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  Author    OWC - The Mystery of the Haunted Hay Wagon  (currently 2817 views)
Posted: October 18th, 2009, 11:43am Report to Moderator

So, what are you writing?

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The Mystery of the Haunted Hay Wagon by ???? - Short, Family Horror - A teenage girl and a security guard unravel a mystery that even the guys at the post office would not believe. - pdf, format

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Posted: October 18th, 2009, 6:18pm Report to Moderator
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This is OK, nothing too thrilling though, sorry to say.

Good news is that you did meet the challenge, although the horror was minor, at best.

I think the biggest problem here is that nothing seems very realistic, including dialogue.  You obviously ran out of pages and most likely went back and edited things out, which gave a bunch of scenes an unfinished, or missing feel.

The flashback just went way too long.  The "mystery" wasn't a mystery at all, based on the detailed retelling by Mrs. Hearst.  Savannah's "help" comes way too fast adn out of nowhere.  What should have been the big scene here, lasted a total of 1/2 page, and that includes her agreement to doing it.  I actually ahd to read it a 2nd time to see if I misse something.

So, good effort, but it seems like you ran out of time and space, and the script reads rather weak because of this.
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Rusty Pipes
Posted: October 18th, 2009, 8:10pm Report to Moderator

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Applause and extra credit for putting a romance twist in a horror script.  Nice job meeting the challenge!

I did struggle with the flashback.  it seemed like a more complex plot than your plot, leaving me a little disappointed when I came back to present time.

Maybe you have two interesting stories here...?  
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Posted: October 18th, 2009, 8:53pm Report to Moderator

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From all the scripts I've read so far, I think this one met the challenge the best.  The writing was good, I liked the characters and felt the outcome was satisfying.  I have to agree, though, that Savannah offering to help out did come out of nowhere and the flashback was a bit on the bulky side.  Overall I thought it was a great effort.
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Posted: October 18th, 2009, 8:59pm Report to Moderator

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It was not bad.
I liked the flashback, although you could have started with that story and then flashed forward to current time.
The mystery wasn’t really there and the climax was, anti-climactic.
Savannah just appearing and saving the day felt very deux ex machina. I actually agree with the protagonist, it would have been better if she would have kissed Patrick.

All in all it was a decent read, though.

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Posted: October 18th, 2009, 9:13pm Report to Moderator
Of The Ancients

Down Under
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Hmmm, a mixed bag for me...
The first few pages were getting tedious; though written ok, the action was draggy and going nowhere.
It perked up with the re-telling of Patrick's story and I thought the flashback scenes were done well.
The ending was sort of convenient and it kind of fizzled.
Good effort though, and kept with the Halloween Festival theme.

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Posted: October 19th, 2009, 10:24am Report to Moderator
Been Around

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This was more of a romantic ghost tale than a horror tale. The VO flashback was okay but it was the answer to the mystery rather than a clue.

Everything happened too easily. The teacher knowing so much about the events, Savannah's kiss (BTW, the audience would love to see Lauren and Patrick kiss).

The doll at the end was a nice touch but we never got the feeling that Lauern missed her mom.

Good effort but could be improved.

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Coding Herman
Posted: October 19th, 2009, 9:04pm Report to Moderator

Toronto, Canada
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I'm sorry to say the story is quite dull. It didn't get me involved, especially for the first 6 pages where Lauren and Otis just wander around the fair without any direction. I need to know why they are going there, doing this, etc.

Mrs. Hearst's story is not that interesting either. I know what's going to happen with her story from her first dialogue. But I do like the twist that Mrs. Hearst is the granddaughter of Nellie.

I would trim down the Lauren/Otis scene and add more suspense/horror to it. As of now, it's a romantic drama with a ghost thrown in. The ghost is not scary either.

It's a good effort, but I just have mixed feeling for this.


- Sci-Fi, Action, Thriller (114 pages) - In a world where memories can be erased by request, a Memory Erasing Specialist desperately searches for the culprit when his wife becomes a target for erasure -- with his former colleagues hot on his trail.
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Posted: October 20th, 2009, 5:37am Report to Moderator
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Barberton, OH
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I liked this a lot.  You crammed a lot into this tiny space, and yet it didn't seemed crowded.  A very well told tale and I liked the resolution - both of them.  Good characters, good story, good dialog.

Probably my favorite so far!

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Private Message Reply: 8 - 17
Posted: October 20th, 2009, 12:35pm Report to Moderator
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This wasn't too bad - a romantic ghost story, rather than a horror story, but that's fine. It reminded me a bit of a sort of Nancy Drew type thing - plucky girl investigator and all.

I think it was let down by the flashback - well, not that so much as the fact that the teacher tells them the story (in VO - shudder), and so they don't have to investigate it - and Otis plays no real part after the initial scenes.

It really needs for Lauren to find out the story for herself, not be told it like this.

The ending was quite nice though, if perhaps a bit underdeveloped.
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Zombie Sean
Posted: October 20th, 2009, 5:03pm Report to Moderator
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I liked the flashback, unlike many others who have read this script. I thought it went through smoothly and the voice overs worked well. Except, maybe instead of showing the bull kill Pat, just have the bull run straight at him, and then cut to present time, and that's when the teacher says that he was killed by the bull (that way, it works better, and we aren't told twice that Patrick was killed by the bull).

I thought that the story was good, and it was cute how you added a romance theme to it. The dialogue was fine in my opinion, but the whole scene where Savannah comes in did run short a bit, and it wasn't as climactic as it really should have been (though, if this were filmed, I am sure that the scene would last a lot longer with slow-motion and different angles and whatnot).

Overall, pretty good attempt. You filled in the 12 pages nicely.


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Posted: October 22nd, 2009, 6:56pm Report to Moderator
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I really liked the idea here and I think you totally met the challenge criteria.

Cool vibe set up at the festival.  I think the dialog sort of killed the momentum though.  It just felt unnatural.  And the flashback was also a bit slow.  Not sure we needed that much detail.  Just be careful not to overwrite or a good idea like this one can get buried and stall out.  Just tell us what we absolutely need to know to keep the story moving.
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Posted: October 23rd, 2009, 12:10am Report to Moderator

Some things are better left to the imagination!

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What female doesn't like a love story...I kept thinking the hay wagon would catch on fire from the fireworks and both kids would be lost...and so each halloween they came back to relive their one kiss.

I don't buy that Savannah the snob would kiss a ghost...but oh well...stranger things happen when it comes to love...

I did like the doll ending...a nice little message for the heart

Good job.  

I love words and the fact that when the page is blank...there's nothing there until words are formulated in my brain. Those thoughts...rushing through my viens and out my finger tips, find "life" on the page.  

When people and places come to life...that to me is exciting.

MBCgirl =)
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Site Private Message Windows Live Messenger Reply: 12 - 17
Posted: October 26th, 2009, 10:05am Report to Moderator
January Project Group

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I really liked your story.

I loved the "it's all about her again" theme; the ghost story was rather interesting; the way you connected both stories - Loren's and Patrick's - made great sense.

Seems rushed for some of the typos though - check the last sentence please (not the only instance) - might want to edit. The dialogue, especially on the first five pages felt a little expositional.

But overal, very good for me.
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Private Message Reply: 13 - 17
Posted: October 27th, 2009, 9:34pm Report to Moderator
Been Around

Florida, USA
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Having outed...

Tough challenge. Didn't have anything until Wednesday, then decided to try to do something. Couple of points that I tried to hit.

The first is the matter of prejudice- not in a racial sense, but the idea of judging someone as this or that when you don't really know anything about them personally. Lauren had this picture of Savannah that she was snobby, stuck up and wouldn't do anything to help anyone, which, was not correct.

The second thrust of the story was Lauren's character. She was, literally, alone in the world. Her aunt (gaurdian) is an alcholic, her mom passed away, her best bud is unreliable, her dad is in jail. Tough circumstances for a kid, and had been for a long time. (The picking up the doll is significant, cause it was meant to reflect the kind of childhood she never had.) In the ending, where her mom sends the doll, just reassures her that, though she may not be here physically, she is still with her in a spiritual way and is watching out for her.

That flashback. Yeah, I know. I was way out of time and pages, and needed to wrap up the story. If I were to extend this, the main bulk of the second act would be piecing together these clues, talking to some of the old folks (which I didn't want to do, just having used seniors in the last challenge) and ultimately solving the mystery that Patrick was trying to communciate. Had to resort to the V.O....

Voices and dialogue; agree as well. A bit chatty. Both characters would take some time warming up to a stranger, so in that respect, it was forced.

The ending with Savannah and Patrick; It had to be Savannah to fulfill Patrick's destiny with Mabel. Like life, in unlife sometimes things just don't work out...which is why her mom decided to step in with Patrick to cheer her up...(note the two orbs in the craft barn)...

Thanks very much for the input and feedback.

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