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Untitled by Brian Latimer (sweatshop) - Short, Thriller - Several late night phone calls. A voice that seems familiar and a dream that becomes reality. 10 pages - pdf, format
Hope you enjoy reading the script. It is my first attempt at writing so be nice. I am looking for any input and or suggestions and help with a title. Enjoi!
Even if you cant think of a really good one, just give it a title for the time being. People tend to gravitate away from untitled scripts.
Anyway, I read it for you, and I have a few tips. Apparently you are not supposed to use the cut-to's in these scripts, for it is against the format and distracts or something, perhaps someone else can tell you more.
The story was good, I think. Thats a cool dream to reality thing that worked out well. My only problem with your story is when he dropped his glass, I thought that was a bit much.
As for a possible title, perhaps: "Wake up Call", or something. That was the best I could come up with.
Confusing story. Not badly written excpet those many CUT TO: The transition between Andrew's apartment and the room where the woman is, is not very clear.
Am I the only one not getting what's happening at the end?
I dug what it was trying to do, but how it did it...
The formatting seemed off. When a character speaks, any (TO HIMSELF) style descriptions go beneath the character name, and above dialogue. There were a few occassions where the woman would speak, and then you'd have a space... but no text... and she'd resume speaking.
Just out of curiousity - what did you use to format it?
Like I said, the theory behind it's good. The ending too. But the formatting needs tightening up before people really resonate with it.
I have had alot of people ask me about the formatting. I used Final Draft to do the screenplay. It also the first thing I have ever written so the format will definitely be in question. Glad you liked the story. I have received some good constructive criticism on the short and hopefully the rewrite will be much better. Thanx for reading it.