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  Author    Video Game Reviews  (currently 7645 views)
Posted: January 11th, 2008, 6:04pm Report to Moderator
Of The Ancients

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Erlanger, KY
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I've always wanted to start this type of thread, so i hope it doesn't get deleted(after, games use scripts as well).

My first review will go to my favorite game...

Resident Evil 4(GC,PS2,PC)

The Resident Evil series is the face of horror in the video game realm. The games have always had revolutionary graphics and innovative game mechanics. With Resident Evil 4, the series succesfully reinvents the survival horror genre.

In case you haven't heard yet, this entry ihas ditched what popularized it, the zombies. In their place are smarter, meaner, and much faster foes. Your enemies will flank, call for back up, and even use weapons against you. The slow-paced days of the Resident Evil are gone.

You play as Leon Kennedy(the male lead from RE 2)as he travels to a remote European village in search of the presidents missing daughter. Of course, the mysteriuos villagers want nothing more than to brutally kill you.  As the game plays out you discover that the village holds a deadly secret that threatens the entire planet and that the presidents daughter is key to their plan.

The graphics are great even by todays standards. Animations, lighting, and character models are top-notch. Textures and effects have a realistic glean that is rarely seen in video games(this genration of systems or last). The framerate is also superb, playing at all times with out a hitch.

The sound is great on a technical level. Guns sound powerfuly convincing and the musical score is of hollywood quality. The voice acting is also well done, but some of the dialogue is a little hammy.

Gameplay wise, the game plays similar to others in the series, except now the camera is behind you and you can actually aim! You can now interact with the inviroments in cool and innovative ways. Also, the cutscenes are made interactive through timed button presses that alter the way a scene plays out.

Overall, the game is fantastic. It's a horror buffs wettest dream. It comes so close to perfection that it's almost scary.

Graphics- 9.5
Sound- 9.5
Gameplay- 10.0
Overall- 9.5


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Posted: January 11th, 2008, 6:30pm Report to Moderator
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I don't think RE 4 revolutionized the survival Horror genre. It just switched from pure Horror to Action/Horror.

I liked it. The gameplay, the graphics, sound, etc. But it simply lacked the essence of the other games. I had only a slight sense of danger throughout, but nothing compared to REmake or RE2.

Sure, it's fast-paced with lots of gore. Little talk and lots of Action. But IMO the real Horror was nonexistant. The plot was cheesier than any other entry in the franchise, and even a five-year old could solve the puzzles the game presented you. In the other games, you actually had to think to advance through the story and "make it out alive". But in RE4, all is just shoot this, shoot that. And that's it.

It is a decent game. Good entertainment. But it could've been longer and harder and they should've worked on the Horror aspect of it more (although those Regenerator monsters were actually pretty creepy). 6/10

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Posted: January 11th, 2008, 7:14pm Report to Moderator
Of The Ancients

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Erlanger, KY
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RE 2(one of the best in the series) was never remade. The original was(and it was damn good). Part 2 was re-released for the GC, but it was the same game that was released years earlier on the PS1.


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Posted: January 11th, 2008, 9:49pm Report to Moderator
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No, no, no. You misunderstood. I was comparing RE4 to REmake and RE2 (I am aware 2 wasn't remade). RE4 has nothing on those two games, Horror-wise.
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Posted: January 11th, 2008, 10:25pm Report to Moderator

Canada, eh.
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RE4 is probably the best of the series when it comes to gameplay, but I agree that it is very tame when it came to the horror and scares.  I remember once when I was playing RE2 a few years ago and I was in the interigation room and while I was leaving, something jumped through the double-mirror and attacked me.  Needless to say, my character died because I was on the floor trying to recover from the heart attack I almost had.  I'll never forget that moment and I hope RE5 has some of those.

While we're on the topic, has anybody seen some of the stills for RE5?  They look amazing.  It looks like it's taking place in a fictional Somolia because the setting is being described as a desert region, similar to that of Black Hawk Down's.  Here's one I got from Wikipedia.

Please, read Elvis The Goat or Cold Turkey.  Thanks in advance and I'll make sure to review your script in exchange.
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Posted: January 11th, 2008, 10:29pm Report to Moderator
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It looks really cool. I wonder if they'll continue with the Illuminados storyline.
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Posted: January 11th, 2008, 10:48pm Report to Moderator

Canada, eh.
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Here's the trailer from E3:

I'm liking the change of settings but it looks like the game will be nearly impossible on higher difficulties.  I'd rather have less health and less zombies than an insane amount of health and a machine gun to mow down the insane "Dead Rising" amount of zombies.  I'll most likely just rent it and if I deem it worthy, shell out the 70$ for it.

Please, read Elvis The Goat or Cold Turkey.  Thanks in advance and I'll make sure to review your script in exchange.
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Private Message Reply: 6 - 94
Posted: February 5th, 2008, 10:53am Report to Moderator
Of The Ancients

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Erlanger, KY
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Call Of Duty 4(PS3,360)

I've never been a Call of Duty fan, they've always seemed like Medal of Honor rip-offs to me. The I played part 4...

The biggest change in this sequel is the setting. You are now fighting a fictional war in todays world. What makes things even better is how the story folds out. You are constantly switching back and forth through characters(some of them die in epic cut-scenes). By the end of the game, you really care about the soldiersaround you.

Graphics- The game is beautiful, and it runs as smooth as butter. Some would argue that it's the best looking game on the market, but I did notice that some of the shadows look a little blocky. That's no big deal though, considering how life like the rest of the game is.

Sound- Flawless. A soundtrack fit for Hollywood. Voice acting is among the best in the business. And constant clammer of war is simply breath taking. Grenades leave a high pitched in your ear. Shotguns boom with power. This part of the game couldn't be better.

Gameplay- The game plays almost perfectly. All of the buttons are well mapped and make controlling character incredibly easy. However, I would have liked a lean or cover button. The enemy A.I. is also topnotch(on the harder settings). There are times that I felt like I was actually fighting someone and not just shooting fish in a barrel.

Overall, if you like first person shooters, this game is the cream of the crop. It will constantly floor you with it's amazing detail. Call of Duty 4 was a canidate for best game of 2007, and for good reason.


Don't get it right. Get it written.

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Zack  -  February 5th, 2008, 4:49pm
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Posted: February 5th, 2008, 4:37pm Report to Moderator
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The bleak North East, England
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Hey Zack

Glad to see you back in this thread, I thought you'd given up on the reviews.  I ay this cos I was waiting to see what you were gonna review next, COD4 is one of the best games around.

As a single player game it's entertaining, if a little short but the diversity in the levels always keep it exciting.  It's the online though that stand this far and away above the rest.  There's no shortage of players online and the game rarely suffers any lag.  The novel ranking system and challenges gives the game longevity, unlocking new weapons and add ons.

Anywho good review Zack.

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Posted: February 5th, 2008, 4:48pm Report to Moderator
Of The Ancients

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Erlanger, KY
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Thanks alffy. I'm just glad that I'm not talking to myself. For my next review I'll be going old school...


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Posted: February 5th, 2008, 5:23pm Report to Moderator
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The bleak North East, England
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Cool Zack, I love old school games.  I've been a gamer since the 80's and the sinclair spectrum, dunno if you've heard of that.  Old games seem so much better but unfrotunately playing them now is a dissapointment and I strongly recommend sticking with the memories lol.  I'll look out for your reviews though.

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Posted: February 5th, 2008, 5:57pm Report to Moderator
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The bleak North East, England
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OK Zack here's my first retro review.

I think it was 1997 when a game called 'Thrill Kill' was scheduled for release on the PS1.  It was a four player beat em'up that was to be an adult game only, meaning it was extremely violent.  Again I think it was to released by Virgin but I could be wrong. I remember reading the previews and the buzz was amazing, everyone wanted this game and then they pulled the plug and it was canned.

The games itself was finished and by some wheeling and dealing I managed to get a copy.  The fact was that it wasn't that gory or brutal but what it was, was a great game that should have been released.  I really can't remember that many four player beat em'ups at the time, this one stuck in the mind.

Although not as sick as portrayed it was very twisted in its characters and setting.  Fighting in dungeons and asylums with murderers, doctors and the fact you were beating someone to death with human limbs says it all.  There was blood in the general atmosphere was dark but you can't beat an illegal, under the counter purchase to get the juices flowing.  Just knowing you were playing something they didn't want you to play...or didn't they, seems to me they leaked this out and I'm glad.

It is a great game.  Check out the video (bad quality though)

Check out my scripts...if you want to, no pressure.

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Death Monkey
Posted: February 6th, 2008, 1:35am Report to Moderator
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Viet-goddamn-nam is what happened to me!

The All Spin Zone
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Okay so since Alffy brought up old games, I thought I'd go with one of my favorite games ever. It's called Mad TV and is about running a TV station where you have to buy commercials, movies, create new shows from scripts you buy and choose your news, and have to get better ratings than your two rival stations. The cool part is that the movies are real movies, so you can buy Back to the Future, Kiss of the Spiderwoman or Apocalypse Now. But don't broadcast an R-rated movie before 9 a clock or you'll get a fine.

The game is from 1991 and has naturally aged considerably but the concept is just amazing if you're a movie buff like me. If they made a game like this today the possibillities would've been endless.

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Private Message Reply: 12 - 94
Soap Hands
Posted: February 6th, 2008, 10:26pm Report to Moderator

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Since we are on the subject of classics-- or I suppose old games is the more accurate term, I can't help but direct you to the king of old video game reviews. He's a bit of an acquired taste but he entertains me.  

Here's his review of Top Gun. Enjoy.

If you enjoyed that then you should also check out this.


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Soap Hands  -  February 6th, 2008, 10:41pm
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Posted: February 10th, 2008, 12:03am Report to Moderator
Of The Ancients

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Erlanger, KY
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Donkyey Kong Country

This was the first game I ever beat... so it holds a special place in my heart. I remember it being amazing. Great 2D graphics, catchy tunes, and easy controls. Well, having just beaten it again for the first time in over a decade, I'm glad to say it's still a great game!

Graphiclly the game is good... but not great. Everything runs smoothly and the characters are actually well animated. Each level feels unique and there a bunch of 'em(at least 40).

Sound wise, the game has shown it's age. The tunes are still catchy, but the quality is seriuosly lacking. Why does everything sound like it's in mono!?

Gameplay wise, the game is also very good. Although, it's kinda simple by todays standrads. Hell, three buttons go un-used! But hey, it works and it's fun.

I don't think the game has a story, you just jump on lizards and throw barrels. One thing that made me made was that every time you reset the game, all of you extra lives were erased. That really bummed me out. Also, some of the later levels were a little too hard considering how easy the game is at first.

Overall, this game is still a very good game. Some what aged, but still good. One of my favorites.

Graphics- 4/5
Sound- 2/5
Gameplay- 4/5
Overall- 4/5


Don't get it right. Get it written.
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