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  Author    The Devil in D Minor  (currently 17381 views)
Breanne Mattson
Posted: February 15th, 2006, 2:44am Report to Moderator
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You asked about the torture. Every torture in the script was either real or deviated from a real torture. All of them took place during Medieval times and some of them took place for centuries prior. Some of them even took place for centuries afterward.

During Medieval times, torture was very common and many people became desensitized to it.

The spike-rape torture was a deviation from an actual torture called the Pyramid. The victim was suspended over a pyramid device and then lowered onto it. With this device, the point of the pyramid could penetrate the victim anally while the pyramid could support the victim’s weight just enough to elongate the torture. Yes, it was real.

The Pope’s Pear was a device that was inserted anally into men and either anally or vaginally into women. With the turn of a screw, spiked-tipped leaves would open up and shred the insides of its victims, causing them to bleed to death. The “crime” was usually fornication. Sometimes it was even put into people’s mouths for the sin of blasphemy.

The Break Wheel was also real.

Researching these tortures made me so sick that I literally almost threw up one night. But I am a firm believer that the horrid and despicable things that people have done to each other at various points in history must never be forgotten.

Private Message Reply: 30 - 108
Posted: February 15th, 2006, 4:23am Report to Moderator

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thank you for the explanation
upon reading those i am pretty sure i have a good, firm understanding of the story and how it unfolds in your script... however, i appreciated it nonetheless even though I didn't understand it the first time and it took your explanation, it's not often that a script makes you think and it's not often that i really am blown away by peoples work... I've read alot of good scripts on here from a lot of great writers (partly the reason i started myself) but this one takes the cake as the most original. I know this is your second draft but if you ever do any more rewrites good luck. And if you don't, good luck getting this into the hands of people that can do something as it's obvious you've spent alot of time writing this and it shows. Despite the fact that it's confusing it doesn't detract from the fact that you have created a vivid, well written story that most people can appreciate simply for it's unique and vibrant story and before me it seemed most people got something out of it,

My Scripts
'Trail Of Ashes' - (Drama/Horror)

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Private Message Reply: 31 - 108
Posted: February 24th, 2006, 4:59pm Report to Moderator

Washington State
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Hello Breanne, I just finished reading this script, and you really pulled it off with a creepy story and a bunch of odd characters. I loved it. You did a great job with the character's backround and who they were.

Your plot kept strong for the most part, but there is one thing that kind of made me pull away.


You described Yellow Eyes in the park where he changes into a dragon? I don't know, it just dragged me away from the script for some reason. I have no clue why.

I think your formatting was good as well as the dialogue between the characters. So I guess you could say that I loved this piece of work. Great job Breanne. Do you have any other scripts posted here on this site?


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Private Message Reply: 32 - 108
Posted: February 24th, 2006, 7:46pm Report to Moderator

Washington State
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Good job. I must say that again.

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Private Message Reply: 33 - 108
Breanne Mattson
Posted: February 24th, 2006, 11:24pm Report to Moderator
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Hey Jimbo,

Thanks for the read. Hmm. I don’t know why the dragon pulled you out and not any of the other psychedelic imagery. I may have failed to describe it properly. He was supposed to be “dragon-like.” A sort of cross between human and dragon. A weredragon -- haha.

Yes, I have other scripts posted. I have a couple of sci-fi scripts, “Kill the Person Next to You,” which is a satire on violence so it’s pretty graphic and violent and has really excessive bad language. It’s also a little longer than average but one of the better received.

Then there’s “Metatron,” which is a subtle allegory for spiritual ideas. Also, a little longer.

Then there’s a comedy, “Singles Camp,” (I feel silly even saying the title -- haha) which has done all right review wise though it hasn’t had a lot of viewings.

I’ve also got a couple of shorts, “Personal Demons” and one I forget the name of.

Again, thanks for the feedback. I really appreciate it.

Private Message Reply: 34 - 108
Posted: March 13th, 2006, 12:56pm Report to Moderator
Old Timer

Better to die with vodka than with tedium!

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Finally I read your script Brea. It was an amazing reading. I've just to say that the first 10 pages it was so boring to me, but after these first pages my interest increased.

Great lines of dialogues was well written. The scenes were very well written also.

Yellow Eyes could be a nice character to be in a type of sole role...He coul be the first druged heroe in the moviemaking story!

Congratulations for this amazing 99 pages of hallucination!
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Private Message Reply: 35 - 108
Breanne Mattson
Posted: March 13th, 2006, 8:55pm Report to Moderator
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Thanks Helio for the feedback.

I’m sorry the first ten pages bored you, though. If two bloody dead bodies, a comatose murderer, a teenager getting abused by his drunken father, etc., bore you, though, then I’m not sure what I could have done to gain your interest -- haha.

I’m very influenced by Stanley Kubrick’s style of direction. His movies have a lot of stuff that some people find boring but that I find riveting. I know the stuff I write is not for everyone. I didn’t become the failure I am today by writing stuff that everyone loves -- haha.

Thanks for reading.


Private Message Reply: 36 - 108
Posted: March 13th, 2006, 9:28pm Report to Moderator
Old Timer

Better to die with vodka than with tedium!

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My interest doesn't matter, kid (i am type of alterspace experiment) , but you are definitly a great storyteller!
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Private Message Reply: 37 - 108
Breanne Mattson
Posted: March 14th, 2006, 9:02am Report to Moderator
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Quoted from Helio
My interest doesn't matter, kid (i am type of alterspace experiment) , but you are definitly a great storyteller!

Ahhh, thanks Helio.

Your interest matters to me. I have a pathetic need for people to think I’m a good writer. And an even more pathetic need to actually be one.

Thanks for your kind words. I smile a lot when I read your posts.


P.S. You’re a type of alterspace experiment? Great! I’m a space child from another plane! We should cross paths sometime.

Private Message Reply: 38 - 108
Posted: March 14th, 2006, 10:30am Report to Moderator
Old Timer

Better to die with vodka than with tedium!

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Okay, okay, Shhhhh! There are lot of people here in this SS jealous about you, kid! They would kill me!
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Private Message Reply: 39 - 108
Breanne Mattson
Posted: March 16th, 2006, 9:04am Report to Moderator
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Quoted from Helio
Okay, okay, Shhhhh! There are lot of people here in this SS jealous about you, kid! They would kill me!

Hmm. The only thing I’m sure of is that I’m not exactly sure what this means…

Private Message Reply: 40 - 108
Posted: March 16th, 2006, 9:08am Report to Moderator
Old Timer

Better to die with vodka than with tedium!

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All time when you say something kindly and friendly to someone, quickly appear who be jealous about you. That's it!
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Private Message Reply: 41 - 108
Posted: March 16th, 2006, 3:20pm Report to Moderator

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I'm only 20 pages in but so far this is miles above anything else I've seen on this site. I will try and finish it in the next few days and get back to you with some comments.
John Newman
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Private Message Reply: 42 - 108
Breanne Mattson
Posted: March 16th, 2006, 10:56pm Report to Moderator
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Quoted from Helio
All time when you say something kindly and friendly to someone, quickly appear who be jealous about you. That's it!

Ahh, okay. I get it.

Private Message Reply: 43 - 108
Breanne Mattson
Posted: March 16th, 2006, 10:58pm Report to Moderator
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Quoted from newman
I'm only 20 pages in but so far this is miles above anything else I've seen on this site. I will try and finish it in the next few days and get back to you with some comments.
John Newman

Hi John,

Thank you for the response. And the kind words. I hope the rest of the script can meet that same standard for you.

Private Message Reply: 44 - 108
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