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Screenwriting Discussion
Forum Topics Posts Last Post
No New Posts Screenwriting Class
Need to know about formatting, structure, etc.?  Learn Industry Standard Here.
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Moderators: George Willson
1438 22177
July 15th, 2024, 9:53pm
No New Posts Simplyscripts Collaborative Effort (1 browsing)
Board for discussion and documentation of the "Simplyscripts Collaborative Effort"
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Moderators: Mr. Blonde
215 7930
June 27th, 2024, 3:31pm
No New Posts Review My Logline
Please place your log line in this thread if you would like it reviewed.

While you are reviewing log lines, quote the log line you are reviewing because multiple log lines will be posted.
Restricted Posting
Moderators: LC
94 1025
July 20th, 2024, 2:32pm
No New Posts Script Review Exchange
Looking for a review of your script that you've posted?  Offer to review someone else's script in exchange for them reading yours.  Please post the link to your script's discussion thread and indicate what genre you are interested in reviewing in exchange.
Restricted Posting
Moderators: the goose
51 262
June 14th, 2024, 12:50am
No New Posts My Work In Progress
Discuss what you are working on.  Post the first few pages of your script.  Share your treatment.
Restricted Posting
Moderators: bert
149 958
July 25th, 2024, 11:37am
No New Posts Contests - Screenwriting and Filmmaking
Announcements and Discussions about Screenplay and Screenwriting Contests - If you are posting about your contest, you must read this.
Restricted Posting
Moderators: Don
66 775
July 17th, 2024, 8:23am
No New Posts Writing Opportunities and Call for Scripts
This board is limited to postings about paid and unpaid writing opportunities and call for scripts.  This is not for contests. Please post contest information here
Restricted Posting
389 1538
June 24th, 2024, 11:41am
No New Posts The 2020 Writers' Tournament (1 browsing)
For the 2020 Writers' Tournament
Restricted Posting
Moderators: Mr. Blonde
88 3002
July 10th, 2024, 11:14am
No New Posts The 2019 Writers' Tournament (2 browsing)
For the 2019 Writers' Tournament
Restricted Posting
Moderators: Mr. Blonde
99 4389
By: LC
September 10th, 2023, 9:19pm
No New Posts The 2018 Writers' Tournament
Sean will tell me what to say here.
Restricted Posting
Moderators: Mr. Blonde
86 2945
May 24th, 2022, 5:49pm

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