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  Author    Beach of Intentions - OWC  (currently 2074 views)
Posted: August 4th, 2018, 9:10am Report to Moderator

So, what are you writing?

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Beach of Intentions by 0 - Short, Family - Struggling to connect with his kids, a divorcee Dad conjures a plan to inspire them.  - pdf format

Writer interested in feedback on this work

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Posted: August 4th, 2018, 11:42am Report to Moderator
Guest User

Couple things jump out immediately...

Not sure where this writer is from, but there are odd slangs and phrasings throughout.

Also, it's very apparent this script will suffer from the no dialogue parameter, based on the setup and interactions of the characters.

There are an awful lot of problems with the writing here...the phrasings, the sentence structure, missing commas, etc.

There are also numerous examples of situations where there would obviously be dialogue.  In fact, there are even places where you say someone is talking, etc.  Doesn't work, as you're simply avoiding dialogue, not writing a script with no dialogue.

Slugs are incorrect throughout.  You can't use Mini Slugs the way you have here.

Your asides are also a real killer here and so out of place.

The end?  Huh?  I don't get all.

Sorry, but once again, not for me at all, sorry to say.
e-mail Reply: 1 - 21
Posted: August 4th, 2018, 4:57pm Report to Moderator
Guest User

Heh, heh, hey, writer,

So, Family is a genre now? Okay, let's try to work with that.

I'm so sorry, I tried and tried and tried. This just doesn't work for me, it's too fluffy in theme, staccato in writing style, and then all of a sudden there's just random madness that crops up. If you'd stuck Comedy down as a genre I'd have believed you!!!

And for some reason, don't ask me why, I can't get the montage from Naked Gun out of my head. I think it's because it also is fluffy on the themes, offset against a serious filming style.

Anyway, it's not for me. Someone might love this, I kinda love it for the wrong reasons, but it just is a bit all over the place.

All the best,

e-mail Reply: 2 - 21
Posted: August 4th, 2018, 6:24pm Report to Moderator
January Project Group

Southern California
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Out of the shoot:

Quoted Text
ROB, 40, weathered builder with hard hat, dashes out the gate
and runs to his battered old car.

Weathered builder stuck me as an odd description.

There are format and some typos throughout.

For me, the story should end with the construction bulldozers building the world's best sandcastle.

AND - to beat a dead horse.

The weather drives none of the story or the characters. It's a day at the beach. One in the forest. Not DQ ing, but's a real stretch in my mind that this meets the challenge.

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Posted: August 4th, 2018, 6:29pm Report to Moderator
Old Timer

No sh*t, there I was....

Tucson, AZ
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This was a cute little story. I can see this more as an animation with thought clouds above their heads. There were some very klunky lines, for sure, but a revision would take care of that.

All in all, I liked it. A nice story and I felt for the father. Good work, writer.
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Posted: August 5th, 2018, 4:37am Report to Moderator
January Project Group

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Some typos and formatting issues but I liked it. It met the criteria for me and was a nice tale of an underdog coming out on top.

Nicely done writer.


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Site Private Message Reply: 5 - 21
Posted: August 6th, 2018, 6:59pm Report to Moderator
Of The Ancients

Down Under
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Met no criteria with the weather or non dialogue. Cute idea overall but not handled the best. The notion that no one would notice the rising tide is hard to swallow.

I like the concept of it - outside of the challenge requirements - but it needs a rewrite

Private Message Reply: 6 - 21
Posted: August 6th, 2018, 8:17pm Report to Moderator

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Lovely choice of a theme, wanting not to disappoint the kids.
Like others, I can't see heat as a factor here.
A couple disjointed things like Susie wiping the care door handle. Not followed up on.
Also, I think your montage and series of shots may be more effective with fewer items. I think viewers would get the point with fewer.
This needs polish, but it has heart. Keep going!
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ghost and_ghostie gal
Posted: August 7th, 2018, 12:35am Report to Moderator
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Long way from LA...
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I thought it had a sweet charm to it, despite some of the problems others have mentioned here.


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Posted: August 7th, 2018, 10:10pm Report to Moderator
Of The Ancients

Upstate NY
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Okay. I'm a little lost as to what I just read. If the kids are pointing to a sign off screen - which I think is what you had - then how do we know it's a sign? get what I'm saying? The ending didn't seem to make much sense, and what happened earlier, while cute, just didn't cut it for me. Nice try, though!


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Grandma Bear
Posted: August 8th, 2018, 11:28am Report to Moderator

The Swamp...
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This was kinda cute. It read a bit like a silent movie though with Dawn pointing at her watch and yelling silently. Nothing wrong with that if that was your intention. Imo, you don't need to have her point at the watch, we know what's going on anyway.

I also think that the story should end with the sandcastle. Playing indians with bow and arrows in the woods just can't top the giant sandcastle and being rescued by the coast guard.

Not much heat involved other than them being on the beach.

Lots of typos and such, but still a cute story.  

Private Message Reply: 10 - 21
Posted: August 8th, 2018, 1:39pm Report to Moderator
Old Timer

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perfect title, never heart those words before and for sure I wanna know what it means… logline is okay

page three has some nice visuals, then in the next part, I didn't find anything of what happens possible and question why Rob didn't notice the tide. Sure, it happens fast but still.... All in all, not bad. I like the well-minded expression. The sand castle, coast guard part, felt off and rather complicated to manage. A huge sand castle to impress his kids itself could be an interesting picture and even feels doable. In the end I'd say it's okay.

Private Message Reply: 11 - 21
Posted: August 8th, 2018, 3:24pm Report to Moderator

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One page in and I already know the no dialogue parameter is going to be an issue.

A lot of pointing, screaming, shouting and waving arms about doesn't cut if for me.

Quick read through to the end. Not sure what it had to do with the theme of the challenge.

Writing seemed okay but completely missed the mark for me.
Private Message Reply: 12 - 21
Posted: August 9th, 2018, 5:44am Report to Moderator
January Project Group

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>> Angry ex wife
I'm not sure about this one. How can the director tell the audience she is his ex?
>>Susie wipes the handle before getting in.
Nice touch. Too much said in one line. Well done.

That was a nice tale of a father trying to impress his kids. I think the flashback scene is misplaced. We should have known about the warning beforehand.
The father failed eventually but he gained his kids' respect and love a little. I wish you have made him fail miserably so we won't expect the kids' reaction at the end.

That was a good attempt.
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Private Message Reply: 13 - 21
Posted: August 9th, 2018, 10:52am Report to Moderator
Old Timer

Vancouver, BC
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Not bad, but you should have quit while you were ahead. This could have ended with the successfully built mega sand castle and it would have been a heart-warming story about a father making a real effort to do something nice for his kids.

Instead, it goes further to show that despite the best of intentions (yes, the title works) he's still a colossal screw up. So, since that seems to be his lot in life, the ending tells me someone is about to get murdered in a hapless archery activity, but at least he had good intentions. This is far darker than it pretends to be!

The no dialogue is a cheat here. You wouldn't film it this way. You could have made different choices with the action, with the camera, with timing and it would have worked.

Still, this has the potential to be a good story. More than some other entries. Nice job.

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