission of the author.
I don't think Don will mind me posting this. I'm hoping to revive the SS Blog page. For those unaware it is here:
Producers and Filmmakers come to SS, particularly the Blog Page looking for scripts. Historically they are snapped up fast.
So, I'm calling on volunteers to write Script Reviews. This is cross-promotional. The Writer of the script and their work is showcased, but you as the Reviewer also are.
Here are some guidelines Don has posted previously:
Short Script Reviews.
The purpose of the Short Script Reviews on is to sell a script.
The reviews have to be 100% positive. If you feel the script isn't good, don't review it. It is important to maintain credibilty that the works reviewed are, in fact, quality scripts.
Items to cover in the review:
Budget or Production or contest information (LC can help with this)
About the Writer: The Writer submits a short BIO Linked to Website/other work, accolades, etc.
About the Reviewer: As Above - (this is where the Reviewer should link to their website, facebook page, your scripts, etc. People will assume that if you write a good review, then you can write a good script.) This is also resume worthy. A number of reviewers have on his/her Facebook and LinkedIn pages "Reviewer for".
I paraphrased a bit of that blurb btw.
You don't have to be an experienced or professional reviewer. If you can write a script, you can write a Review. Word count is up to you, it doesn't have to be long, just address the pertinent points as to why it would make a great short film, what you enjoyed, tease the plot, don't give away the ending etc.
You can run it by me for any typos, layout questions etc. Or, you can submit directly to Don.
Once we get some volunteers I will also put a call out to Writers who would like their script reviewed.
I'll volunteer! Sounds like a win-win proposition. Sign me up and let me know what I need to do next. Thx for the opportunity, Libby!
Scripts Available: Christmas Joe (Holiday Drama) Every Time It Snows (Holiday Drama) Happy Holi-DNA (Holiday Romance) Let That Pony Run (Family Drama) With Love, From Romance (Holiday Romance) Essex (Historical Drama)
Shorts: Santuario (OWC Writers' Choice) Death (OWC) Savior (OWC) Christmas At The Piggly Wiggly ...and many more
I've had a few reviewed here. Time to give back...
Sign me up, but I can't start until next week.
I'll be in touch with a choice then.
60 Feet Under - Low budget, contained thriller/Feature The Hand of God - Low budget, semi-contained thriller/Feature Wait Till Next Year - Disney-style family sports comedy/Feature
Many shorts available for production: comedy, thriller, drama, light horror
I've had a few reviewed here. Time to give back... Sign me up, but I can't start until next week. I'll be in touch with a choice then.
Thank you, PK! Much appreciated.
FYI: Anyone who volunteers to review is doing so to their own time frame. Having some reviews in the bag to post every couple of weeks, is what I'm aiming for.
This is about promoting work, getting your scripts produced, and giving SS more visibility; attracting more people to the site etc.
However... One other important thing - We have an OWC imminent, so it takes precedence. Your reviews will be gratefully received after that.
FYI: Anyone who volunteers to review is doing so to their own time frame. Having some reviews in the bag to post every couple of weeks, is what I'm aiming for.
This is about promoting work, getting your scripts produced, and giving SS more visibility; attracting more people to the site etc.
However... One other important thing - We have an OWC imminent, so it takes precedence. Your reviews will be gratefully received after that.
Ooooh, an OWC! That's a great place to mine for scripts to review.
And, if anyone has seen a script that stood out, feel free to turn me onto it. I'll review it for potential review. (Fun with words!)
60 Feet Under - Low budget, contained thriller/Feature The Hand of God - Low budget, semi-contained thriller/Feature Wait Till Next Year - Disney-style family sports comedy/Feature
Many shorts available for production: comedy, thriller, drama, light horror
60 Feet Under - Low budget, contained thriller/Feature The Hand of God - Low budget, semi-contained thriller/Feature Wait Till Next Year - Disney-style family sports comedy/Feature
Many shorts available for production: comedy, thriller, drama, light horror
Hi all, for all too, Don & LC. For those who do not know me... I have been a SS member for many years - yeah... I have been gone for as many. But, it is here where I started my now successful career. And, yeah - now it's pay-back time (pay it forward).
A brief out-take from my profile... "Barry John Terblanche here. A produced screenwriter of many years, I write across all genres and formats. As a career, I’m a professional freelance screenplay competition reader/analyst/feedback and film screener/reviewer for a good few well-known companies, namely; Nashville, Wiki, Golden Script, Filmmatic, Outstanding, Cult Critic, SoCal, Sunvale, Cinequest, New Media film & script, Kingdom Woods, Inroads, Oh Scares, LATSFF, Bondi, LAFF, Shoot Your Shot, and Script Studio. Also, a film review critic and interviewing directors & producers for two international film magazines".
So, yes. I will freely participate hereto.
Kind regards to all, Barry John Terblanche
Who am I? A man with a hundred stories... you want to read one? Analyst, mentor, competition reader/judge, film critic, magazine article/blogger.