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All Things Steven King
All things Stephen King, a place where constant readers can chat about the great man and his works and maybe a place for newcomers to the world of Stephen King to find out a bit more about him.
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No New Posts Stephen King - All about the King
All things Stephen King, a place where constant readers can chat about the great man and his works and maybe a place for newcomers to the world of Stephen King to find out a bit more about him.
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Moderators: Warren
6 210
By: Warren
November 16th, 2023, 10:49pm
No New Posts Fiction– There Are Other Worlds than These
Discuss your favourite Stephen King fictional works and to review his novels or short story collections, but just remember to warn about possible spoilers if there are going to be any.
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Moderators: Warren
8 101
By: LC
June 18th, 2024, 8:42pm
No New Posts Non-Fiction - To Write is Human, to Edit is Divine
Discuss any of Stephen King’s non-fiction works or to give a book review. It’s also a good place to talk about writing lessons learnt from King with regards to things like character development, story structure, and the craft of writing as a whole.
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Moderators: Warren
1 6
By: Gum
September 12th, 2022, 9:00am
No New Posts Adaptations – Here’s Johnny!
Discuss any of the many Stephen King adaptations, or to give a review of his movies or TV shows.
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Moderators: Warren
2 15
October 11th, 2022, 12:19pm
No New Posts Stephen King Collectors and Shelfies
A place to share photos of your Stephen King collections and to discuss
collecting all things King (books, movies, Funko Pops, comics, etc.). Also potentially a place to find
that rare collectable you’re hunting for?
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Moderators: Warren
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